Support Forum
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7147 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
I am using beta 1.2.712 and it seems the flight search has a bug. I did a search for b103 flights, the system is including B1900 aircraft in the search for some reason.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
How can something so simple be causing me so much trouble. I can not get this file to show up. I have tried the domain name path along with the file path and just the direct root path. What could it be?'> Where is the %200 coing from when that is not what I am putting as the link? This is what I actually have as the path: Orange-LITE/style/R35.png Shouldn't I be able to put this path: phpvms/lib/skins/Sim Orange-LITE/style/R35.png Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
When you go to log into the airline a message pops up with a Google Map API error. It will show when you go to the link below. I have changed the API several times through Google and still the error. Also I can't get the FS ACARS config file to work at all and another member says it is not recording properly. I think my issu is Windows Vista administrator rights as I can't add additional config files for my airline and other airlines to FS ACARS. Looking for beta testers if anyone is interested in joining?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Can anybody tell me at all where in the CSS the area to change TEXT link colours is, this is where the usual blue and purple is on the page. If it doesn't exist where can I add it in? Thanks, Jack
Last reply by roboa, -
- 3 replies
Hello, My pilots at Virtual JetBlue ( are having issue with the FSAcars. They say the copy the config file into there fsacars folder start it, start flightsim and fly etc but it doesn't show them on the Live Map. I have tried it for myself as well and it doesn't show up on the Live Map. Any ideas? Regards, Jacob Khanis VP Operations / BoD Virtual JetBlue
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I have been trying to make an HTML image link, however all that show up is a small white box with a grey outline. The code I used looks like this: <a href="hangar"><img src=""/></a> If there is something wrong please let me know, but I thought I was doing it right. If you click on the small white box it takes you to the right page, just the image does not show up like it should.
Last reply by patva1, -
- 3 replies
I have a problem with the total hours <ul> <li><strong>Total Pilots: </strong><?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?></li> <li><strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?></li> <li><strong>Total Hours Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?></li> </ul> Total Hours Flown: ()
Last reply by CTB001, -
- 6 replies
Hi folks, i tried to add the Airport of Windhoek Eros (FYWE) But when i type in FYWE as ICAO Code it says that it found nothing. However, how can i add him? thx for help
Last reply by namva, -
- 2 replies
hello again, i have a new challenge and i dont know how to do it for the frontpagemain. I would like to have a info box about new pilots in the VA. i like something like that: it would read new pilots i only be able to get the name... i would like to know how to put the flag and the hire date thanksssss
Last reply by mobitu, -
by roboa- 6 replies
Hi, Is there a way to move the text on the signatures around? cheers, roboa
Last reply by roboa, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys... It´s soooooo depressing - i´m working on a drop down menue for my Airline for a week now and the whole thing just wo´nt work - i just want a normal css based nice looking drop Down Menue working in Inet Ex. and Firefox and i really hope some one may help us somehow PLEASE!. Yours nagelfar
Last reply by roboa, -
- 11 replies
Hello, I'm creating a fleet page. Is there a way I can call a list of every tail number in a vertical list, plus the total in service? Also, damn I forgot. Haha I'll post a reply if I remember. Thanks.
Last reply by simpilot, -
Fuel price 1 2
by packo88- 30 replies
I have noticed my fuel price on each pirep is getting higher. is this whats suppose to happen? All my fuel prices are set to 0 but when a flight is done the price comes through at over $700 per Kg
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I recently had an issue yesterday of the system logging a completely different flight after my flight from KLAX to RJAA was complete. It showed two flights complete, one from KBOS to KBWI, and another from KLAX to KBOS. None of those flights were ever flown, however, they may have been added to the flight bid. Would having those flights in the flight bid allow that to happen? Also, I am noticing that after adding flights and going through the flight search, I cannot see them in the searches. Is there something that would help this problem? Thanks, John Croth
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hello I have some errors in the salaries of the pilots. Example : A pilot flew 1 hour and 11 minutes. FSACARS records 1h11 and phpVMS use 1.11 for the hours of flight. The salary for this pilote per hour is 15 euros. So the normal salary is 15/60 = 0.25 euro per minute of flight. In this case, the salary must be 71X0.25 = 17.75 euros The problem is that phpVMS do this calcul : [hours of flight] X [salary per hour] = salary for this flight 1.11 X 15 = 16.65 euros whereas the salaty must be 17.75 euros. Can you do an patch to delete this error ? Thanks Stéphane
Last reply by stephanepa38, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Can I translate some important phpVMS Docs and create a small Italian docs section on forum or wiki? Marco
Last reply by I-MAXI, -
- 9 replies
Hello, There are two problems with captcha verification in the forum registration page: 1)Captcha image doesn't appear; 2)If you tray to update captcha image, you will be redirect to phpVMS Home Page; Marco
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Is there a way for the map to display the actual route that the aircraft will be flying? For mine currently it just displays a straight line between the airports but the route being flown is totally different. Is there anyway to incorporate this or is that something that really is too difficult? I only ask because I have seen this done on and wondered if it is something that is able to be done here. Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I have routes like this: ROK100 MDW-LAS-SFO When someone flies just the MDW-LAS route, it also shows me someone flew the LAS-SFO route. Is there a way to make it so its not the flight number, but the route number ( schedules/details/1,2,etc..)? Or will I just have to set it up so LAS-SFO is ROK100-1 or something? Thanksss!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I've been skinning phpvms for a friend and have stumbled on the odd few minor problems. I've got the latest beta installed and running. 1. The hours till next rank, I've filed a test Pirep taking 56min. The next rank is available at 25 hours so the time till promotion should be 24.06 however it says 24.44. 2. I was looking at the topic in regards to adding flags to the latest pilots which I have added in. The flags it uses however are in caps so it's US.png instead of us.png. Thats all for now, any help is appreciated
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I know this has been posted before but I have not found an answer yet, I have uploaded the files to my site chmod'd them to 777, I have the correct version of php. When I run installer I get the following message........ Fatal error: Call to a member function get_results() on a non-object in /www/************/htdocs/core/classes/DB.class.php on line 280 Can anyone shed any light. Phil
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Ok, I'll admit that I don't really know anything about PHP but was able to at least follow the skinning tutorial... I was wondering if there is a way to customize the 'boarding pass' like add your airlines logo or change the format of it to look like that particular airlines actual boarding pass? Just so you can see what I am working on, I used to work for Aloha before they closed... Also, I think there may have been a thread that covered this but is there a way to get something like this?>> I really like how it splits up the information provided by fspassengers as that is …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
When a user requests a new password through the "I forgot my password" link, the following message is displayed. Notice: The template file "/home2/mywebsite/public_html/ap//core/templates/login_passwordreset.tpl" doesn't exist in /home2/mywebsite/public_html/ap/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 206 I reinstalled phpVMS just in case. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance. Ron
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm working on a phpvms site for someone and suddely last night, after the owner added some schedules, he was unable to log in again. The other users also cannot login, when they log in it says "Not logged in" I added a test account to the database and it didnt let me in when it wasnt confirmed, it didnt let me in when i got the password wrong, and it didnt let me in when everything was right either. Help please
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
For some reason I do not have a local config file in my copy of phpvms. I have downloaded it many times and still have the same problem. Is it still included and do I need it.
Last reply by j_lightwing, -
- 5 replies
I am having trouble getting emails to applicants and pilots to work. I know this is not a fault of PHPVMS, but I'm hoping someone else has encountered this problem and can help me. The email is generated but is halted at my host saying that "email relaying" is not allowed. I'm sure I'm not configuring something correct. The email I set for myself as administrator is the same email I use for my domain email. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks very much in advance. Ron
Last reply by Nabeel, -
If there is anyone who knows how to use PHP to setup phpVMS, please email me at if you are willing to help. I am the PR director at a new and upcoming VA and would like to integrate this system into our VA.
Last reply by Strider, -
by roboa- 2 replies
Hi, when trying to submit a manual PIREP, the pilots are presented with this error message: fopen(/home/fcava./public_html//lib/rss/latestpireps.rss) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/fcava./public_html/core/common/RSSFeed.class.php on line 63 The PIREP does go through so it isnt directly affecting that. I have also checked the permissions on the RSSFeed.class.php and they are set to 777 cheers, roboa
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
in my local config file there is nothing to change the fuel cost in other topicks i have seen that they had the folowing line in the local config # Fuel info /* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45); Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5'); can i just ad this to my local config file i have installed the last build but nothing showing up. gr joeri update i have put it in the local config and changed the value 0.45 to 0.9918 kg-lbs but for a flight of about 1.5 hours (654nm) i had an feul expence …
Last reply by joeri, -
Hi there We tried the "awards" System The Problem is, the System gives each Pilot the Same award on it´s own- Also the linked Pictures are not working.
Last reply by Nabeel,