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Everything posted by Simon

  1. This is the error : Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/vhosts/volovirtuale.com/httpdocs/vvair/core/cache/phpvms_users_online.cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/vhosts/volovirtuale.com/httpdocs/vvair/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php on line 210 What should i do?
  2. Thanks Parkho for your efforts. @ Joeri, latest version, i have the google api key in the local.config, had it there for 2 years.
  3. give me your mail i will send you the zip of my temp so you will see...
  4. only in main /lib/skins/vvair folder
  5. you mean this? class ACARS extends CodonModule { public $title = 'ACARS'; public $acarsflights; public function index() { $this->viewmap(); } public function viewmap() { $this->title = 'ACARS Map'; $this->set('acarsdata', ACARSData::GetACARSData()); $this->render('acarsmap.tpl');
  6. custom made, but my friend who did it has disappeared
  7. Please explain. my app.config and local.config should be correct because routemap and liveacars work in 4 different templates out of 5. The acarsmap.tpl in /core/template is identical to the one in /lib/skins/vvair template. Please check my http://vvair.volovirtuale.com I've put default template and everything works fine.
  8. No, didn't know such a program. This is what it sais : routemap google.maps.MapTypeId is undefined mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP and on livemap google.maps.MapTypeId is undefined [interrompi per questo errore] mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, acars (riga 53) google.maps.MapTypeId is undefined [interrompi per questo errore] mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
  9. lol i have something like 20 .tpl files done by the guy that did the template 2 years ago..
  10. i did not say that I said that in some files in my template i'm pretty sure i had my access data but it do not remember wich ones
  11. i may also but don't remember in wich files there are data regarding my user password and db access.. i wouldn't like to send it around Any ideas?
  12. No, you need to clear the cache, that one is the pro-tempore acars map we use until i solve the problem of phpvms official live map. Now i've put the default acarsmap.tpl in my skin and as you can see it's empty. I've got 5 templates and all work except mine lol
  13. Copy and paste these codes to your acarsmap.tpl (Make a back up first) meaning replacing with what you have in there and then upload acarsmap.tpl into your skin folder I repeat SKIN FOLDER and see if it's fixed. Done, still blank page.
  14. this is what i have now as acarsmap.tpl in my /lib/skins/vvair and it's exactly the same code written on the 30/04/2010 from Nabeel on last release. <?php /** * These are some options for the ACARS map, you can change here * * By default, the zoom level and center are ignored, and the map * will try to fit the all the flights in. If you want to manually set * the zoom level and center, set "autozoom" to false. * * You can use these MapTypeId's: * http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/v3/reference.html#MapTypeId * * Change the "TERRAIN" to the "Constant" listed there - they are case-sensitive * * Also, how to style the acars pilot list table. You can use these style selectors: * * table.acarsmap { } * table.acarsmap thead { } * table.acarsmap tbody { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.even { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.odd { } */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php /* These are the settings for the Google map. You can see the Google API reference if you want to add more options. There's two options I've added: autozoom: This will automatically center in on/zoom so all your current flights are visible. If false, then the zoom and center you specify will be used instead refreshTime: Time, in seconds * 1000 to refresh the map. The default is 10000 (10 seconds) */ ?> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> <div class="mapcenter" align="center"> <div id="acarsmap" style="width:<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>; height: <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"></div> </div> <?php /* See below for details and columns you can use in this table */ ?> <table border = "0" width="100%" class="acarsmap"> <thead> <tr> <td><b>Pilot</b></td> <td><b>Flight Number</b></td> <td><b>Departure</b></td> <td><b>Arrival</b></td> <td><b>Status</b></td> <td><b>Altitude</b></td> <td><b>Speed</b></td> <td><b>Distance/Time Remain</b></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="pilotlist"></tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?>"></script> <?php /* This is the template which is used in the table above, for each row. Be careful modifying it. You can simply add/remove columns, combine columns too. Keep each "section" (<%=...%>) intact Variables you can use (what they are is pretty obvious) Variable: Notes: <%=flight.pilotid%> <%=flight.firstname%> <%=flight.lastname%> <%=flight.pilotname%> First and last combined <%=flight.flightnum%> <%=flight.depapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.depicao%> <%=flight.arrapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.arricao%> <%=flight.phasedetail%> <%=flight.heading%> <%=flight.alt%> <%=flight.gs%> <%=flight.disremaining%> <%=flight.timeremaning%> <%=flight.aircraft%> Gives the registration <%=flight.aircraftname%> Gives the full name <%=flight.client%> FSACARS/Xacars/FSFK, etc <%=flight.trclass%> "even" or "odd" You can also use logic in the templating, if you so choose: http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/ */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_row"> <tr class="<%=flight.trclass%>"> <td><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view');?>/<%=flight.pilotid%>"><%=flight.pilotid%> - <%=flight.pilotname%></a></td> <td><%=flight.flightnum%></td> <td><%=flight.depicao%></td> <td><%=flight.arricao%></td> <td><%=flight.phasedetail%></td> <td><%=flight.alt%></td> <td><%=flight.gs%></td> <td><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?> / <%=flight.timeremaining%></td> </tr> </script> <?php /* This is the template for the little map bubble which pops up when you click on a flight Same principle as above, keep the <%=...%> tags intact. The same variables are available to use here as are available above. */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view');?>/<%=flight.pilotid%>"><%=flight.pilotid%> - <%=flight.pilotname%></a><br /> <strong>Flight <%=flight.flightnum%></strong> (<%=flight.depicao%> to <%=flight.arricao%>)<br /> <strong>Status: </strong><%=flight.phasedetail%><br /> <strong>Dist/Time Remain: </strong><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?> / <%=flight.timeremaining%><br /> </span> </script> <?php /* This is a small template for information about a navpoint popup Variables available: <%=nav.title%> <%=nav.name%> <%=nav.freq%> <%=nav.lat%> <%=nav.lng%> <%=nav.type%> 2=NDB 3=VOR 4=DME 5=FIX 6=TRACK */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="navpoint_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <strong>Name: </strong><%=nav.title%> (<%=nav.name%>)<br /> <strong>Type: </strong> <?php /* Show the type of point */ ?> <% if(nav.type == 2) { %> NDB <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 3) { %> VOR <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 4) { %> DME <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 5) { %> FIX <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 6) { %> TRACK <% } %> <br /> <?php /* Only show frequency if it's not a 0*/ ?> <% if(nav.freq != 0) { %> <strong>Frequency: </strong><%=nav.freq%> <% } %> </span> </script>
  15. Yes, it does work in default template, i've posted the image a couple of posts above. Thanks for you help.
  16. Done. This is how you see it in default template http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/acarsdefault.jpg/ and this is with my template. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/848/acarsvva.jpg/ It does the same thing with or without having the acarsmap.tpl in my templates and also with the acarsmap.tpl found in standard template folder and copied in my template folder.
  17. i have allready, i've put the original but nada, not showing. Now there's a modified version that at least shows people on IVAO and get data from acars db. Other options? Consider that the problem is on all pages that have a map displayed, so routes, live map ecc
  18. Sorry if I open an other post but the other user hasn't got my problem. In basic template routemap and livemap work without problems. With my template they don't. http://vvair.volovirtuale.com /public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php /public_html/core/common/ACARSData.class.php /public_html/core/templates/acarsmap.tpl I've uploaded again all files like a fresh install and in the personal template i've put the standard files, but still don't work. What else could be the problem? I'm an absolute noob about php and css, so please tell me where to look or which file to show you. Thanks
  19. At the beginning, in 2009, it worked eheh. This morning i switche to other 3-4 templates and they all work, except the official template.
  20. same problem, default template i see livemap and pilot routes, with my template nada. http://vvair.volovirtuale.com /public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php /public_html/core/common/ACARSData.class.php /public_html/core/templates/acarsmap.tpl checked with fresh download phpvms.zip and are the same, if' uploaded them again to be sure, and also i've copied them in my /lib/skins/personal_template but nothing at all.
  21. please could you check the zip? It's still seems to be corrupted.
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