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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Hello everyone, I am in process of finishng up a new class for phpVMS that details statistics for your VA. I have attached a screenie from my development server with the stats that are built so far. Anyone have any suggestions for anything else you think a VA would like to have stats for? Total - Flights, Pilots, and Hours are already built into the phpVMS app. The rest come out of the new class I am building.
  2. The messages in the sent items list will dissapear as the reciever deletes them at this point. Good suggestion of being able to delete the on the senders end so they do not show up in the senders list, I will look at it and try to get it in the full release. Keep the suggestions coming! Let me know of any other features or items you guys would like to see or change.
  3. No longer need to do this - Attached file has fix - replace your mail.php file in the mail module with the attached Mail.zip
  4. Just replied to your email
  5. Looks like the file attached to the update post is corrupted - attached mail.php again - Use this one to replace mail.php in your mail module - should fix you up. Please post with the results for me - Thanks Mail.zip
  6. The change is in the post with the files Line 40 - <td><b>Pilot ID: <input type="text" name="username" value="NEA" /></b></td>
  7. Replace mail.php in your mail module with the attached - typo correction - EDIT - File is bad - replacement posted later in thread
  8. Attached are the images needed for AIRmail. Place the folder in the root directory for your phpVMS installation. Sorry - missed them in the original package : mailimages.zip
  9. Attached are the files needed for AIRmail to run. Place them in the appropriate folders on your site and run the airmail.sql file using phpmyadmin within your database that is being used for phpvms. It will create a new table called airmail and also place all the rows that are needed for the module to work. You will need to create a link in your navagation menu to access the AIRmail system -> <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/inbox">AIRmail</a> Use the pilot id number for the TO field when sending mail. I am working on a database query to create a drop down of all the pilots in the airline for that field but wanted to get this version out to get testing started. I will add updates as I go. You can modify the templates to match your skin if you would like, they are supplied with just basic markup at this point. Remember to backup your database and other folders before making changes with this module just as you would any other time when you are making changes. Please post here in this thread if you need help or have other issues or suggestions so others that may be having the same problem can be helped as well... Be sure to go through the thread for any corrected files EDIT 9/13 4:15pm board time - Attached packages has all fixes as of 9/13 mail.php mailimages folder File Removed - Version updated to AirMail 2.1 You can find it Here
  10. Hello all, I have written an internal mail module (AIRmail) for phpVMS and tested it both on my local development server and on my live site. I am looking for a couple of VA CEO's to install and test the system on their site and make any suggestions for improvements. Leave a post or send a PM if you would be interested. The package is ready for deployment now. Thanks!
  11. Where does the project stand?
  12. This will work in the profile pages on your va site <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/signatures/<?php echo $pilotcode ?>.png" /> If you mean here in the forum profile.. <img src="http://www.yoursite.com/lib/signatures/yourpilotcode.png" />
  13. Try this - it returns all the lines in the pilots table in an array and you can display what you would like. <?php MainController::Run('PilotData', 'GetAllPilots', ''); ?>
  14. flyalaska, you can call a full roster from the existing structure in phpvms now... I am currently using it here -> http://www.newenglandvirtual.com/index.php/Operations/roster/ check it out.
  15. Sorry to bring this one back to life Nabeel but.... I don't know if it is the issue with this page not aligning but I have tried every css and other code adjustment to make it center with no luck. I went ahead and pulled the source from the page (attached) and noticed that all the map script data is the first thing on the page, even before the html notations and outside of the header section... Could this be the issue? I am trying to implement a javascript menu on my site and when this page comes up it is destroyed as well. deatils page source.htm
  16. Not sure what data your are trying to use but the "location" field in the pilots table returns the country that the pilot is based and is the variable to display country flags, like in the table below.... I have also set up the pilot center to do what I think you are trying to do, show the location of the pilot currently according to the last flight flown, as below. This data is coming out of the PIREP table using the newest PIREP filed for that pilot. If this is what you are doing to come up with the location and everyone is showing up in the same location my guess would be that you are not using a where statement in your sql select to qualify the pilot, it is just grabbing the newest PIREP and returning the destination airport for that one, it is not qualifying the data according to the pilot so everyone is going to be at the destination airport of the newest PIREP filed no matter who filed it.... I am currently running beta 741 without any issues.
  17. I am having the same problem, I think it came out of the 741 update to the beta....
  18. goran - Here is a good link that details all the ssi.php functions in smf. Has been a time saver since I found it. http://www.simplemachines.org/community/ssi_examples.php I have a new test page that prints all the functions on my site now, check it out. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/test.php Still trying to figure out how to get the data into tables and such.... ---- EDIT - 8/31 ---- I have it working on the main page of the site here - http://www.simpilotgroup.com/newenglandair/index.php Let me know if you need help.
  19. simpilot


    Got you fixed up ;D - Use your email address and password to log in - The modifed login script so you could login with a PID was overwritten in the update.
  20. Here you go -> <?php require_once('SSI.php'); $data = ssi_recentTopics($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'array'); foreach($data as $post) { print $post['link'] . ' ' . $post['poster']['link'] . '<br />'; } ?> You will have to adjust your path to SSI.php for your server. Also this only returns the post title and the screen name of the poster. There is a lot of data that comes back in the $data array that you can echo with this piece of code. You can find all the data variables in the smf support forums, the "recent = 8" determines how many topics the script returns. This is working in a live environment for me, I am just working on making it display nicely. You can see what this returns on my board here -> http://www.simpilotgroup.com/test.php
  21. Where is the download for this, or has it ever been released? I would like to add something like this to my site..
  22. Make sure the permissions on /lib/signatures folder did not get changed during your update, -> signatures folder and all the images within it need to be set to 777
  23. I have gotten some help to paint one aircraft but there is still a couple to do... Would love to have someone help us along.
  24. Did you put the skin files in their own folder with a name - something like "myskin" and then place the folder in the same directory as the crystal and crystal sidebar folders? If so try refeshing the admin page and see if it shows up in the dropdown list.
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