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Everything posted by James142

  1. You have got a javascript error somewhere on your page. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7431-no-route-passed-solved/page__hl__%2Broute+%2Bpassed__fromsearch__1 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6976-flight-schedule-bid-error/page__hl__%2Broute+%2Bpassed__fromsearch__1 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6891-bidding-issue/page__hl__%2Broute+%2Bpassed__fromsearch__1 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6699-no-route-passed-new-tamplete/page__hl__%2Broute+%2Bpassed__fromsearch__1 Kindest Regards, James
  2. I know haha found it quite funny
  3. http://www.ryrvirtual.com/about/news/19/RYRvirtual-announces-merger-with-BAV
  4. Anyone know what happened to http://www.ryrvirtual.com/ ? It looked like a great VA and now it seems like there is no one running it. Searched online - found nothing. James
  5. I like it Can I ask what's under the "black box" tab? It looks intresting..
  6. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/msgencrypter.htm
  7. I thought this law came into effect in 2012, not 2011. I gotta start reading things more carefully Also, if you are using phpVMS and you decide to use Google Analytics, are you required to ask for permission by the user or does it bypass the rule as you are using phpVMS?
  8. http://silktide.com/cookielaw This is easier:
  9. I completly forgot about DXTbmp I was also saving it as a 16bit file Its being a while since I have done this so it looks like I have forgotten alot of stuff. Thanks to everyone who posted, you helped alot James
  10. Got the Ryanair texture on its engines
  11. So I spent a few hours designing a website for a new project I'm thinking of starting. This morning I started with the repaint but after a couple of hours, the design I thought looked great in photoshop: Turned out to be rubbish in FSX: Would anyone have any ideas/tips on how I can make the repaint more realistic? Thanks :-) James
  12. It clearly says <!-- Linkback required by license --> in that peice of coding there, to me that doesn't look like you can remove the code..?
  13. Haha I good few months I'd say I might look into that, sounds fun Thanks guys! I'm glad to be back
  14. Hello everyone Hopefully a few of you will remember who I am. I'm James and I disappeared from these forums a few months back just before releasing Fs-Magazine.com with another member. Anyway's I'm glad to see that phpVMS is still going strong and I love the new forum layout! I am thinking of creating a brand new project over the coming months and I wanted it to be a free service that could be provided to Virtual Airlines using phpVMS. For those of you who may have remembered Fs-Magazine launching, you would probably already know that it was far off from a success and is now in the process of being shut down by the original creator I believe. After a few hours of thinking, I still came up with nothing so I am asking the users of phpVMS to perhaps give me any ideas for which they would like to be provided for their Virtual for free. I would preferr if this service had nothing to do with template designing or flight sim magazines as they are very time consuming. I have gained quite a lot of PHP and other website coding language so there will be a far less number of bugs and glitches with the website created. Any ideas would be much appreciated Kindest Regards, James. Also, if anyone would like to fill me in with what I might have missed during my absence via PM, I'd be delighted
  15. This is why I hate these forums now. Someone comes on and advertises their virtual here ad all they get is bad comments.. So what if its bad? Im sure he spent hours trying to create the website and he doesn't need all these bad comments posted. You couldn't be bothered to wish him luck with the va..? I mean everyone has to start somewhere and just because their work is as good as yours, doesn't mean you have to criticise everyone elses work! How would you like it if this is how people talked to you when you first started learning how to design webpages? Its not very positive is it? Sure you may not like the work but instead of saying its not good, you could explain why you don't like it and offer advice on where he could improve the design! I think its a very good design! Much better than what i could have done a few years ago.. nice work tgycgijoes! I'm out..
  16. Depending on the actual page, I really don't care if a website has a splash page or not... it only takes an extra few seconds to click on the continue button
  17. From looking at the image above, it looks to me like you have an extra </div> tag somewhere in your file..
  18. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4431-solved-ivao-in-the-pilot-roster/page__p__35748__hl__vatsim__fromsearch__1#entry35748 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4098-vatsim-codingagain/page__p__29162__hl__vatsim__fromsearch__1#entry29162 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4426-personalized-roster/page__p__29399__hl__vatsim__fromsearch__1#entry29399http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6156-display-vatsim-id-in-pilot-rostersolved/page__p__41409__hl__vatsim__fromsearch__1#entry41409
  19. Why didn't you google it instead of asking for it here then? You can't expect someone to give you an answer to your questions and then telling someone else to Google their question...
  20. I dont see why you would want to change your acars from 10 seconds to 0.10.. but you can do it in your local.config file. Look for Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); (as it says 720 = 12 hours so change it to whatever you need) In sure if you searched this in the forums, you would have found plenty of results to your question.
  21. That virtual looks active to me..
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