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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. thank you very much!
  2. Hello, I would like to show the hub the pilot is in the the profile_main and the public_profile... could i have the code please. I did a search and i had saw it here but cant find it. thanks Daniel
  3. yep defiantly thank you, if you would like any thing feel free to ask and i will give you it
  4. ahh thanks alot Mark and Keith
  5. Also here i have included Some Previews of the inside stuff which you can't see.
  6. Hello Everyone, Ok, You have probably seen me post thousands of times in the forums and I have Received loads of Support here. But now I am Finally Pleased with my website enough to show it off Here it is! http://pashairvirtual.co.uk Feel free to join and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me via PM, email or you can post a reply to this thread. Please Tell me what you think. Regards, Daniel Pash Air Virtual http://pashairvirtual.co.uk daniel@pashairvirtual.co.uk
  7. I tried doing a search with signature but no luck. Could i possibly have the code so i can show the signature in the pilot center. not a link to see it. thanks Daniel
  8. ok thanks mark
  9. Ok i chnages someone's pilot id to 029 and then i wanted them in order. so i changed everyone's pilot id in order so now they go to 013. When someone registered there pilot id was 30. I know i probally have to do something in the database but what? where? thank you in advance. http://pashairvirtual.co.uk
  10. yeah my bad i was kinda rushing it
  11. ahh ok thanks mark
  12. Daniel

    Updating Phpvms

    ok thanks
  13. Ok, I am thinking of updating the software but i wonder if someone could help me out. When i replace all of the core etc what will i have to fix in the template? I am using Obsess Blue. I have edited some of the files in the core will i loose them? And what about the local.config file will that be the same so like Auto retire etc. Thank you Very Much Daniel
  14. could i possible have some help code so it only shows Vataware Data link not their Vatsim id then the link to vataware data.
  15. ok, Just for anyone else that would like to do it what you have to do is this /* regular */ a:link{color:#6c6c6c;} a:visited{color:#6c6c6c;} a:hover{color:#0B610B;} a:active{color:#0B610B;} body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; Put it under the /* regular */ bit. Thanks everyone Daniel
  16. ok, ill try it out now
  17. are you talking about links? i Put this at the top of the Pilot_list.tpl <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> and the links are still Blue
  18. umm so like i would have to go to the news module then at the stylsheet thingy at the top?
  19. i have put it at the bottom of the style sheet and it is not working
  20. ok thanks
  21. which part of the css do i put that? and plus what about the Pilot Roster
  22. mine is not working for some reason? Any ideas? thanks http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/TouchdownStats/top_landings/20 any then look at this Pirep http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/pireps/viewreport/27 It has been accepted and i don't know why it is not appearing? thank you very much in advance Daniel
  23. what part of the css do I edit so that the links are green not blue. Also hi would like to know how you get the table on your pilot roster like airhaul Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Daniel www.pashairvirtual.co.uk
  24. using FSAcars does not show the direction of the flight. If you want it to show the direction of the flight i would use Kacars. I am not sure about any other Systems
  25. what part of the css do I edit so that the links are the colors i want. as at the moment they are always blue. Also how did you get the table on your pilot roster. How could i have that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Daniel www.pashairvirtual.co.uk
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