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Daniel Gallagher

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Everything posted by Daniel Gallagher

  1. Yeah, it is
  2. Hi Kyle, This module is great! I really do like it... but when I'm adding a chat, I have the option to choose the Chart Type however I can't find where to edit the types of chart that I can choose from. Any help is appreciated, Daniel
  3. Are you asking for someone to design you a new skin for your website or are you asking for a problem on the website to be fixed?
  4. Good luck with your virtual airline! I will say one thing though.... maybe change the link on the paypal donate button at the bottom or remove it because when somebody clicks on it, it will donate to AirFrance Virtual
  5. [REMOVED]
  6. you have a really good website (: good luck, hope everything goes the way it should do
  7. Try downloading the latest .NET framework and installing it? I think that's what I did when I had that problem once.
  8. .co.cc is a free domain, it might not necessarily be used on free web hosting.
  9. Try having a look at this one... you'd obviously need to play around with it a bit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/memoryscroller.htm
  10. Free webhosts and phpVMS don't work well together
  11. http://x5hosting.co.uk/teamspeak3.php
  12. Yeah, I realised that after I posted it
  13. Thanks for that info, and any more suggestions are appreciated.
  14. Hello, After 2 years of running a virtual airline, the staff and I have decided to close it. However, we wish to start a new project which will offer services to virtual airlines. Something like websites such as va-list.com, vacentral.net. We are trying to think of a new unique service to offer to the virtual airline community. One idea was a Virtual Airline Magazine, would anyone here be interested? Or do you have any other ideas of what you would liked to be offered? I'm Looking forward to your suggestions and replies. Kindest Regards, Daniel
  15. yeah, was there any reason for it?
  16. Oh, and just to add to everything..... he has copied the sidebar from our va's website: http://www.flyaerova.com/
  17. thanks (:
  18. how would you access the website to see what it looks like if it was in maintenance mode and redirected you to the other webpage though?
  19. just out of info, how would you set your site to dispay the 'down for maintenance' page?
  20. yeah, i've had a look at the skins part of his website and i do like some of his work so i might get a quote from him and if it's too expensive, i think i might go with tom at fstools.co.uk seen as i like his work and have already inquired with him.
  21. i'll have another look at it
  22. i did know about simpilot group and personally, i don't like the work he has on his website.
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