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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I know Simpilot made a points module but as he is no longer involved with PHPVMS I was wondering if anyone would be up for making a new points module. If anyone is familiar with VAMSYS they have a points system that I quite like which I see when I fly for VRYR. 

Basically it pulls the info from smartCARS. You start with 100 points and then points are added as follows;

Preflight Prep between 15 and 30 minutes =+30 points

Engine 2 started before engine 1 = +10 points

Flight Duration Points
Less than 1 hour 0 Points
Between 1 and 2 hours +10 Points
Between 2 and 3 hours +25 Points
Over 3 hours +40 Points


Landing Type FPM From FPM To Points
Perfect Landing -136 -164 +40 Points
Good Landing -110
+35 Points
-1 Point per FPM away from outside threshold1.
Fair Landing -190 -250 +10 Points
Landing too Hard -350 -499 -10 Points


FLAPS Not Set before Take-Off4 -10 Points
FLAPS Not Retracted before Parking -10 Points



Can someone please have a look and give a price for this module.

Also so many points would have to be accumulated for promotion

for example 1st officer to Senior 1st Officer 50hours plus 3000 points

Also there would be scope to award bonus points for taking part in events etc





Edited by AJCWebServices
1 minute ago, Vangelis said:

I dont think all this criteria will be possible without a custom tracker 

These can all be got from the Log of smartcars. Thats what VRYR uses on their site.

Here is a typical Log from one of my pilots. Maybe all cannot be possible but maybe some of it :)


smartCARS version, 2017/8/11 UTC
[14:16:39] Preflight started, flying offline
[14:16:40] Flying PMDG 737-800NGX PMDG House Winglets
[14:34:10] Pushing back with 15540 lb of fuel
[14:35:02] Engine 2 is on
[14:36:09] Flaps set to position 1
[14:36:15] Engine 1 is on
[14:36:17] Flaps set to position 2
[14:36:21] Flaps set to position 3
[14:45:36] Flaps set to position 4
[14:45:40] Flaps set to position 5
[14:52:55] Taxiing to runway
[14:59:46] Taking off
[15:00:14] Climbing, pitch: 10, roll: level, 145 kts
[15:00:18] Gear lever raised at 98 ft at 161 kts
[15:01:18] Flaps set to position 4 at 2384 ft at 180 kts
[15:01:22] Flaps set to position 3 at 2453 ft at 186 kts
[15:01:26] Flaps set to position 2 at 2534 ft at 192 kts
[15:01:28] Flaps set to position 3 at 2530 ft at 197 kts
[15:01:38] Flaps set to position 2 at 2782 ft at 211 kts
[15:01:42] Flaps set to position 1 at 2855 ft at 217 kts
[15:01:56] Flaps set to position 0 at 3147 ft at 233 kts
[15:02:51] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:02:52] Speed corrected at 5603 ft after a max speed of 256 kts
[15:03:04] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:04] Speed corrected at 5898 ft after a max speed of 258 kts
[15:03:05] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:38] Speed corrected at 5995 ft after a max speed of 259 kts
[15:03:38] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:39] Speed corrected at 5993 ft after a max speed of 257 kts
[15:03:40] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:41] Speed corrected at 5993 ft after a max speed of 257 kts
[15:03:41] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:41] Speed corrected at 5994 ft after a max speed of 256 kts
[15:03:43] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:44] Speed corrected at 5999 ft after a max speed of 257 kts
[15:03:45] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:03:45] Speed corrected at 6000 ft after a max speed of 257 kts
[15:03:57] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:04:12] Speed corrected at 6731 ft after a max speed of 262 kts
[15:04:12] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:04:13] Speed corrected at 6799 ft after a max speed of 257 kts
[15:04:14] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[15:04:15] Speed corrected at 6934 ft after a max speed of 256 kts
[15:20:44] Cruising at 36000ft, pitch: 2, 417 kts
[15:26:23] Sim paused
[15:33:11] Sim unpaused
[15:38:59] Descending
[15:54:44] Approaching
[15:59:40] Flaps set to position 1 at 3551 ft at 230 kts
[16:00:14] Flaps set to position 2 at 3464 ft at 228 kts
[16:00:16] Flaps set to position 1 at 3494 ft at 228 kts
[16:00:19] Flaps set to position 2 at 3520 ft at 226 kts
[16:01:01] Flaps set to position 3 at 3067 ft at 212 kts
[16:01:51] Flaps set to position 4 at 2828 ft at 167 kts
[16:02:16] Final approach, 157 kts
[16:02:56] Gear lever lowered at 2335 ft at 167 kts
[16:03:20] Flaps set to position 5 at 1958 ft at 155 kts
[16:03:29] Flaps set to position 6 at 1844 ft at 152 kts
[16:04:03] Flaps set to position 7 at 1470 ft at 156 kts
[16:06:05] Touched down at -98 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 2, roll: 1 degrees right, 132 kts
[16:06:41] Landed in 4115 ft, fuel: 8329 lb, weight: 141902 lb
[16:06:41] Taxiing to gate
[16:07:06] Flaps set to position 6
[16:07:10] Flaps set to position 5
[16:07:11] The flight may now be ended
[16:07:11] Arrived, flight duration: 00:59
[16:07:12] Flaps set to position 4
[16:07:16] Flaps set to position 3
[16:07:20] Flaps set to position 2
[16:07:23] Flaps set to position 1
[16:07:31] Flaps set to position 0
[16:09:44] Engine 2 is off
[16:09:46] Engine 1 is off


Just now, web541 said:

I could see this being possible, too bad that pilot's flight duration was 00:59 :P

lol @web541 can you see if it is possible and then give me a price please :)

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