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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Ok in all your templates, well most if them you need to add at the top <div class="mcright"> That will center the content on the right hand side, in the loop of the pilots list you need to close the div, off the top of my head i cant remember with out looking, there are some sneaky ones to find as well, i spent many a night banging my head against a brick wall
  2. You need to align your content using a div to mcright and add some more closing divs to sort our the footer:)
  3. Hi it would be nice for the pilots to be able to choose a time based on the event time, but if its too late then no worries.
  4. Yes Mark you are correct, depicted is the Nett Profit, if you look at the differences between the total revenue and the other costs it would be difficult to visually map on the graph because of the massive difference in the scale, maybe just a simple change of text from Total Revenue to Nett Profit would do the trick
  5. Schedule search is much more detailed, very good Just looked at the pireps, Love it much clearer and structured. Great revamp Nabeel.
  6. Nabeel, Is this normal on the optimize tables, i have a few showing this, EasyTestingVA.phpvms_schedules - Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead I have this on a few tables.
  7. Sounds like a lot of good changes, ill have a go and see
  8. SimPilot, are your going to put this back up for download?
  9. That is looking good You are the man
  10. Its a bit like BAV used ti have years ago, assigned flights
  11. Forget the above, all OK, i forgot i was messing about the the fleet and forgot to reimport that table in to the database Nice addition Jeff, Thank you.
  12. Jeff, I get the following error, Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/www/grantsva.com/public_html/TestVA/core/modules/RandomFlights/RandomFlights.php on line 30 30 is in the loop, $flights = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params); foreach ($flights as $row) { $r = rand(0, count($flights)); $airline = OperationsData::getAirlineByCode($flights[$r]->code); if($airline->enabled == 0) continue; if ($flights[$r]->aircraftlevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) { continue; } One thing i have done differently is the tpl files were placed in to the skins folder, would this make a difference, i will give it a go in the core templates as well?
  13. STAR!!!!!! Just going to put it on my dev site for some testing and ill let you know how it goes
  14. Nabeel, Its kACARS, but its happened with XACARS as well.
  15. Like assigned flights if you like?
  16. Nabeel is there a way we can filter out duplicate entries for the same flight, for some reason i have a few flights that have duplicate rows, this happens at random intervals and there is no reason or pattern.
  17. Add a bug in the tracker, maybe Nabeel can change where it looks for it, after i update i have a backup so i just replace files that i need to, the list is getting longer and longer lol......
  18. Hi Nabeel, the filed ones come off the system when the bid is pulled down with kACARS, Would that function remove all bids regardless after the defined time?
  19. What do you want kACARS for anyway?
  20. Sure here you go. That will be £10 Of course only jocking :lol: <table width="700px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <?php echo '<td width="250px" valign="top">'; echo '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">'; echo '<th width="150px"><div align="left">Country Location</div></th>'; echo '<th width="100px"><div align="center">Pilots</div></th>'; $country_info = DB::get_results('SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots GROUP BY location'); foreach($country_info as $country) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align= "left">'; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($country->location).'" /> '; echo Countries::getCountryName($country->location); echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="center">'; echo ' ('.$country->total.')'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?> You may need to mess about with the style and table but the function is there.
  21. Dan, join my VA You can download from there but what use would that be? You can also go to Jeff's site and downloads from there, http://www.fs-products.net/
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