Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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Hi all. Off topic I know, but that's what the forums topic says! There is currently a petition on the Downing Street petition site for the official student status to be awarded to trainee British pilots. Please click here for further information and to submit your signature. cheers, roboa
Last reply by roboa, -
- 1 reply
One of my pilots has FSFK and wants to use it with my VA. The guy who created has files for VA's so they can use it, but will I be able to get it to work?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Anyone still fly the PSS 757? Personally I merged it with the New QW757 its awesome! One problem. I am missing a lot of SIDs/STARs with the most current AIRAC 1002 anyone have the same issue?
Last reply by piper338, -
Video Software
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Can i get a name or a link to the video recording software that the phpVMS video tutorials were made with? Thanx
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
As everyone knows, I built my VA website some time ago with phpVMS and I have had issues beyond my control and am now starting over from scratch. No launch date in sight so far. if it is not right this time, I am sticking to someone else's VA ;-) Soooo, I was wondering if I could con someone into creating me a Thunder VA logo to match the Crystal skin, that will work for me temporarily until I get all the bells and whistles done. This time around, the skin is going to be the last thing I do. So if I had a logo, atleast folks would know it is the Thunder VA site and not phpVMS site. Thanks in advance either way. Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Hey everyone, Since learning how to do them, I have a bunch of phpVMS functions lying idle on my site, and I think other people could utilize them. How about, if there was some sort of pastebin-style thing where everybody contributed their different functions as addons. There's always the code snippets forum, but this might be a little nicer. Just a thought!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm the founder and CEO of a new virtual airline based in Portland, Oregon. I'm looking for someone that would like to join the team as web developer and manager. I have a host for the next 3 years already payed for, and I am great with photoshop. I'm a collegestudent and I just don't have time to learn code (although I want to). For anymore info please contact me via pm or see the va forum at Thanks everyone!
Last reply by tdinges, -
- 0 replies
Is any one offering free hosting? With setup etc? If you are please let me know thanks
Last reply by cpgop, -
- 2 replies
A united Airways Plane Crashed in the Hudson river All passangers Servied and Crew and Pilots On Jan 15,2009
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
Fantastic Site for Airlines
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Hey Guys, If you have or plan on starting a VA based off of A real world airline, I strongly recommend Reason being because it has almost if not every airline in the world on their site. They offer every airport that an airline serves with full information about the airport. Remember to +1 on the Karma . **Edited by Shadown7 to correct a bad URL.**
Last reply by JohnMck93, -
- 0 replies
To save bandwidth and save others leaching from your server see,
Last reply by mark1million, -
by atlanticva- 1 reply
I would like to Thank you for a great product and we look forward on working with you in the future. I believe this is one of the best in the community. I would make sure we certainly support you in any way Pacific International Virtual Airlines ***Coming Soon Fall 2009***
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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As many of you know I am nearing the completion of the raw data needed to plug into this site and thus give birth to Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines. If my calculations are correct I am about a month away from completing this task and then down loading the operating program. All of which brings me to the purpose of today’s post. Without mincing words I have no idea how to create and paint the aircraft needed to run the VA. In my minds eye I know exactly what I want the aircraft to look like, but I haven’t a clue on how to make that vision come alive. Therefore I would like to propose a trade with any VA operator willing to do so. When completed I will have a route…
Last reply by big red 1, -
- 1 reply
On behalf of everyone on the management team at Australian Frontier Virtual Airways I would like to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the development and testing of phpVMS for making such a great system. I would also like to also say thank you to everyone who has helped us in the troubles we encounter. In 2008 we were founded running VAFS until we went broke. We lost everything, members, our website and relationships. Many members though we were gone. In January this year we started to test phpVMS and gave it the go ahead. Some people thought we would not survive a month, but now we have 20+ members, tonnes of events and lots of fun flying. Still got a lot …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hi guys, Moonpeach here, aka josh from Bristol Ive been in the flight sim x area for quite a while, and i love the game . Ive ran a few VAs before such as Global Airlink and Continental Airlines (with permission for continental themselves) on a place calling . but tbh there is no really great place to do VAs , theres not any decent software and recently i thought i might get my self back into VAs and have some fun. and so here i am, i; ganna download VMS right now and have some fun. So if any airline would be happy to recruit me , Would prefer a hub at EGGD ( Bristol ) as its where i live but sent me a pm if you wanna hire me =) Edit: is there any files we as…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Nabeel, Im trying to display the pilot group ie active inactive on the pilots list, i have read through the api but just seem to be going round in circles, Can you point me in the right direction?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like to use phpVMS for my airline but noticed that I can not place any bids on my routes (just will not get the choice no matter what I do). Schedules are completely filled out. HELP. signature in the works
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Ok, if i own a VA after a airline but for expamle.. The Airlines's name is: Air Canada and i want the va to be: Air Canadas Virtual and i use the logo but i edit to suit to the VA. but not like the real airlines logo. And some real airlines askes you to shut down due to copyrights, i don't understant why, but i'm not using the same logo or anything else. A freind was telling it it's okay to do that way, but i'm not sure............. If you would clear it up why is that way for me please, thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
Schedule Ferquency
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, I am wondering what the schedule frequency graphs are for in the flight details section. All of my graphs are blank....
Last reply by Wayne, -
This is probably something for you Nabeel Would it be possible to put a training centre into phpvms? It would work like the flight system whereby staff put information on available courses (related to flying) into the administration centre and then they would be displayed on a page and could be bidded on by pilots? And the pilots can choose a day and time they would like to do it from a list on the bid page for that course. That information is then relayed to the staff member responsible for that course and they confirm the training and an email is then sent to the pilot to let them know it has been confirmed. hope you like it (and hope it's possible even more!), robo…
Last reply by roboa, -
- 2 replies
Hello Nabeel I have 2 questions At this point i have about 700 flight schedules but here comes the question I have about 300 done flights But I want to refresh off all the flight schedules on new year. Is this possible (read) will this affect any off the old pireps that have been send Example: Now TAY 256= ebbr-lfpg a flight has been done and stored in the pireps db After new year TAY 256= ebbr- eddw. Will this give an error or not because we are a real live airline and our schedules change every 3 months and if this can’t be done we need to ad so many schedules And that would we sad. Second If I want to start a second airline within phpvms is it possible tha…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
I'm adding a percentage for monthly expenses - should these be deducted off of the gross revenue, or the total remaining after all expenses, etc have been calculated? I'll have to ask my girl but she's not around (accounting major haha), but maybe some of you have direct experience?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Does it matter what registration values you assign to your aircraft? What I mean by that is will my pilots not be able to fly if the registration number isn't a certain number on VATSIM?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I have a pilot docs section, but I can't open the documents. I get the following error: 'The file is missing or damaged and cannot be repaired' Any ideas?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 reply
I'm ready to take a few more airlines in. Requirements: At least a few PIREPs a day, with ACARS flights Using financials Willing to update to latest betas when it calls for it Other than that, it's pretty hands off and automatic. You just have to add a few lines into your local.config
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 0 replies
I am forming a new va alliance called nova. For more info...go to
Last reply by wadams, -
Somthing That might come to handy with phpVMS
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Well as i was checking out the backend part of phpVMS i noticed how you can add custom sidebars and basically change the whole inner layout to your website. If you go to your Core>>templates and navigate threw there, You can change the layout or add anything to your pages. It came in handy for me because i needed to add a teamspeak block. Be sure to backup anything you edit though.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Since my website somehow corrupted itself I have to completely recode it. Last time I was uploading files directly to the web server instead of doing it on my computer. I used to use wampserver until I upgraded it. Now it gives me an error whenever I try to use php on it, it gives me an error. When I use xammp, it freezes on me and wont do anything when I try to run it. Is there anything else like these programs that I could try? Kindest Regards, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 1 reply
hey nabeel, dont know if its already build in in the future releases but i added this line <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/schedules/brief/<?php echo $bid->id ?>">Pilot Brief</a><br /> to schedule_bids.tpl so pilots can still review the briefing after booking the flight
Last reply by Nabeel, -
users online
by Guest chikolol- 1 reply
- 1.2k views if you guys see there, how can something like that be made for php vms. looks very handy.... Btw this site has many useful and great things that you might want to consider putting into php vms.... just saying !!!!
Last reply by Nabeel,