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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Cor

    Problem IE

    I am not a programmer, so I see in the CSS a few times Z-index but which one is the good one Regards, Cor
  2. Cor

    Problem IE

    Het guys, I have a little problem. On 1 page the menu structure goes behind the video< This only occurs in Internet Explorer. Doe anyone has a solution for this. In IE In firefox Tnx in advange, regards, Cor
  3. Hello and Welcome, You have to put the ticket price in your routedatabase. If there is a route flown outside the route table (charter) then you fill the prize when you checking the pirep. Regards, Cor
  4. I will have a look at it and try to change it. It will be a challenge Regards, Cor
  5. Hello, Maybe you can be more specific. What have you done so far, which template, ect, ect. As always with regards, Cor
  6. Cor

    Fspaint Shop news

    Looking good Roger Regards, Cor
  7. Hello, There is no support anymore for FSACARS within PHPVMS. Try to use KACARS. On my site now (joomla) I use FSACARS, but I will try to get my pilots to use Kacars with the new site in the second quarter of this year. I have done test with fsacars and found no problems so far. In which script is the error and is the pilot sure he installed FSACARS the right was so also the 4.15 update? Regards, Cor
  8. Hi Dave, I haven´t change anything in the scripts. Also in the database top_flight it says 9.68. i am in the dark now Regards, Cor
  9. Hey Dave, Run into a little problem. I get for hours flown a total time of 9.68 ??. What do I need to change. Tnx, Regards, Cor
  10. Site doesn't exists anymore. Regards, Cor
  11. Dave, Found the solution, just used the Util::AddTime command to get the right total time Regards, Cor
  12. Hello Dave, It working almost. It adds the two times but then exactly. I have a total time now of 3540:99 (36:48 + 3514:51) So just a little adjustment needed and i will work like a charme. Thank you in advange, regards, Cor
  13. Hello Dave, I am busy with this one, but the problem is that it is orderd by totalhours instead of the the total sum of totalhours + transferhours. How can I change? Thank you in advange, Regards, Cor
  14. I am originally from the Netherlands and still living there during the week but my girlfriend lives in Schoten, so during weekends qnd holidays I am living in Belgium till I get a work transfer some day and then I will be in Belgium all the time Regards, Cor
  15. And again, Happy New Year from Belgium Let`s make it a great Year. Regards, Cor
  16. Hello all, Is there a way to let the outcome be sorted on departure time rather then Flightnumber. When you use the original schedules module it looks at the config and there I changed it so the outcome has to be sorted on deptime. But in this modules it isn't workimg. Tnx and have a great 2011 Regards, Cor
  17. Hello all, As i am still bust with configuring everything and translating everything i noticed a strange thing in the calculated distances in the flight schedules. I have routes with 2 decimals and with three Example: EHAM -ZBAA = 4231.03 and EHAM - LFPG = 215.289 Is there anyway to change this so it wil automaticly going to round figure like EHAM -ZBAA = 4231 and EHAM - LFPG = 215 Tnx and have a great 2011 Regards, Cor
  18. Nadeel, For you the same, have a great and healthy 2011. Regards, Cor
  19. Good luck with this idea. Regards, Cor
  20. Hello Nabeel, I now get the next error Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in ******/core/common/PilotGroups.class.php on line 95 I probably did something wrong Regards, Cor 09-12-2010: Disregard. I forgot something. working very good again
  21. tnx for this> I can use this:-) Regards, Cor
  22. Cor


    Maybe our pilots will switch to Kacars but I can not force 60 people to change something what also is working good with PHPVMS. I only found one bug what I also found with FSFK and that is that de fuel is not being converted from LBS into KG. FSACARS is a good program and still working very good. Regards, Cor
  23. Cor


    Am I the lucky one. No problem with FSACARS, KACARS and Flightkeeper. At this moment we are using Joomla and FSACARS and Flightkeeper till we can switch over to phpvms and my experience is that people who have problems with FSACARS are the people who don´t read the instructions. In the last couple of years thousends of fsacars logs has been sent to the server and 99% of the time without any problems.
  24. Maybe it possible that if you delete a pilot all his pireps be transfered to a seperate database so the pireps won`t lost. Regards, Cor
  25. I did it with copy and paste. Don`t forget to start your import with INSERT INTO `phpvms_navdata` VALUES . So if you did the first 10000, then the next batch has to start as Regards, Cor
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