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  3. I had the same issue, all I did was, I had my pilots redo their API key, it solved the issue
  4. Yeah, I am maintaining a few airlines and they're not willing to move on to v7. Besides there are not many developers for v7 and admins can't do simple tasks on their own as V7 is pretty complex for them.
  5. Not sure if it's practical or worth the time to go thru all the v2/v5 posts to lock unsolved ones. New users should be using phpVMS v7 - and old users have usually solved their issues even if they don't post their resolution. Based on increasing issues that v2/v5 users are experiencing (mostly do to shared hosting updates), it's probably time to move on to v7. In any case, as long as phpVMS v7 airport lookup is working, the above update to the v5 files (via updated VACentral API update) should allow the airport lookup to work. Not so much using the "virtualairlines.eu" website airport lookup as the website is sometimes unreachable and the OP author hasn't been on this forum in over 4 years.
  6. @DisposableHero Thanks for the help, I was able to locate the .env file and update the app_url and that fixed the airport menu issue. Mike
  7. Well you're right the post is 3 years old and I came across it today. I think it's best if we close the unsolved old posts so people like me wouldn't dare to reply to them so late. Thanks for the update anyways.
  8. While you replied to a 3 year old post to a 2 year old prior post, a better solution is: At least this will work as long as the phpVMS airport lookup API is up. This phpVMS airport lookup API is the same one in use for phpVMS v7 - and has been adapted to work with phpVMS v5.
  9. Thank you! I did try a forum search but wasn't finding anything. I'll do some reading on this. Thanks again. Mike
  10. Hi @CactusDx , this is discussed in several different topics, both in this forum and also in phpvms Discord... Very brief summary is below; A similar topic, even with the exact same problem; Good luck
  11. function lookupICAO() { var icao = $("#airporticao").val(); if (icao.length != 4) { $("#statusbox").html("Please enter the full 4 letter ICAO"); return false; } $("#statusbox").html("Fetching airport data..."); $("#lookupicao").hide(); var url = "https://virtualairlines.eu/airports.php?icao=" + icao + "&callback=?"; console.log("URL: " + url); $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "jsonp", // Specifies that the request is for JSONP success: function(data) { console.log("Data received: ", data); if (!data.airports || data.airports.length === 0) { $("#statusbox").html("Nothing found. Try entering the full 4 letter ICAO"); $("#lookupicao").show(); return; } $.each(data.airports, function(i, item) { console.log("Processing item: ", item); $("#airporticao").val(icao); $("#airportname").val(item.name); $("#airportcountry").val(item.countryName); $("#airportlat").val(item.lat); $("#airportlong").val(item.lng); $("#fuelprice").val(item.jeta); $("#statusbox").html(""); $("#lookupicao").show(); }); }, error: function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { var err = textStatus + ", " + error; console.error("Request Failed: " + err); $("#statusbox").html("Error fetching data. Please try again."); $("#lookupicao").show(); } }); return false; } Change your function to this, it's been tested and working on both Chrome and Firefox
  12. Hello All, Major newbie and general phpVMS idiot here. Anyone know why my list of airports does not show up in the dropdown menus when trying to add flights? Thanks, Mike
  13. Hello, In this forum, is there no one capable of installing phpvms7 for a paid service? I have asked but it seems that there is no one who can install this software It's not free, I will pay for the service
  14. This issue has come back for https://airline.virtualflight.online. Is there anything going on your end before we investigate our end?
  15. Earlier
  16. Maybe you can use some sql queries to assign subfleets to flights after the import, it still may need manual corrections or some faulty assignments to be checked/fixed manually. But other than importing your flights via csv files (with fleet details) I can not think of an easy end user solution/workaround. Export your flights (either from v5 or v7, by airline if possible) Edit those exported csv files to meet v7's requirements and by some tools (like excel or similar) assign your subfleets to flights in that csv Import the flights Good luck
  17. Hello friends, We are doing some migrations as well. For some reason, we are unable to get in contact with the va-schedules team at this moment. How can we make this process easier in terms of migration (export/import) without having to edit over 65000 schedules by hand. What is the best way, then, to add the subfleets to the schedules to expedite importation process? If someone else would have made a workaround, it would be greatly appreciated if that logic is shared. Thank you in advance.
  18. Example; Remove the special-user by clicking the small x, Then click on the (blue) blank role I mentioned above, it is invisible but there, just hover your mouse there and it will be highlighted like the picture above. Then save It should work
  19. Hi, There is a blank option (smaller than others, first item of the list) in role selection dropdown, you need to remove their admin role (or other roles) and then add that blank to reset given roles. Need the logs for the server error as ProAvia mentioned, without logs no one can help you. Fleets can be restricted by rank or type ratings (check settings and admin definitions), frontend follows the restrictions (so does vmsAcars) and pilots do NOT see something they are NOT allowed to use, no override logic for admins (or staff). Hope this helps
  20. Are you using the latest v7 dev version available from the v7-releases channel in discord? List the full version number here. I haven’t noticed any of what you are experiencing with users or pagination - and I’ve done the legacy import at least 3 dozen times over the last several months while helping to update and improve the legacy importer. As for any 500 errors - you will need to look on the phpVMS logs. See the phpVMS docs for their location.
  21. Greetings, We have imported our information from the older php v5 and now using the latest php v7. The pilots who once had admin roles from the previous version are still admins. The challenge is, we cannot seem to remove that role from the pilots. When we go to the user page, click user, edit the role (remove admin), when it saved, the role comes back. Can you shed some light on that please? Further, we are having some issues with the pagination. Pages 1,2 and 3 work fine, then page 4 isn't, then page 5, 6, 7 works, then another doesn't. The one that does not, gives the 500 | Server Error Another question. In the ACARS, should it not be that if a pilot is restricted to a fleet via ranking, it does not show up in the acars? So If I am an FO, and the flight has a subfleet of an CA, it should not show up on the front end of the site nor on the ACARS. Is that the correct logic? To add to that, if I am an admin, with a rank of an FO, would that override the subfleet restriction? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
  22. Thanks for the tip on my API, I changed it. I'll see what I need to do to completely uninstall MSFS on my C drv & dbl check the Antivirus too. Thanks for your help.
  23. Don't share your API KEY publicly. Since it is known (and cached by computers/bots), I would suggest changing it from your VA's website > profile page. For the rest (SimConnect problem), yes moving the installation may have the reason for this, some references may not updated properly, some key may still be pointing out to old folders/locations. It can simply be an antivirus or firewall software problem too, be sure your firewall allows two way, in/out connections and you don't have any access restrictions for the location of MSFS. More info can be provided the developer only, hope it sees and finds time to inspect your logs. Good luck
  24. Please find attached my PHPVMS Log. I am using Steam MSFS 2020 v1.36.20 which is the most current version I have seen. I am able to use ACARS with X Plane 11-no problem. As per the Title above for some reason it won't connect to MSFS. Of course, I selected MSFS in Settings & ran the Re-Sync Scenery. I ran the scenery mode on Native. ACARS does connect to the vuscg server as it shows exactly where my A/C is staged, also it does pull in the flt plan & it shows me logged into ACARS. I am definitely not a programmer but it does seem that it was having problems finding all of the MSFS folders/files? Originally, I had MSFS installed on my C: drv SSD but I bought a new NVME SSD so I moved it over to the new D: drv. Strangely, Steam still kept folders on both drives instead of moving everything over to the D: drv. I don't know if that's a problem but thought you should know. I am also attaching the file I have on my C: drv in the documents folder. This file was from a previous ACARS version, that worked, so I changed the url & API Key in hopes that it would work but no dice. Thank you very much for your help!
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