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  1. Hi all, I have just changed all my country flags but for some reason they are not showing up, they are showing up as all the old ones. I have cached my browser, and in the admin center I have gone to maintenance and cached it and its still not working, Does anybody know how to fix it? Thanks, Matthew
  2. How much would your skin cost?
  3. It is below the footer see for yourself: http://skyserviceva.com/index.php/Exams
  4. I know right
  5. MAT


    It looks likes West Jet virtual's skin
  6. looks like your site has been hacked: Latest Bans: Aaron Readle - Owner of the humbersideva@hotmail.co.uk and was being an idiot.
  7. This is a GREAT Addon! 1+ Kudo
  8. Ok Thanks
  9. It is really annoying and i think it happened when i removed the black and blue box's from there in dream weaver cs5 here is the link : http://skyserviceva.0sites.net/index.php/pilots
  10. Oh how I hate spammer's and hacker's, Check your "Latest Visitors" in cPanel and it will say there IP's, or when you catch there i.p address search it up where they live using http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp and you can find where they live. Hope it all works, Matthew
  11. OMG! It looks beautiful on my site http://www.skyserviceva.co.cc Thanks!
  12. Cool how did you modify the navigation and the background
  13. it does not work
  14. MAT


    Thanks, this helped me out massive !
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