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  1. Easy solution: public static function deleteExpiredBids() { $cache_time = Config::Get('BID_EXPIRE_TIME'); if ($cache_time == '') { return; } /* Make sure the schedule bidids */ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "bids WHERE `dateadded` + INTERVAL {$cache_time} HOUR < NOW()"; $results = DB::get_results($sql); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "schedules SET `bidid`=0 WHERE `id`={$row->routeid}"; DB::query($sql); } } $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX."bids WHERE `dateadded` + INTERVAL {$cache_time} HOUR < NOW()"; DB::query($sql); }
  2. in search request page: date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $casodletu= date("H:i:s", time()); <td>Select Departure time:</td> <td> <select class="search" name="deptime"> <?php {echo '<option value="'.$casodletu.' selected">Upcoming</option>';} {echo '<option value="">All</option>';} ?> </select> </td> in FrontSchedulesData class insert in function findschedule public function findschedule($arricao, $depicao, $airline, $deptime) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_schedules.deptime > '$deptime' ..... this will show for you departure after current GMT time. Other (your modification of FrontSchedules.php is good).
  3. Parkho, i have many pilots abowe inactivity time, but all icons are green. No red.
  4. It apears to me, cargo or passengers flights, but not every time. Sometimes is gross/revenue zero. In admin notification email about new pirep pilot is 000....
  5. Thanks, solved in PilotData.class.php - omit code.
  6. Hello, we have problem with login to kAcarsFree. Our ailirnes code start with number (8F). When pilot use correct pilotID (for example 8F232) kAcars can't log. When use incorrect pilotID prefix (for example F232) kAcars log. Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks! Peter
  7. I can imagine if my pilots don't fly bided flight, after maintenance expiration of bid give him penatly minus time... Ofcourse if remove bid before maitenance manualy no penalty. I have too many pilots with bided and not flying... and blocked others.
  8. Thanks for nice soft but on every pirep i have flight time empty. Tried with fsx. Acars give Cargo load 3
  9. ok , but how ACARS know what flight monitor, when many flights have same number?
  10. Hello friends, i need as admin manual file pirep sometimes for some of my VA pilots. I have knowledge only about possiblilty pilot can send manual PIREP self (index.php/pireps/new) . But i need for this pilot manual file and send PIREP as admin. Thanks. Peter
  11. hm still no possibility to send PIREPS. Codes are not changed (on my VA's or on vacentral)...
  12. Hello, is API on vacentral out of order? All our airlines said: FAILED exporting PIREP #229 - No response from API server Thanks.
  13. Thanks much!
  14. but this is not history last 5 flights of each aircraft...
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