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Hello I keep getting this error on my site I think that it's from phpVMS

PHP Error Message

Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (2013)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in/home/a5887766/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99

http://dominicanair.tk/ that is my site's website please someone help


It looks like you're using a free host due to your dot.tk domain name.

phpVMS and free hosts don't play very well because free hosts are horrible.

I recommend fivedev. It costs 7$ a month, the equivalent of two starbucks coffees.


It looks like you're using a free host due to your dot.tk domain name.

phpVMS and free hosts don't play very well because free hosts are horrible.

I recommend fivedev. It costs 7$ a month, the equivalent of two starbucks coffees.

Is there any way to fix it though?


This isn't a phpVMS error. Your hosts connection between the website and database has gone down, so you need to take it up with them. But like the others say, free hosting doesn't work very well with phpVMS as phpVMS is too powerful for them! This great software needs better hosting and I too recommend Fivedev (http://www.fivedev.net/).


There's nothing wrong with free hosts if you get the right ones.

Suggesting they shouldn't be allowed support, or telling them the only way to fix it is to pay is just rude. If you don't want to support people on free hosts that's fine, don't reply, but there's no reason everyone else can't.

On topic: I would suggest speaking to your host... I doubt that's phpVMS.

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If you have problems with them fine, but you can't tell others they are not allowed support just because they use a free host, sometimes they cant afford or have no way for paying for proper hosting at the moment. It is rude to say something like that. You are also fairly rude when someone does something obvious, no one likes it. Back on topic, as Tom said, it is your hosts problem, not phpvms.


I didn't say they weren't allowed it and if they can't afford it then why are they starting a VA in the first place? This is the problem in the VA industry

Hosting is free, domains can be free, phpVMS is free, learning to write HTML & CSS for a decent skin is free, learning to paint your aircraft is free.

You don't need to afford anything to run a VA.

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