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I'm currently running the trial version of FS Flight Keeper and everything uploads fine and works great thanks to me following Keith's tutorial on how to set it up correctly. The two things that aren't working are the uploading of images and position reports. A quick test flight shown here shows what I mean, a blank google maps, bar the departure and arrival airfield:


Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone know if this is due to the limitation of the trial version? I'll be buying the full version within the week, so hopefully will figure it out for sure then.


By uploading of images you don't mean AirTV, do you? I had a big problem with that and it just would not upload anything regardless of the hundred different ways I tried and changed things around :/


That should work no matter what. Did you make sure you created the proper directories for it? I am more than sure you did though. That is odd. It should work trial version or unlocked.

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Double check permissions on those folders, they can change underneath you.

Also, follow the debug info instructions in my signature, see if something strange is happening there.


I have the full version now and have worked out a couple of the kinks; I am focusing on the position reporting issue for now. By folders, which do you mean? I am simply using the default FSFK module that ships with phpVMS, so am I missing a pertinent step here?

<div><br></div><div>Just for clarity, my position is reported on the ACARS map correctly with the "enroute" flag displayed, that I know from other threads is the only flag FSFK sends. However, it isn't reporting them on PIREP submission, so I've simply got a Dep an Arr icon, which if it wasn't my PIREP, would look suspicious!</div>


I have the full version now and have worked out a couple of the kinks; I am focusing on the position reporting issue for now. By folders, which do you mean? I am simply using the default FSFK module that ships with phpVMS, so am I missing a pertinent step here?

Do you have the following in your local.config file setup?

/* FSFK Settings
Your FTP Server, and path to the lib/images folder (from where the FTP connects from), IE
ftp://phpvms.net/phpvms/lib/fsfk or ftp://phpvms.net/public_html/phpvms/lib/fsfk

You want the path from when you connect to the FTP down to where the /lib/fsfk folder is 

   SECURITY NOTE! Make a separate FTP user and password ONLY for this, with access only to this folder

Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', '');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', '');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', '');
Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT

If your images are not uploading you could have issues here.

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