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Schedule Import work but none route added...

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Airline with code FLY,032,EGLL,LOWW,,FLY1003,,688.323,09:20," 11:40"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 16"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,033,LOWW,LBSF,,FLY1003,,435.457,12:40," 14:15"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,034,LBSF,LOWW,,FLY1003,,435.457,15:55," 17:45"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,035,LOWW,UUDD,,FLY1003,,901.619,19:00," 21:45"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,036,UUDD,LOWW,,FLY1003,,901.619,02:35," 05:35"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 2"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,037,LOWW,LCLK,,FLY1003,,1101.65,09:45," 12:50"," 0"," "," 130"," P"," 23"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,038,LCLK,LOWW,,FLY1003,,1101.65,14:00," 17:30"," 0"," "," 130"," P"," 23"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

Airline with code FLY,039,LOWW,EDDF,,FLY1003,,335.253,18:40," 20:15"," 0"," "," 150"," P"," 26"," 1" does not exist! Skipping...

The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 0, for a total of 0

what can be the problem? since Airline FLY is my Correct 3 letter code


just found out what was wrong

import doesn't work without Cruise Altitute set

Best Regards



Hi teh import format is,

code	flightnum	depicao	arricao	route	aircraft	flightlevel	distance	deptime	arrtime	flighttime	notes	price	flighttype	daysofweek	enabled

yeah but I still got the error but I rather think it has to do how excel saves the data


Just make sure you save as csv and when it tells you your data may be lost just ignore it ;)

ok I have proofed now:

unfortunately Excel 2007 makes CSV files that are not compatible with the CSV Import option

Best Regards




I had a similar issue when I got started, but worked out that the fleet list needed to be in place first, the airports, vms will seek the info for you, but check they are correct, KORD (Chicago) came up with an airport in Iraq or some where like that.

Have a look.

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