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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Did not get it working. My flights are dissapering when I put the code in. Any suggestions. Regards, Cor
  2. Cor

    Hubs page module

    It is fixed now. Thank you Regards, Cor
  3. Cor

    Hubs page module

    Hi Daniel, At first it shows all our hubs but when you choose an other then EBBR it shows EBBR what it the first HUB in the list http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/index.php/hub Regards, Cor
  4. Cor

    Hubs page module

    What I choose, I will get only the first HUB on my screen and the text $manager = HubData::get_hubs($hubs->icao); Maybe a little bug inr a nice mod. Regards, Cor
  5. Cor

    Navdata Update

    +1 Everyone have a great and healthy 2014 Regards, Cor
  6. me too :-)
  7. It would be better to get the data from acarsdata because like in our VA a lot of pleople fly charters en make their own route. Maybe somebody has a clue? Regards, Cor
  8. Just out of curiosity. Why does de Division want to see that and is it not easier to put the IVAO info at your roster like a lot of VA´s do http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/index.php/pilots Regards, Cor
  9. I love the tracking page Regards, Cor
  10. Nice atmosphere here :-(
  11. Looking very good. Are you going to release this? Regards, Cor
  12. Cor


    Just wondering, Why does a topic which start with a question about PVACARS II end up about smartCARS 2.0. Is there not a topic about smartCARS ? Regards, Cor
  13. I hate this kind of response. There was a solution given by mseiwald and I used that solotion and it works perfectly. It reduced my pirepdatabase to 100 MB (was 450MB). I think that most people don`t have the problem anymore because of the solution, Don´t say that the people here are unprofessional, that is not nice and will come back to you when you have other problems you need help with. Regards, Cor
  14. I have not heard any complains yet. I will keep an eye on other developments A big tnx to Oxymoron for the changes and ofcourse to Simpilot for making this module. Cor
  15. Nice waking up at sundaymorning :-) Tnx Cor
  16. looks very good. I will be waiting :-)
  17. Ok I appreciate it. i have looked at it yesterday evening and if you fill in <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/item/<?php echo $test->id;?>"><?php echo $test->subject; ?> it refers to the right ID number in the database, but with $test->thread_id it takes the first messages with that number We will wait for a solution. Regards, Cor
  18. Thats what we have to look for. For me this was a temporary solution as the pirepsdata base will still grows. Not so fast as it did but it will grow. Regards, Cor
  19. When I do this I can see the message that was sent to me and not the message I have sent Regards, Cor
  20. It worked and the pireps database reduced with almost 140MB. Tnx we are good for now Cor
  21. Tnx, I will give it a go as soon as I am off work. i will let you know and trying to look for a permanent solution. Maybe as simpilot suggested, pireps older then a certain date being removed from the main database. Maybe Nabeel has an solution :-) Regards, Cor
  22. I will have a look at it as soon as I am off work. Tnx. regards, Cor
  23. Thank you Cor
  24. Would you be so kind to share that with us, it will buy me some time and trying to look for another solution. I would apprecaire it Regards, Cor
  25. I have been looking and concerning the pireps there is a lot of coding. Are there more people except simpilot who has problems with the fact that the pirepsdatabase is getting to big. Resethours will not work anymore at this time. Cor
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