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    Tangerang Selatan
  • Interests
    Aviation | IT + Networking

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  1. Hello , when i put the news script on the news section , it just show a little box : Update : Okay it's fixed now !!! Just delete the popupnews folder in the Artic Folder XD Thx, Regards,
  2. Hello ! Happy New Year ! Yeah, i have the exactly same problem , as you can see : www.vacentral.net/airline/mdl_tigerairmandalavirtual .. the pilots and several stats is not same with our VA stats ...... Just got this problem , after new year How can i fix that ??? Thx , Regards,
  3. TMVA is a Virtual Airlines replicate the daily operations of Tiger Mandala for Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator 9. We have no affiliation nor any endorsement with the real Tiger Mandala. By using TMV Customized kACARS makes flying more realistic , and you can interact between TMV pilots online in kACARS With a highly active community of like-minded individuals we accept anyone wanting to join us on the adventure of a lifetime! Come join us ! http://www.mandalavirtual.com/
  4. NadRush

    In Air Orange

    Hello sir, The link is broken , can you reupload ? Thx, Regards,
  5. Hi, I want to do the cronjob and I was worried about "Reset pilot pireps count" and "Reset hours" .. Are both of them will reset all hours made in my VA ?? Thx, Regards,
  6. NadRush

    kACARS Error

    to 0 , and if you have white screen at your website after changing the value , you must change memory limit Regards,
  7. Hi, After migrating to the new server, I can't upload the image again , it says the image too big / not jpg . But its jpg and its 30 kb, Write permission already given , and i put it in the root UPDATE : I don't know how , but suddenly , it works now Thx, Regards,
  8. NadRush

    kACARS Error

    Fixed this problem by changing the "max_exec_time" in php.ini settings Thx for all of your answer, Regards,
  9. Hi, Just migrated to the new server this is my va here... the main page looks normal , but when i try to open a page (ex. about us , livemap) even trying to login , it show " No input file specified " already set the cgi.fix_pathinfo to 0 any another advise ? [update] Fixed by myself :v , For me , cgi.fix_pathinfo to 1 not 0 (somehow) Thx, Regards
  10. Fixed by myself :v ... Its from the server , must set new tmp folder to get permissions Thx, Regards,
  11. Hi, After migrating to the new linux server , i get this message : Thx, Regards,
  12. NadRush

    kACARS Error

    Hi, My web host is using goDaddy .... Hmmm i just install top pilots addon yesterday , and we experiencing this problem since the day before yesterday . But okay ,will try to remove the addon Regards,
  13. NadRush

    kACARS Error

    I uploaded to D:\blablabla\va ... or www.mandalavirtual.com/va ... FYI , some member are succesfully filed the PIREP via kACARS ... And some member are not because of this problem ... Regards,
  14. NadRush

    kACARS Error

    Hi, Anybody experiencing this problem ? "maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in "......\core\classes\codonwebservice.class.php" on line 236" Thx, Regards,
  15. Okay , thx for your answer, Will try that for a moment , hope another can find another way ... Regards,
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