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Everything posted by Sava

  1. Thanks for the kind words!
  2. Thanks for letting us know! We hope everything will go well!
  3. Update: I will be starting a phpVMS video course. I will be starting with video installation, moving onto creating simple modules, showing how stuff interacts with each other and from there on see where it takes me and show how advanced stuff is done.
  4. I just realized you are asking about dates, not countries. Sorry about that. Must have been tired.
  5. You can translate them in the core/common/Countries.class.php file
  6. Sava

    PHP Tags.

    There isn't one but you can browse through the API and take a look at the available stuff.
  7. Is this a paid job? If not, good luck.
  8. I was thinking of doing this a while back Mishcka so expect them soon.
  9. Nope. In real life, all airlines would like to be the only airline flying. Either pay someone to extract them from flightaware or do them yourself.
  10. In the img echo code add width="value" after the closing src tag. It will resize the image and maintain the correct proportion by adjusting the height automatically. You can do the same but with height='value'. <img src="link" width="40px"/> Im on the phone so can't write you the entire code but you get the idea. Jus watch out when using quotations marks and escape them if/when needed when using them inside a PHP statement.
  11. Just out of curiosity, if someone already had them (not counting people who would do the for a price etc.) it would be someone who already owns a DAL VA, so sharing them with you would only make them more compatition. You will find out that the VA bussiness needs s lot of patience and hard work and expecting someone to do everything for you for free is not the way to go.
  12. You need to regenerate them. Go to the Maintanance options from the Admin Panel.
  13. I am still running the 25% offer for the first two customers. You can check out my work in the first post.
  14. Another UAL? Oh my...
  15. Thanks for your comments. I do support the community by helping members, releasing free modules and in the future skins. All of us need to earn money and I chose to provide members who meed a site or a module but can't make them themselves an option for me to do them, for a price though. This doesn't mean I will stop doing free modules and skins and helping out. I think it is fair, though everyone is entitled to an oppinion. Thanks.
  16. Maybe it is displaying the cached version. It is displaying this: http://i.imgur.com/26AjX.png And compared to the real Novair, it is the newest logo it seems. Is it displaying correctly?
  17. Hello everyone. I am starting to provide paid phpVMS development services. This includes development of phpVMS skins, modules, code changes, adding new features to my existing modules or 3rd party modules, or anything that pops to your mind. If I know how to do it, I'll get you a quote. Info about me: http://www.savamarkovic.com/about My Portfolio: http://www.savamarkovic.com/portfolio My Services: http://www.savamarkovic.com/phpvms-development/ Info: You will find that I am easy to work with, provide fast and efficient code, and all of that for cheap prices. Everything I do as a paid project is exclusive to that VA and I won't publish any modules, skins or pieces of code that were part of a paid project. Interested? Anyone who is interested, please contact me via private message and we will start from there. Thanks, Sava
  18. Cool so far it is my and Iain. Anyone else?
  19. Cool! One question, if a lot of guys need the same as I wrote above, would you be interested in modifying it?
  20. Just out of curiosity, why does it make a difference?
  21. Yes I understand that but would you be interested in changing the way your module works to what I have described above? I know many of are interested in having this, myself included. If not I could possibly modify your code once you publish it depending on how much time I have..
  22. We tend to suggest our pilots to use high quality payware a/c and I am considering completely banning freeware as all our a/c are chosen because high quality addons for them exist. I don't consider CLS being a high quality realistic addon. But that is offtopic. I would like to hear your opinions and suggestions on the redesign.
  23. All aircraft and pilots are initialy on the hub. Then the pilot selects the schedule he wants (aircraft has no factor now). Once it selects the schedule you get to the second page that asks whichna/c you want for this flight. This can be any aircraft located in the same place as the pilot and vms schedules aircraft alocation doesn't matter. Once i select an a/c it won't be displayed for other pilots when they are also on the same airport because it is taken. (the aircraft won't be displayed, every other schedule from the current airport will be displayed as it doesn't connect specific aircraft to specific schedules like your addon does if i understand correctly). After I fly the flight and land the aircraft is not longer at the hub and is also not available on the list until someone flies it back. I am trying my best to explain what I mean
  24. I understand that your module actually doesn't dispaly the schedules where the same aircraft is used as the one I booked. This looks for the vms's schedule aircraft alocation. I would oike to eliminate it completely and display the schedule and leave the a/c choice to the pilot. Does your module do that? thanks Edit: about kacars, it would be better if the actual initial sent data would be modified and not even allow for other aircraft to be displayed.
  25. Hello everyone! Just wanted to post here and get your opinion on my new redesign for the Air Serbia Virtual website. I have put a lot of work into it and I am satisfied with how it looks like! I will be putting some other improvements doing the following days but that is the general idea. http://www.airserbiavirtual.com/ P.S I know that the frontpage news need a bit of adjusting
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