See if this works
Find this on line 37
foreach($pireps as $pirep)
Replace it with this (deprecated function, but it works)
foreach($pireps as $pirep)
$schedule = SchedulesData::getScheduleByFlight($pirep->code, $pirep->flightnum);
Find this
<strong>Flight Time: </strong><?php echo $pirep->flighttime; ?> <br />
Now the $schedule variable should be activated, so you should be able to read it like this
<strong>Actual Flight Time: </strong><?php echo $pirep->flighttime; ?> <br />
<strong>Scheduled Flight Time: </strong><?php echo $schedule->flighttime; ?> <br />
<strong>Scheduled Aircraft: </strong><?php echo $schedule->aircraft; ?> <br />
<strong>Scheduled Flight Level: </strong><?php echo $schedule->flightlevel; ?> <br />