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Hello there :)

I am trying to place Airline logo on Flight Stats, but i am unable to, can any one help me out plz :)

I tried using this code

<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />

I have two airlines, Air India (AIC) & Air India Express (AXB).


  • Moderators

Your code should be fine and view the images but you may want to try changing "fileurl" to "SITE_URL" and see if it does make any differences. Also, make sure that you're directing to the correct path of the image. ;)

  • Moderators

Okay. Where do you use the $airline->icao? You gotta have something like below:

$airlines = OperationsData::getAllairlines();
foreach($airlines as $airline)
<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />


Bro, its still not working :(

Check whether my code is correct :)

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="30">
<div style="position:relative"><h1>Flight Stats</h1>
<p style="text-align: right; position:absolute; right:5px;top:0;"><strong>Share</strong><span  class='st_blogger' ></span><span  class='st_twitter' ></span><span  class='st_facebook' ></span><span  class='st_yahoo' ></span><span  class='st_email' ></span></p>
<img alt="" border="1" height="136" src="http://www.airindiavirtual.com/images/flightstats_pg.jpg" width="950" /></p>

Live Flight Departure/Arrival Board</h3>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<tr class="title-row">
   <th width="105">Airline</th>
   <th width="77">
  Flight #</th>
   <!--<img src="http://airindiavirtual.com/lib/skins/aivirtual/images/logo.png"><th width="50" " height="22" background="" class="style1"><span class="tablesorterBIS">
  <div align="center">
   <th width="200">Depart</th>
   <th width="200">Arrival</th>
   <th width="80">Status</th>
<?php $rowCounter = 1; ?>
$results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
if (count($results) > 0)
  foreach($results as $row)
	 $font = "<font color=''>";  // Standard font color if nothing below is TRUE
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'Boarding') $font = "<font color='#2ba600'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'Landed') $font = "<font color='#FFBF00'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'En Route')  $font = "<font color='#2A7F00'>";  //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'Departed') $font = "<font color='#FF0000'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'Approach')  $font = "<font color='#690d0d'>";  //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
	 if($row->phasedetail == 'Arrived') $font = "<font color='#e13838'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
																		   // You can add more checks here for whatever you wish
  <tr class="listingTable <?php if( ($rowCounter % 2) == 0 ){ echo ' evenCol'; } $rowCounter++; ?>">
	  <td align="center"><img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" /></td>
	  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->flightnum;?></td>
	  <!--<td align="center"><?php echo $row->aircraftname;?></td>-->
	  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->depname;?></td>
	  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->arrname;?></td>
	  <td align="center"><?php echo $font.$row->phasedetail;?></td>
echo '<p align="center">No Online Flights Scheduled!</p>';

  • Moderators

Try this:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="30">
<div style="position:relative"><h1>Flight Stats</h1>
<p style="text-align: right; position:absolute; right:5px;top:0;"><strong>Share</strong><span  class='st_blogger' ></span><span  class='st_twitter' ></span><span  class='st_facebook' ></span><span  class='st_yahoo' ></span><span  class='st_email' ></span></p>
<img alt="" border="1" height="136" src="http://www.airindiavirtual.com/images/flightstats_pg.jpg" width="950" /></p>
Live Flight Departure/Arrival Board</h3>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<tr class="title-row">
    <th width="105">Airline</th>
    <th width="77">
	  Flight #</th>
    <!--<img src="http://airindiavirtual.com/lib/skins/aivirtual/images/logo.png"><th width="50" " height="22" background="" class="style1"><span class="tablesorterBIS">
	  <div align="center">
    <th width="200">Depart</th>
    <th width="200">Arrival</th>
    <th width="80">Status</th>
<?php $rowCounter = 1; ?>
$results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
if (count($results) > 0)
  foreach($results as $row)
			 $font = "<font color=''>";  // Standard font color if nothing below is TRUE
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'Boarding') $font = "<font color='#2ba600'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'Landed') $font = "<font color='#FFBF00'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'En Route')  $font = "<font color='#2A7F00'>";  //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'Departed') $font = "<font color='#FF0000'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'Approach')  $font = "<font color='#690d0d'>";  //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
			 if($row->phasedetail == 'Arrived') $font = "<font color='#e13838'>";  //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
																																					   // You can add more checks here for whatever you wish
	  <tr class="listingTable <?php if( ($rowCounter % 2) == 0 ){ echo ' evenCol'; } $rowCounter++; ?>">
			  <td align="center">
$airlines = OperationsData::getAllAirlines();
foreach($airlines as $airline)
<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />
			  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->flightnum;?></td>
			  <!--<td align="center"><?php echo $row->aircraftname;?></td>-->
			  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->depname;?></td>
			  <td align="center"><?php echo $row->arrname;?></td>
			  <td align="center"><?php echo $font.$row->phasedetail;?></td>
echo '<p align="center">No Online Flights Scheduled!</p>';


I was trying this as well. Could not get it to work either, but with:

<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/CPC.gif') ;?>">

That did show the picture, but obviously with multiple airlines, it defeats the purpose :(

  • Moderators

Using explode() function, you have to separate the string (CPC) from (CPC1234) which is the flight number in ACARS data and then say if this string is equal to the airline code show the image. That's the only way you can show the image on live flights for each flight. Otherwise the image will not show or shows as many airline's logo as you have.


I don't work with multiple airlines but you could add a column in your phpvms_airlines table called 'image' and add the image URL for each airline and then in the foreach loop enter:

<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/ib/images/<?php echo airline->image?>.gif" />

  • Moderators

Okay try this. It's tested and working:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="30">
<div style="position:relative"><h1>Flight Stats</h1>
<p style="text-align: right; position:absolute; right:5px;top:0;"><strong>Share</strong><span class='st_blogger' ></span><span class='st_twitter' ></span><span class='st_facebook' ></span><span class='st_yahoo' ></span><span class='st_email' ></span></p>
<img alt="" border="1" height="136" src="http://www.airindiavirtual.com/images/flightstats_pg.jpg" width="950" /></p>
Live Flight Departure/Arrival Board</h3>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<tr class="title-row">
<th width="105">Airline</th>
<th width="77">
Flight #</th>
<!--<img src="http://airindiavirtual.com/lib/skins/aivirtual/images/logo.png"><th width="50" " height="22" background="" class="style1"><span class="tablesorterBIS">
<div align="center">
<th width="200">Depart</th>
<th width="200">Arrival</th>
<th width="80">Status</th>
<?php $rowCounter = 1; ?>
$results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
if (count($results) > 0)
foreach($results as $row)
$font = "<font color=''>"; // Standard font color if nothing below is TRUE
if($row->phasedetail == 'Boarding') $font = "<font color='#2ba600'>"; //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
if($row->phasedetail == 'Landed') $font = "<font color='#FFBF00'>"; //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
if($row->phasedetail == 'En Route') $font = "<font color='#2A7F00'>"; //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
if($row->phasedetail == 'Departed') $font = "<font color='#FF0000'>"; //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
if($row->phasedetail == 'Approach') $font = "<font color='#690d0d'>"; //This should set the font color to green when Cruise.
if($row->phasedetail == 'Arrived') $font = "<font color='#e13838'>"; //This should set the font color to red when Taxiing.
// You can add more checks here for whatever you wish
<tr class="listingTable <?php if( ($rowCounter % 2) == 0 ){ echo ' evenCol'; } $rowCounter++; ?>">
<td align="center">
$code = substr($row->flightnum, 0,3);
<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$code.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />
<td align="center"><?php echo $row->flightnum;?></td>
<!--<td align="center"><?php echo $row->aircraftname;?></td>-->
<td align="center"><?php echo $row->depname;?></td>
<td align="center"><?php echo $row->arrname;?></td>
<td align="center"><?php echo $font.$row->phasedetail;?></td>
echo '<p align="center">No Online Flights Scheduled!</p>';



  • Like 1

I did the same with substr on my site and that works great.

<?php $airlinecode = substr($row->flightnum, 0,2); ?>

<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airlinecode.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />

  • Moderators

I did the same with substr on my site and that works great.

<?php $airlinecode = substr($row->flightnum, 0,2); ?>

<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airlines/'.$airlinecode.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />

Yep. ;)


Now, I just wanted to add this to my existing acarsmap.tpl file, but it doesn't work. I see Air India did it on a SEPARATE page; but I wanted it on the acarsmap page. I added a:


for the heading and then added:

$code = substr($row->flightnum, 0,2);
<td><img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/skins/cpc/images/airlines/'.$code.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />

above the pilotID info section, but did not work.


  • Moderators

What do you have instead of " $row->flightnum " in your acars.tpl? it has to be "$something->flightnum" , so just replace that with" $row->flightnum"

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

To multiple airlines, is possible with this data from core/modules/Acars.php?

Could be $flight->pilotcode instead of $flight->flightnum?

public function data()
$flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData();

$flights = array();

$this->acarsflights = array();
foreach($flights as $flight)
if($flight->route == '')
$flight->route_details = array();
$flight->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($flight->route);

$c = (array) $flight; // Convert the object to an array

$c['pilotid'] = PilotData::[color=#b22222][u][b]GetPilotCode($c['code'][/b][/u][/color], $c['pilotid']);

// Normalize the data
if($c['timeremaining'] == '')
$c['timeremaining'] == '-';

if(trim($c['phasedetail']) == '')
$c['phasedetail'] = 'Enroute';

/* If no heading was passed via ACARS app then calculate it

P.D: I get it: :D

$code = substr($flight->code, 0,3);
<img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/skins/templatemo_254_agency/images/airlines/'.$code.'.png'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" />

Edited by ARV187
  • 9 months later...

I know this is an old post, I ran into a problem. Nothing I do will work. All I get is a broken image. Right click the broken image and I get.


I have tried every code that was posted on this page, nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

  • 5 years later...

this work for me in profile_main.php Departure Board

I  put photo in /lib/images/airline/ (ROT.png, etc)

<?php $code = substr($lastbid->code, 0,3); ?>
                                    <td><img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/airline/'.$code.'.png'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" width="70" height="35" /></td>

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