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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. What you can do is what i have done on my dev site, go in to phpmyadmin and select the pilots table then operations, and defrag and optimize it, that will reduce the number again but you can seriously screw things up if you do this at the wrong time. SO i wouldn't attempt on a live site.
  2. Hi guys, I am just doing some tidying up and im trying to add some custom css to the pilots public profile, on that page it lists the pilots pireps, there is no code for this in the pilot_public_profile.tpl, where does this info come from?
  3. A quick way of editing is export to csf then highlight the column and ctrl+f what you want to find and just replace with nothing. The only thing to watch is that none of your airports have what your searching for or that will be replaced with nothing.
  4. Thought we were on to something then , the core_htmlhead.tpl is stock.
  5. Ah yes thats a good point my header.tpl is heavily modified and in my skins folder, ill check the differences.
  6. OK on my dev site i have just gone back to the default skin to eliminate any thing i have done and i still get the following error for viewing the pireps map,
  7. Thats what you usually get when a wrong username or password is used to access the database. How many transactions are you doing, that can sometimes be the cause because the server is over worked with requests it just cant authenticate.
  8. These are the errors im getting with IE on the Live map, And these when viewing a pirep map, URI: http://maps.gstatic.com/intl/en_gb/mapfiles/api-3/30/main.js
  9. Is any body else totally Fu%$ed off with IE, the way it renders stuff is nothing like FF or Chrome. Just thought id have a rant because i have spent all morning tinkering with my css to get it to look right in all 3 browsers.... God damn Microsoft! Back to business now
  10. OK i have found it but an i ok to change it, i dont want to go screwing up the registration, errors are displayed as <p class"error">, the setting that works is <div id="error">. Ill give it a go see what happens
  11. Nabeel, Is there any way of making error messages red and bold, for example when a user registers if for example they fail the human test this text gets lost on the page and its difficult to distinguish, if i can change a setting in the css to make these messages red and bold that would be excellent. Would you happen to know what the style or class is?
  12. Nabeel, In 878 i have found the draw line on map for schedules or pireps for the routes no longer displays in IE, works OK in FF and Chrome though.
  13. How strange, this is what i get. System/Localtime My server is set to GMT because i set it, but there is no output above, i think i have locked quite a bit down via apache config and the php.ini...
  14. Sure no problem, im just about to copy and paste on my windows box to see if i can duplicate it on there with my settings. Its only come about since the last update just before this one.
  15. Wow, that sql import kills the server lol, good job i didnt hold my breath :lol: All ok though, Still get that error above that Keith is reporting Cant seem to get rid of it, i have even tried using my smtp server, still the same.
  16. Just remove that line in the common/LandingstatsData.class.php, problem goes away, well for me anyhow.
  17. ah yes i am, so do i just remove that module and call for the stats the normal way? <?php echo StatsData::landingstats(); ?>
  18. its crazy, they have just released a new version....... more teting
  19. I have just done a bit of testing and on my test site i dont get the error, the only difference i can see is i still have the old column in the pireps field landing_rate, maybe this is it.
  20. MD5 does work, im currently using that method now.
  21. Hi, i have just noticed the following error when filing a manual pirep, Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/www/easyjetva.com/public_html/core/common/LandingstatsData.class.php on line 23 I take its because there is no value going into that field, what would be the best option to fix this, im thinking allow null in the database? Or is there something else that would do it.
  22. Still looking for testers? Im on holiday this week so i may have a look at creating an acars program.
  23. I had this working for phpbb, but the only addition that was needed was inclusion in a group, you can use the functions but you have to define these before hand ie, <?php define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb_root_path = 'pathtoroot/'; $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.php'); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.php'); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_register.php'); $password='pword'; $username='uname'; $username_clean=strtolower($username); $user_email='email@email.net'; $sql_ary = array( 'username' => $username, 'username_clean' => $username_clean, 'user_password' => phpbb_hash($password), 'user_pass_convert' => 0, 'user_email' => $user_email, 'user_email_hash' => crc32(strtolower($user_email)) . strlen($user_email), 'group_id' => 2, 'user_type' => 0, ); user_add($sql_ary); ?> I kept getting a template error but never managed to find the time to sort it out. Clearly you would add in the variables from the defined vms data not whats above.
  24. Spot on! The thing is i have worked for a va that enforce an active roster of inactivity, it keeps the va fresh and lets face it if a pilot cant fly one every 2 months then maybe they shouldn't be a member. If they want to come back then its reasonable to email, Thats my 2 p's worth
  25. Check there site mate, latest release 10th Jan 2009 V2.5 If your like me your willing them on to release, it would be so much better than fsacars.
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