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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Beta Posted -> http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1531.0
  2. First Beta Release - EXAMCenter Developed using phpVMS ver 1.2.778 and ie8 Features: 2 Levels of Administration -Administrator -Staff Member Exam and Question creation and editing Optional "Assign Only" system Installation: 1 - Download Package and place files in your phpVMS install in the proper paths 2 - Load the exam_center.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpMYAdmin or similar 3 - Place a link to the EXAMCenter in your menu -> <a href="<?php echo url('/Exams') ?>">EXAMCenter</a> 4 - Place a link in your menu for the Admins and Staff Members of EXAMCenter -> <?php $admin = ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if ($admin->admin_level >= '1') {echo '<a href="'.url('/Exams_admin').'">EXAMCenter Admin</a>';} ?> 5 - Start building exams! Some Notes: 1 - EXAMCenter Staff Members have the ability to assign & approve exams, author exams and questions, and create revision reasons. 2 - EXAMCenter Administrators have all the abilities that a staff member has plus the ability to open and close the center, add/remove staff members and admins, edit static messages for the EXAMCenter, change the assign/purchase option, and edit revision codes. 3 - The system automatically assigns the pilot with the database id of "1" as the first administrator. DO NOT un-assign this pilot as an admin unless you have at least one more admin assigned, you will not be able to log back into the center as an admin. I am still working on a check that will not let you do this but wanted to get the beta out. 4 - There are two exams already in the database to give some guidance on how things work. Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
  3. @tebinu & Thomas - Beta will be posted tonight.
  4. A great source for js menus is Dynamic Drive www.dynamicdrive.com Also for css menus www.cssmenumaker.com hope this helps
  5. I have an attempt at a system for exams running on my development site now if you want to mess with it. I have updated a lot of it today. The admin panel for the exams is open as long as you are logged in. There is a guest login on the front page or you can create your own. There are still a few issues and print_r's hanging around but the structure is there. See what you think..... : I am not ready to release it until I get a few more things worked out.
  6. @pouzo, If you want to show how many AIRmail's are waiting instead of the image you can -> 1 - open mail_check.tpl - unless you have changed it, it should look like this -> <center> <?php if ($items > 0) { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/mailimages/new_mail.gif" border="0" /><br />'; echo 'You Have Mail'; } else { echo 'You have no new mail'; } ?> </center> 2 - change it to <center> <?php if ($items > 0) { echo 'You Have '.$items.' New Mail Items'; } else { echo 'You have no new mail'; } ?> </center> That should get the result you are looking for. You can call it anywhere in the template using - <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail'); ?> I am not sure what you are looking for with the second request. When you go to your inbox it gives you a list of your mail... let me know what you are trying to do.
  7. Got the data feed working on my development site - Not much to see right now - Only 2 ATC online, but it is there if you want to see the data returned. Have to do some work ro figure out how to apply the data to the acars map.....
  8. Just looked at it and you are correct - It looks exactly the same as vatsim, wonder how they got away with that? I will see what happens to my module if I use the vsn page as a data source...
  9. Not sure what you mean by "Vatsim doesnt work on my site" Have you written your own code or something for vatsim....
  10. Just a thought... sometimes we overlook the simple things -> Double check that the footer.tpl file is in your active skin folder and you have not changed the name of it in any way. It must be "footer.tpl" unless you change the core to call something different.
  11. I have a VATSIM module working on my devlopment site to gather and sort current Vatsim pilot data, which includes the lat/long of their location. It would just take the coding to apply that lat/long and pilot info to the map. I am not sure if Virtual Skies offers a data feed as Vatsim does.
  12. Sounds good - I have built a seperate module for the exam admin functions but it uses the same data class. It runs outside of the admin panel right now, not sure how big of a deal it is to implement in the admin panel. I have not done much on that side always worrying it would get overwritten in an update. I am installing it on my online test site tonight to see how it works online. It seems to be working quite well here on the development server.
  13. Ok guys - I have a core exam system working in which you have to purchase the exam using your pilot pay.... if you do not wish to have to purchase the exam you will just have to set the price at $0. One question - is a percentage to pass being the same for all the tests ok, or does each test have to have it's own passing percentage?
  14. Ok guys, I have started coding this and the store part I have gotten working somewhat but a stock broker I am not. Can anyone lay out the structure of a stock system based off phpvms. What I am looking for is what exactly is the stock price to be derived from. We have our income from flights and expenses for the same, pilot pay etc... but there is also the depreciation factor of the initial cost of aircraft, which I do not see in phpvms right now. I need to know what equation I should be using in regards to what is in the database to figure the daily stock price for a pilot to buy or sell stock. What should the initial offering price be based off of?
  15. That's cool Nabeel Let me know if you need anything else with it. I am playing with a module for what I would call banking I guess. Pilots can use their virtual pay to buy things like stock in the va and exams.... btw - Kids had a great time @ disney - Dad on the other hand is a little tired..
  16. does anyone have an exam already made with multiple choice answers that you could send me to use in the development?
  17. Someone was working on some type of store a while back - pilots could "buy" things from the store with their pilot pay - not sure if it ever got done... I could probably get a rough version up pretty quickly with some ideas of exactly what you want it to do, I am guessing you want the pilot to be able to purchase things using his pay, ie a test, then take the test. If he fails it, does he get any of his money back? Should some items only be available to certain ranks as well as a monetary ammount? Does an admin have to approve the purchase, or certain purchases? Just thinking....
  18. Hi Guys, Just getting back from taking the kids to Disney World for a week. Has everyone got this working at this point or is there still issues with the rate showing up in the admin PIREP approval list? @flyalaska - I have not tested with xacars, honestly I am not even sure what the log looks like as I do not use it, only fsacars. If you could send me a couple of xacars logs I will take a look at it and see if I can get it to work.
  19. For some reason the module is not caching the pirep_filed event..... Some questions that would make it a little easier to diagnose... Are you filing the pireps through the manual page or through fsacars, or another way? Are all the stats column fields showing 0, or just the ones without a log? If you are filing pireps through fspax I do not know if it will trigger the event, I do not use it and have had no one to test that functionality..
  20. Good catch! To fix this open MailDataClass.php in core/common and find line 55 -> $upd = "UPDATE airmail SET deleted_state=1 WHERE id='$mailid'"; and change it to -> $upd = "UPDATE airmail SET deleted_state=1, read_state=1 WHERE id='$mailid'"; When you now delete an unread mail item it will also show it in the database as a read item and will not trigger the "You Have Mail" function. I will include this change in the next version.
  21. Thanks Nabeel - I will move up to 786 on the local server and try it.
  22. simpilot

    New VA Skin

    Tables work well but if you wanted to just use css you could do something like this for the columns on a 980px wide page -> .main-left { display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:180px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/; } .main-center { display:inline; /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:590px; margin:0 0 0 10px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/; } .main-right { display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:right; width:180px; margin:0 10px 0 0; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/; } And then your page would layout like -> <div class="main-left"> left column content </div> <div class="main-center"> center content </div> <div class="main-right"> right column content </div>
  23. Sorry Tom - Just caught this.... More than happy to share. I am on the road for work right now and I have the module running on my loacl development server at home. Should be home by the weekend and I will post it. It still needs to be cleaned up a little but I got it to work. The biggest hurdle was getting the password over to teamspeak. Also it is only working on teamspeak version2, I have not got it to work on the new version 3 beta teamspeak.
  24. Always willing to help those in the teaching community ;D You cam pm me or send email to my address here in the forum when you are ready to move along. Going on vacation for a week but sounds like I will be back before you are ready.
  25. Have you had any PIREPS filed manually lately, or have they all been filed through fsacars?
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