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Find the template file that displays that image and alter the html code to center and/or resize the image to fit the space you want it in.

It appears the image is too large for the space and that is why it is overflowing the right side.


This is the line in question.  I want to center the rank image.


<img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage?>"" />


Tried playing with it for a bit, but can't get it to center.




It is basic html img tag usage, below link may help




If it is in a division or in a table cell, defining the width as percentage may help. Like making it <img src="..." width="90%" height="auto"> or maybe other styling tags can be used instead of pure html ones.


In the end, in your example code, phpvms is responsible for providing the image url (src="...") and it works, rest is skinning or html styling.


Good luck

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