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Everything posted by Sava

  1. Then it's okay. In case you need to convert it in some other case, it is easy. 1.53 would be 0.53x60 ~ 32 minutes
  2. I am not sure without checking, but you should check how phpVMS handles this. 1.5 may be actually 1hour 30minutes, not 1hour 50minutes Either way, it shouldn't be difficult to get what you want
  3. Guys, Just to let you know, after some time being away from the forums and phpVMS development (not from all developing though, been learning a lot of new stuff), I am accepting new phpVMS projects. Those who have worked with me before are aware of the quality of my work and the dedication I put in into every single one of my projects. To celebrate my return, I'll be giving a 20% discount for the first 2 customers! Interested? Send me a private message. Cheers, Sava
  4. This is still active....
  5. Hello. I am looking for any of you guys that have good/excellent experience in developing using the Laravel PHP framework. I have a project I am working on myself (a lot of stuff already done) and I'm in need of a helping hand. Would love to talk to you if you think you can help and maybe we can work something out People who don't have experience in Laravel, please ignore this.
  6. I just comment parts of code that are a bit more complex or that I think I might not understand well later on when I look at it (ie. some nasty hacks that are later investigated to find a cleaner solution etc.) No use in commenting stuff like //adding two numbers together //verifying value is over 50 etc.
  7. That video doesn't look really good in my opinion. And the additional features are a bit...well..not well thought out
  8. Sava

    Navdata Update

    Is someone willing to export the phpvms_navdata they have in their DB so not all of us have to go through the process/
  9. Check the links to your css files.
  10. Seems like the ID isn't being passed to the method?
  11. You are calling a function that does not exist anymore. Maybe they changed the name in the mean time?
  12. It should be fairly simple. Make a module that is called in the rejection function that takes for example the name, reason entered and timestamp and insert it into the DB. Then you can use it any way you like EDIT: typed the post at the same time. Not that relevant now..
  13. Wrote an article on that here: http://www.savamarko...-phpvms-module/ Hope that's what you're looking for. It uses a page created through the admin panel. Alternatively you can render a .tpl file by doing $this->render('filename.tpl'); or printing stuff directly from the file by using echo 'stuff to print here...';
  14. Sava

    Sim Brief

    I've talked to the developer about him creating some sort of API to let VAs plugin to the system directly. Here is the reply: In reply to my mail:
  15. My site was compromised as well. Thanks for letting me know what the issue is.
  16. Yeap, it's the non attribution license.
  17. To be honest, from the several topics you posted, I've come to a conclusion not to expect much from this VA, to be honest with you. That "logo" is a 15s job. If you have dedicated that much time in the logo, why would anyone dedicate time for flying for the VA? Just some constructive criticism
  18. Sava

    Fatal Error

    You're running phpVMS with a newer version of PHP which is currently not compatible with phpVMS by default.There is a fix, just search on the forums.
  19. Totally agree. Also check the actual rendered page width as the latest FF is displaying horizontal scroll bars (ie. width >100%)
  20. Skip it in the foreach loop in the pilot_list.tpl file.
  21. It's simple. Rename index.html to layout.tpl and start inputing stuff like from the crystal skin. Where you want the content to appear, insert <?php echo $page_content; ?>
  22. You're not using phpVMS...why bother posting here?
  23. That's just plain wrong...
  24. From the top of my head, should be: public function file(... So, comment out the entire file method in the PIREPs.php file, in core/modules/Pireps
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