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Recently we discovered our unused forum was being used by spammers and causing us to exceed our bandwidth limit.

The forum had been added when the new site at phpVMS was created, but we decided to use our old forum instead. The new forum sat idle until I approved a few new memberships from new hires in Afghanistan. I decided soon after that the applicants were bogus and deleted them from the roster, rejecting all future applicants too. (I think that Afghanistan doesn't reflect any Al Qeida connection. Afghanistan is just the first name on the country list).

We deleted the forum a couple of days ago and ever since I'm getting new Afghanistan applicants at the rate of about 15 per hour. Non-stop. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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It isn't always the email that will give them away, it is the country they select that gives them away all the time. They never change drop downs.

There is an effective trick I use on some registration forms, and that is to have a hidden input field (with something like name as the field title) on the form. a spam engine will enter text into the field, even though it's hidden and not viewable in the html output. I then wrote into the form handler a function whereby any submitted forms with the hidden field completed would be discarded. The spambots look for common fields in forms, and will try to complete these fields, so choosing something like name for the title will usually catch the spambots out. When a pilot completes the form, they don't see the hidden field, so it remains empty and the form gets processed as normal. It's not 100% effective, but then nothing is when it comes to anti spambots.

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There is an effective trick I use on some registration forms, and that is to have a hidden input field (with something like name as the field title) on the form. a spam engine will enter text into the field, even though it's hidden and not viewable in the html output. I then wrote into the form handler a function whereby any submitted forms with the hidden field completed would be discarded. The spambots look for common fields in forms, and will try to complete these fields, so choosing something like name for the title will usually catch the spambots out. When a pilot completes the form, they don't see the hidden field, so it remains empty and the form gets processed as normal. It's not 100% effective, but then nothing is when it comes to anti spambots.

What I said though is effective too, as I have gotten spam bots too, and they always use the same country of origin, and the same airline, I have 3 airlines using the same phpvms install, and the first airline is always used. Your way will catch them out, but if you don't know the code you use, knowing what to look for is the next best thing.

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My reply still stands. As you said, nothing is really 100% going to work, but at least knowing what to look for, if you have no spam traps, is the next best thing.


Prevented 100% of spam registrations on a site that used to get 3-5 a day.

It is updated when other people get them, so you're almost never going to get a new spammer to you first.

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I know, but if you dont have that, what I said, still stands. You guys don't seem to realise, that knowing what to look for works just as well. I am not saying that doesn't work, just another way of checking, as I have that code, in the right place, yet I still get the odd spambot, so it is not working 100% for me.

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My reply still stands. As you said, nothing is really 100% going to work, but at least knowing what to look for, if you have no spam traps, is the next best thing.

I'm not trying to say you are wrong, I was merely offering another way to deal with spam. You seem to have got me wrong there?

@Tom, I've never seen that post, so thanks I'm going to use that for my site B)

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