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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Ok good idea. Will change it. I had to change it in to if ($totaldistance <= 1) otherwise it will not work Regards, Cor
  2. Hey Kairon, You code did not do the trick put pointed me in the right direction, the code must be I totally overlooked that. Now it wil show on the map with the remaining distance of 1 NM and 99% fight completed. Thanks for you help, Regards, Cor
  3. I think you mean this one Regards, Cor
  4. I did some test and the fault is that dep and arr are the same. Now it is the trick the see where I can change things so it shows. Regards, Cor
  5. Nobody Regards, Cor
  6. My mistake, I did something wrong, it is working great. Again thank you for your help Regards, Cor
  7. The error is that it can´t find flight while there are flights with that particilar aircraft. regards, Cor
  8. Solution is working for a big part. The only thing wat is not working now is the search on aircraft type. Tnx so far. Regards, Cor
  9. Hello All, When somebody flying a circuit the acarsmap will not show the flights. I think it has something to do with the fact that the distance is 0 and the remaining time is 0. But I don´t have a clue where to change that. Does more people have those problems and better does somebody has a solution for this little problem. Regards, Cor
  10. Hello All, I have asked this question more then a year ago en then forgot it , so I will ask it again and hopefully get a solution Is there a way to let the outcome be sorted on departure time rather then Flightnumber. When you use the original schedules module it looks at the config and there I changed it so the outcome has to be sorted on deptime. But in this modules it isn't working. Regards, Cor
  11. Cor


    Works like a charme. Thank you very much. Regards, Cor
  12. Cor


    Hi mark, I have found that, but not sure what I have to change there Regards, Cor
  13. Cor


    Hello all, When I logout from my site it redirect me to http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/index.php/'>http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/index.php/ I wanna change that to http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/ Where can I change that? Thank you in advange. Regards, Cor
  14. Why are you here? To insult people? Let everybody make their own choice and if you happy with your guys, great but don´t register on this forum because you can´t handle some comments. I have Jeff´s acars and I am very happy with it and the fact is, I had some things done without Jeff charging me. The same with simpilot, he provides good service and a lot of free modules. And for the look of your site, you have to do some work yourself. Please stay away if you can`t communicate without hate. As always with regards, Cor
  15. Hi Simpilot, I have a problem with the montly stat. This is the code that is use in the Touchdownstatsdata.class At the page its showing also the landigsrate of februari 2011. Can you or somebody else help me. Tnx in advange, regards, Cor
  16. Cor


  17. I think Nabeel is working on it but he has also had a private life, so we just have to have patience:-) Regards, Cor
  18. Cor

    VA Central

    Hello, I pushed a wrong button so all the pireps are waiting again to be sent to VA central. I have this message in my admin panel What I do, nothing is happening. What can I do to correct this. tnx in advange, Regards, Cor
  19. Gentlemen, I have seen the last topic where people having a fit to eachother. I think a moderator or administrator just have to remove the off-topics messages and warn the people involved. Are they continue then ban them for a period of time. I am an administrator at a Flightsimcommunity in the Netherlands and there we also have to deal with this kind of behaviour. It is a fact that there are people who are using stuff that is made by others, that is de downsite of the internet. The only thing you can do is trying to build in some protection. I don´t know how, but I do know that we have some great programmers in this community so maybe they have some solutions. What you don´t do is in a post that has started by someone else about his VA, taking it over for your grief against somebody else. That is also stealing. Stealing of a post Merry Christmas and a good 2012 Regards, Cor
  20. And who`s gonna be the judge about that and define quality But good luck with setting it up. I still don`t understand the need for competion but thats maybe my age Regards, Cor
  21. I don't think it is possible to have a fair one, because if you want the users to vote they will always vote for their own VA and how bigger the VA the more votes they will get. And what is the criteria for the votes, is that the website, the amount of active pilots or the amount of hours a VA on a yearly basis? To do a competions like that you need objectivity, and with a user vote you won't have that. Regards, Cor
  22. To show how good he is maybe. Luckly the most of the people here are willing to help eachother, so at the end there will somebody who makes this and is willing to share Regards, Cor
  23. Hi Simpilot, Any change to correct this little bug? Regards, Cor
  24. I have it too, so that makes three Regards, Cor
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