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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. What version of phpVMS are you using?
  2. What are you using for a database address - "localhost" ? If it is free hosting it is probably located on another server and you will need to put the address for it in place of the "localhost"
  3. This is working for the airlines I work with that are flying cargo flights. Have you set a price in the ticket price for the schedule? It would be the price per pound, kilo, or whatever unit you are using. Also the aircraft itself must have a maxcargo setting which is then multiplied by the percentage of load set in the local.config.php file.
  4. If all your code is still in place, I think the last time we ran into this error it was an issue with the javascript in the acars.tpl file and how it was being called on the server. Do you have a link to your site?
  5. You could build your sql call to just get the pilots dep and arr airports and sort them by count highest to lowest. Maybe something like this for departures - untested but should get you started $query = "SELECT COUNT(depicao) AS total FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pilotid' GROUP BY depicao ORDER BY total DESC"; $total = DB::get_results($query); return $total->total;
  6. If you are on any of the version 2 builds, including the latest stable build this module is really not needed. Nabeel built this function into the core system and the landing rate field is automatically filled in when a PIREP is submitted if it available in the log. I wrote a newer module to get the data from the database and display it. -> http://forum.phpvms....chdownstats-10/ I would start using that module and adjust the data class to ignore the aircraft id's of the helicopters in your fleet. Adding something like WHERE $aircraft->id !='1' AND WHERE $aircraft->id !='2'
  7. Thanks! @flyalaska and @CPC900
  8. Take them out of the templates folder so they are like; /lib/skins/mynewskin/layout.tpl
  9. Did you put it inside of a folder named mail; /lib/skins/my_skin/mail/template.tpl If it is placed in the right place and that is the one you are editing try using a color code instead of a name.
  10. Have you placed another copy of the template in your skin folder and maybe editing the one in the /core/templates folder?
  11. And you accused me of making vauge snipes not but a few months ago.... A requirement for a link back to the creator of any freeware is not uncommon, it is part of phpVMS as well. Have I pestered a couple lately about not having a link back, yes, but most often it is after they themselves have gotten upset about someone copying/using their own work without permission or attribution. If you are going to re-write all my modules I hope you make the next one RealScheduleLite as that seems to be popular but has never gotten to a point that it satisfy's everyone using it.
  12. There is a group of config options in the local.config.php file # Options for the signature that's generated Config::Set('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR', '#000000'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT', true); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_FONT_PATH', SITE_ROOT.'/lib/fonts/MankSans.ttf'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_FONT_SIZE', '11'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_X_OFFSET', '10'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_Y_OFFSET', '17'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_FONT_PADDING', 4); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_EARNINGS', false); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE', true); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_COPYRIGHT', true);
  13. Have you refreshed the signatures from the admin panel?
  14. Check that the image JAL0001.png is actually set to 777 and not just the folder it is in. If the folder is set to 777 you can also just delete the signature banners and then recreate them from the admin panel and the server should create them with permissions set to 777.
  15. @MrBean Thank you for clairifying your statement.
  16. @Mr Bean, and how is asking for a little license respect make me look like a crying baby? This attitude of not respecting a license, especially one associated with something you are getting for free, is what drives developers away from projects.
  17. For your own site: From the Pop Up News License,
  18. From the Pop Up News License,
  19. From the Pop Up News License,
  20. Locking this thread. - As it has been stated many times in this thread, the user was posting copyrighted material and his site was shut down.
  21. I have change dthe code a little in TouchdownstatsData.class.php to solve the error and return a '0' instead of an error. It has been updated on GitHub to reflect the following. public function pilot_average($pilotid) { $stats = self::pilot_stats($pilotid); $total = 0; $count = 0; if(!empty($stats)) { foreach ($stats as $stat) { $total = $total + $stat->landingrate; $count++; } return $total / $count; } else {return '0';} } You could do something like this in your template to get the 'No Flights' message; <?php $avg_rate = TouchdownStatsData::pilot_average($userinfo->pilotid); if($avg_rate == '0') {echo 'No Flights';} else {echo round($avg_rate, 2);} ?>
  22. I have added an example function to the controller and an example template for an html table view in the GitHub repo. Hope this helps you out.
  23. Use phpmyadmin and goto the _pilots table and click on the operations tab. Set the auto increment value to the highest id in the database plus one.
  24. If you would like to email me with the information I can go in and take a look at it for you and see if I can get it working.
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