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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Make sure the permissions on /lib/signatures folder did not get changed during your update, -> signatures folder and all the images within it need to be set to 777
  2. I have gotten some help to paint one aircraft but there is still a couple to do... Would love to have someone help us along.
  3. Did you put the skin files in their own folder with a name - something like "myskin" and then place the folder in the same directory as the crystal and crystal sidebar folders? If so try refeshing the admin page and see if it shows up in the dropdown list.
  4. simpilot

    need some help

    Have you hit the ie7 comaptibility button in ie8, that usually fixes it. If not it may just be one of the things that ff and ie display differently....
  5. simpilot

    need some help

    It shows up on your site when I look at it now. Maybe refresh/restart your browser.
  6. simpilot

    need some help

    The path you are using -> http://www.tnt-virtual.be/lib/skins/tntairways/images/TNT.GIF is non-existant on your server... check your server to see if the image is actually there and in the correct location and named correctly.....
  7. chikolol - Looks good on your site Thomas - Here is a basic piece of code to display the table data as an image according to the airline as on the flyUK site. You will need to modify it to fit your site and insert it in the schedule_results.tpl file or in whatever table you are using. This example is using the assumption that there is 4 airlines, you can adjust it to how many you have. <td> <?php if ($route->code=="abc") echo "<img src='http://www.yoursite.com/abc.gif'>"; elseif ($route->code=="def") echo "<img src='http://www.yoursite.com/def.gif'>"; elseif ($route->code=="ghi") echo "<img src='http://www.yoursite.com/ghi.gif'>"; else echo "<img src='http://www.yoursite.com/jkl.gif'>"; ?> </td>
  8. simpilot


    Is there a space in your folder name "tnt airways"? If so I would lose it, change the folder name on the server and in your code Earlier you were showing the folder as "tnt" not "tnt airways" Check these differences Are you sure the image is a gif and not a jpg or png extension? Also, I just looked at the source for your page and the image link is: This needs to be changed to the absolute path EDIT - Looks like we posted at the same time.
  9. PM me with what your needs and ideas are.....
  10. simpilot


    There is part of the issue... your path should be.... http://www.tnt-virtual.be/lib/skins/tnt/images/vatsim.gif This still does not work here in my browser.... there has got to be something named differently between the path you are using here and what is actually on your server...
  11. Do you just need a temporary home for your airline, until you are able to get your own hosting? If so I may be able to help you out and host your VA as a subfolder on my site...
  12. simpilot


    Looking at the source code on your page to display the vatsim image in the side bar, it looks correct to me. Using your path directly in my browser http://www.tnt-virtual.be/images/vatsim.gif will not display the photo at all My guess is that is not the actual path to the image on your server or you have something misspelled. Check to see if it is actually on your server, folder name, image name, and file extension are all correct.
  13. simpilot


    Try this, it should work ??? <body> <div class="jqmWindow" id="jqmdialog"></div> <div id="header"> <center> <h1><span class="heading_color">TNT</span> Virtual Airways</h1></center> <center><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="151" height="51" /></center> </div>
  14. simpilot


    Try - <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/images/vatsim.gif"> Probably wont work in DW but should work on the site
  15. Not sure if I am understanding exactly what you are trying to do but if you are simply wanting to display the scheduled routes for one of your airlines and you are using a unique flight number code for the schedules for that airline you can sort the data using the "code" line out of the schedules table. I am guessing how you have it setup and making some assumptions but - your flight schedules are probably something like JET101 - KLAX - KBOS etc... DHL201 - KLAX - KBOS etc... The "JET" and the "DHL" portion of the flight number is a seperate item in the table named "code". If you set up your own sql request to only use lines that the "code" = "DHL" it should only return the flights for that airline, or you could sort the info after you pull the entire table and only display what you want using a similar command.. The PIREPS also store the same unique code so you could sort and display those in the same way. If you are tring to display a unique airline logo in the flight info as on the second page of the uk link you posted you could use the same theory using if - else commands based upon the returned "code" data. basically - if code = DHL -> then display logo image 1 // if code = JET -> then display logo image 2 // else display logo image 3 Let me know if any of this is what you are thinking and I can probably write a quick piece of php to make it work for you.
  16. You are missing the closing php tag, it should be: <h2>Our Latest Recruit</h2> <p> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 1);?> </p>
  17. simpilot

    Skinning Help

    If you have a webmaster account for your site with google, which is free, you can open what google has cached about your pages on their servers. I have done it before and you can usually get your css code and the majority of your code from your pages from it.
  18. simpilot

    Skinning Help

    what is your old web link - does google have it archived?
  19. I for one have to thank you Nabeel! I have bought vabase, threw it in the recycle bin, tried others and became frustrated, neared giving up and found phpVMS.. Best thing that ever happened to me in the VA realm. Easy to understand tutorials, great support, and open source. I don't know what to say about the stats, impressive is not good enough for a description, I again say THANK YOU, Nabeel! Remember, good deeds don't go without reward later in life.
  20. There is no users at all in the database or just no admin? You should be logging in with the email address and pw you set in the initial install process. If nothing at all exists in the database i would reinstall the app.
  21. You are probably going to have to change the chartacter set in the header. I am not very familar with this and do not have any idea what it is going to do to the rest of the app or what to use..... Hopefully Nabeel will be able to help out. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  22. You can change it in PilotData.class.php line 706 but it may get overwritten in an update. Remember to regenerate your sigs after changing it. Total Earnings: $ $output[] = Total Earnings: $' . $pilot->totalpay;
  23. Would anyone be interested in repainting a couple of FS9/FSX aircraft for me in return for skinning your new phpvms site? You can see my site at: www.newenglandvirtual.com and another one I am working on for someone else: www.simpilotgroup.com/aerogal
  24. Use the awards function for management positions. That's what I did and it works well. Cheers
  25. Have you tried the "recalculate ranks" option in the top left menu of the rank admin section? I do not believe it will auto-update, or it never has for me, I just go in once in a while and hit the recalculate ranks button and all is well.
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