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Major problem with site need help[SOLVED]

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One of my VA's Malaysia Virtual Airlines, has suddenly decided to give me a lot of php errors, I ran the checkinstall.php and the only error it found was with the kacars free module.


I need help trying to figure out why the skin wont show, and the errors are showing. I have not added anything new, or changed any code, so this shouldn't have happened. Any help I can get would be greatly apprieciated.

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HI are you referencing the correct skin? just check in admin that your skin is the one that contains your files. Its also complaining about the header and footer are not there, have you checked your skin folder?


Yes, and it is not just that VA, I am hosting jalvirtual and their site is giving the same error. Also cant get into the admin, as i need to login, but cant login, cos i just get a load of errors.I think it may have something to do with the database, when i went and looked at it, i couldn't get into a few tables. I made a backup recently so should be able to rectify that. Just lose some new pilots that joined since i made the backup


It is localised to just the phpvms tables, and not others. Also they did some upgrades before, and it never affected the db like this. I think we were hacked, not quite sure, but it does seem suspicious that only the phpvms sites were affected.I am in contact with my host, and they are going to upload via the command line the backup I made a few weeks ago.

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