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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Dont hold your breath, the last release was Jan 2009....
  2. install/checkinstall.php and for the db its install/checkdb.php
  3. Reply...... So just time i suppose
  4. Just re download the version you have installed and copy over the install folder to run the checks. Once your finished you can delete it again.
  5. OK so here it is, http://www.xacars.net/index.php?contact Use the contact form above to contact the author of xacars to request the landing rate in the pirep sent data, come on people
  6. If xacars would report a landing rate that would be perfect, i suppose you cant have it all lol Or if someone could mod fsacars to send heading updates. One day maybe.....
  7. I was thinking more of a solution for my va Yeh i have looked at FS Flightkeeper
  8. Man i would pay good money for a decent acars system we could use for phpvms!!!
  9. Hi guys, im still having trouble in getting the map icons to correspond the the fsacars heading, i cant seem to find a setting for it but its still not working. Any ideas where this is?
  10. Well this is what we have all been crying out for a decent fully compatible acars logging system B)
  11. What box are you on, linux or windows? Do you use phpmyadmin? Next thing is to create a test php connect file to see if you can connect, it will spit out errors if there are some. There are well over 1000 installs of phpvms so its defiantly not a problem there.
  12. Your a star! Cheers....
  13. Is there any further progress on this one?
  14. Ok ill have a trawl, Thanks.
  15. Sorry to jump on this one but is there any way to prevent a pilot from logging in that is inactive or retired?
  16. I would rule out file corruption by uploading the files again, then run the file check utility in the install folder.
  17. Nice 1 Just added to mine.
  18. Nabeel, Is it possible to integrate this in to phpvms? http://www.satavirtual.org/fsacars/index.html What a d***!!! forget that lol i got all excited then realized its what we have now lol.....
  19. Hi Dave, Yes this would work with that but its not created yet and i dont have have the coding know how to do that lol.....
  20. This is a bit like assigned flights? That would be a great idea, a pilot could select from his profile to opt in to assigned or rostered flights, they could define how many flights they wanted in lets say a month, the duration or distance between each hop, so you start at A then how many flights do they want? for example lets say 5 in a month. The system would then create hops from his last destination or home base from A to B then C etc then finally back to A. Now that would be good if some one could get that working
  21. I have just added some extra stuff like aircraft in fleet and total pax, all that is working OK, one thing i did notice was the uppercase letters,I have this, Total Flights Today: <?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?><br /> but in the stats data class its defines as StatsData::TotalFlightsToday(); So i have changed it to that but still no error or output, maybe it will update when another pirep is accepted.....
  22. My Total hours flown is OK, its just my flights today, maybe ill have a poke in the db see whats going on.
  23. Anybody any ideas on this one? I have no error output what so ever, does any one else have the Total Flights Today working on their site? Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Done.
  25. Just to add to this, i have looked at a few of these now and it inly seems to do it when the values are the same like 1 and 1 or 2and 2, if for example you have 1 and 2 the scaling is OK.
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