Simpilot Group Addons
Addons and Modules
168 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Very useful add-on In the \core\common\ForumData.class.php i found the code that send an email to the administrator but this is not function in my VA... should i configure anything ? Note that pireps and all other emails are sent correctly to the administrator. TNX in advance Gianni
Last reply by CVV001, -
- 6 replies
hey i have got airmail i have put all the files were thay need to be except for mailimages (not sure were to put this ) and also airmail sql file and not sure what details i need to place on the before i place it in the db ? and help with these to things would be great please
Last reply by angle, -
Real Schedule Lite Help
by Guest- 2 replies
Hey Guys, Im sort of a noob with PHPVMS but slowly learning. Where exactly do I change the price for the jumpseat? It doesn't seem to work. and How do i erase the links to the old scheduling system and make it all work with the Real schedule? Thanks for your help! Zeke
- 1 reply
Hello; i would like to add a list of best landing (touchdowns) in the frontpage when i use the touchdownstats template in a separate page it workes perfectly but how can i include the data in the front page thnx
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hey Sim ! Jay here from Pontchartrain VA. We may have corresponded a couple of years ago. I have lost my forum files from then so I can not be sure. Anyway Nabeel has been busting his but to try an help me with scheduling my VA. He has done a great job, but there are still issues. I will serve 57 cities with 187, DC-3, on 96 loop routes, that generate over 1,000 daily flights. He asked in his last email to me, that I ask around the forum for some help that might be out there. I have posted a help wanted message on two different locations on the forum. I have a lot of views but no reply’s as of yet. I am in great hope that what I have found here will do the trick.…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I was just wondering if there was a BB code to show the events in a forum? (simpilots events module) If not no worries Thanks for the support, James
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
hello, thank you all for your help, now I want to know how to add a driver for when a bid, the other pilots can not add the same bid.
Last reply by camiloski04, -
- 13 replies
??? Well i have taken all of the stuff out and reloaded it including the database and still same problem the only thing im not doing is taking away the link from the old Schedule Search because i still want the pilots to fly till i sort this out.Here is what happening i click on the link and all the flights come up and the ones with aircraft shows up that i can purchase a jumpseat ticket and the price,so when i clight on it to purchase the jumpticket a new windows comes up and shows mw a paperless ticket with the info on it,and i can cancel or purchase the ticket.So i click on purchase ticket and it takes me back to meneu where all the flights are and tell me im still a…
Last reply by bravo27, -
- 5 replies
Just wondering if someone would be able to help me out. Is there something i can do to fix this issue , after i purchase a jump-seat to go to CYYZ is says You are currently at Riga West (EVRA) You have not purchased any jumpseat tickets with Yet it does take my money and shows me the paperless ticket, no errors come and yet it says i have not purchased the ticket is there any changes i can make on the site to fix thank you.
Last reply by bravo27, -
- 2 replies
Hi I am trying to get a row of 3 screen shots on my site. To do this I know the code needs placing in 3 times, <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> But is there a tag I need to place in to go across the site instead of down in a column. I'm a complete php noob so any help is appreciated. thanks Screenshot1 Screenshot2 Screenshot3
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 1 reply
Hi I have a problem is that when I have more than one route per aircraft is SKBO HK4535-SKCL, SKBO-SKRG, SKBO-SKBG, and the time to add a bid only shows me one of those, and if I wanted to SKBO -SRKG I can not add the bid because I only show the first route. another thing also happens if I add a bid the bid is still available for the other riders then may be 3 or 4 pilots doing the same routein the the same plane . thanks
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Greetings, I have been using Top Pilot and it is a fantastic module. The question I have is how do we configure the code so we can show seperate Top Pilot stats pages by Hub? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by beerguts, -
- 2 replies
Hi All I m having a problem with the screenshot mod. I have placed all the files correctly. I upload a screenshot which is accepted and then I go to validate, it then tells me there is "no screen shot to validate" Have I missed something? Look forward to any support on this.
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 9 replies
hi, today i install the RealScheduleLite_1.0 in my phpvms, meeting according to the add on I'm in SKBO, but when you add a bid me say I'm not at that airport. really do not understand, add pictures. another question how do I add a hub, so when the drivers to register may be registered in one of three that has my airline hubs, add picture because at the time leaves no add a HUB. thanks for your help
Last reply by camiloski04, -
by Guest parkho- 6 replies
Hi I have just downloaded and installed the great Realscedualelite add-on and fixed all the errors. Now my question is that is it possible to use one aircraft in multiple routes or maybe when an airport is clicked for bidding another page opens and shows the aircraft list that can be chosen? I appreciate it. Thanks Parkho
- 1 reply
If you guys haven't noticed at this point, Simpilot has done some spectacular work with all of these great additions for use with phpVMS. There are several image that have been made to support phpVMS. I would like to support Simpilotgroup as well. Are there any images to link back or can some users come up with a few? This is the least we can do for someone spending so much time coming out with all of these great scripts that 100% of us have at least one of.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 78 replies
Hello all, I have written an internal mail module (AIRmail) for phpVMS and tested it both on my local development server and on my live site. I am looking for a couple of VA CEO's to install and test the system on their site and make any suggestions for improvements. Leave a post or send a PM if you would be interested. The package is ready for deployment now. Thanks!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 7 replies
Hi There, Great module got in on the site looking good. Since installing it myself and my route manager have noticed strange routes appearing, we have watched this and traced it down to routes being flown by a member on the IVAO system (World Tour) Anyone tell me if there is a setting i am missing or is there a problem. Its pretty weird as they are writing themselves to the database. Help would be much appreciated.
Last reply by MAT,