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Hey Guys,

I was wondering, is there any possible way to disable the e-mails received from the website?

I keep receiving e-mails upon PIREP submission & Registrations. I had about 20 e-mails the past 2-3 days & would like to somehow disable the website from sending e-mails directly to the webmasters e-mail which is located in the admin "general settings" bit.

For instance;

I go to Admin Center > Sites & Settings > General Settings > Webmaster Email Address (This is the email address that email will get sent to/from) > The E-Mail I have entered there is ceo@buffaloairwaysvirtual.com, I want that to be able to receive e-mails off the "Contact Us" Page however not receive e-mails when somebody registers on my website or submits a pirep.




Great Question Thomas. I think if there was an option to turn that on and off it would be great. I noticed the very same thing. Not that my airline is O so busy, but if it were as large as many here, I could see very easily how this would be a problem.

Guest lorathon

I believe if you add the following to your local.config you should stop receiving the emails

# Whether to send an email or not
Config::Set('EMAIL_SEND_PIREP', false);


I believe if you add the following to your local.config you should stop receiving the emails

# Whether to send an email or not
Config::Set('EMAIL_SEND_PIREP', false);

Thanks Jeff, I'll try that now. Also is there any possible way to stop the e-mails sent when a new member registers?



I believe if you add the following to your local.config you should stop receiving the emails

# Whether to send an email or not
Config::Set('EMAIL_SEND_PIREP', false);

Unfortunately that didnt work Jeff :(



Sorry but if you are not able to check the site every few minutes, the emails do sort of help, as you then kno someone has filed a pirep. I think there shouldn't be a way of turning it on or off.


Sorry but if you are not able to check the site every few minutes, the emails do sort of help, as you then kno someone has filed a pirep. I think there shouldn't be a way of turning it on or off.

That is personal preference really the way I see it. Sure we can not be on site every single minute of the day, but if an airline has a couple hundred pilots can you imagine how fast that email box will get full and start bouncing emails back? As it stands now, the email that I use for my admin account on the website, I no longer use for regular emails simply due to having to weed through all of the VA only email.

I'm not saying it should be mandatory on or off, but an option for a site admin to have would be a good thing if one wanted to use it. Like I said, it is more of a personal preference thing I suppose. To each their own. ;)

You make a very good point though and it was well taken.

Guest lorathon

Thats strange because it works with mine. Then you need to do the following

in PIREP.class.php under filereport comment out the following line (it is towards the bottom of the file.

// Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message);

That will cure it.


Or simply you can just set up an email dedicated to it, and leave it, then your admin one can be used for other uses.

True but then the website contact us form wont get checked, Either way, its a decision / feature I would like to turn off.


Thats strange because it works with mine. Then you need to do the following

in PIREP.class.php under filereport comment out the following line (it is towards the bottom of the file.

// Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message);

That will cure it.

Thanks Jeff!


Ah wait, it as in the betas where I had added it.

Hmmm, So is there anything in the registration.class.php I can turn off so that doesnt send e-mials? I am not receiving PIREP e-mails now so thats good! :D

Guest lorathon

The setting is my initial port. But it is in the beta not the full release.

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