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  1. Today
  2. You can set the lat/lon to any valid location you desire. Default phpVMS v7 comes with the map centered on KAUS - Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Many will change the map centerpoint and zoom to best suit their VA operation and destinations.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Good news looks like setting the map to 0.0, 0.0 fixt it THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP!!!!!!!!
  5. No need to yell (all CAPS). What version of phpVMS are you using? if this is a new VA, use phpVMS v7. If you have properly installed phpVMS, you already have a registration page. If you moved your site to v7 from v5, there is a ‘Legacy Import’ option to move your pilots and other data over to v7. (Since this has nothing to do directly with the forum you posted it in, it’s been moved to an appropriate forum.)
  6. You don’t delete everything - you follow the instructions in the docs on updating. and as already mentioned - be sure your settings list a map center point.
  7. https://www.latlong.net/
  8. Your phpVMS settings are corrupt, check Admin > Settings and define a map center properly. It needs to be lat, lon so something like 0.0, 0.0 Good luck
  10. OK, I ended up deleting everything and uploading v7.0.3. it seems everything is working except the live map.
  11. 7.0.0-dev what? What is the number and date after 'dev'? Are you also a member of the phpVMS discord? As I recall, there is one extra step in updating to the most current release. Someone posted this in the phpVMS discord. It would be to your benefit to check there first. Here is the discord message link: https://discord.com/channels/332920618729340929/709879103918047262/1333405361541222502 Note the part about deleting the "sample-module" folder as well asthe other folders to delete.
  12. version 7.0.0-dev, but I'm working now to update to the latest, hoping that will fix the problem. I would appreciate help getting my site operational. I could crate a user login for the tec help. Thank you
  13. What version of phpVMS? It doesn't appear to be the release version as at least one language is missing. Without being signed in, we can't see the dashboard page - but we can see the live map and a few public pages. https://crew.fsvintageair.com/
  14. Last week
  15. I don't know what is going on here, but this just started https://crew.fsvintageair.com/dashboard#stack it's something to do with the live map This is just on the dashboard
  16. You can add a webhook to an existing channel and use that channel - or crrate a new channel. Either will work.
  17. Looks like this project is 99.99% dead, as I wrote earlier, something not finished in 3+ years will never be finished. So called "additional fields" should not be a fact as they are not much in numbers and all were optional, a simple export from a recent build (or a check on export/import code) will give you the new fields in minutes, that simple it is. But, if someone does not want to do something, which is understandable and acceptable, then there is always "something else" to check. This is the reason I am thinking that this project is dead for a long time
  18. What is the error after changing mailer to "ses" ? It should be something different compared to using postmark driver. If you've shared your logs with Nabeel it is ok, if not how he can help ? I checked phpvms config for ses, it looks ok though.
  19. Thank you for the help. Can't remember, but it seems I also had to create the channel on discord and there was something on the permissions.
  20. Any update? It's been a few months since you indicated you needed to check your forms plugin for any compatibility issues. phpVMS v7 has been released for a while now.
  21. In the desired discord channel, set up a webhook. Copy the webhook URL and paste into the appropriate line in phpVMS, admin, settings, notifications. Don't forget to save.
  22. Hello Again! A while back I found documentation on how to have the phpvma v7 to send pirep notifications to a discord channel. Can't remember how I did it, but it was working, but the channel I had set up on discord to receive the prep notifications got deleted. Would anyone know where I might find that documentation? I would be thankful.
  23. William

    Email Setup

    Yes, tried SES, but no dice. Somehow, I think the configuration is missing some details. Maybe Nabeel can pitch in when he has a moment.....
  24. I have discovered an error I have several airlines and cannot book a free flight. - Select airline window does not go away by itself - No airplanes are displayed - no booking possible
  25. That fixt it, thank you for the help!
  26. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme?tab=readme-ov-file#using-your-own-fontawesome-kit Check the readme, define and use your own FA kit, all will be fine. Good luck
  27. Hello. I removed my installation of phpVMS 7 about 8 month ago retuning to phpVMSv5, I did not delete the database, just the file of the website. Decided to up the phpVMS 7 backup, as I had backed up all of the site before deleting it from the website host. I reuploaded the phpVMS 7 to the web host and everything is working fine. However in my profile page the email address and the API key is not showing as it was before I deleted the site. Like I said everything else seems to be working fine. Thank you for the help.
  28. Hi @William I don't think that `MAIL_MAILER=postmark` is right. Did you tried MAIL_MAILER=ses there by any chance ? Don't forget to clear application cache for .env changes to be applied. Good luck
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