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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Some more information would be helpful, it is kind of like calling the doctor on the phone and telling him your elbow hurts and then asking him what is wrong? not knowing where to start... The exam center admin is only available throught the client side of the site, not the admin side. Are all the files in the corrct place in the sites root? Did you alter the structure at all when uploading from the package? Did you install the exam admin link on your "friend's" site? If so, is it in a place that he can get to it? (ie, is it in the admin only section and he has no phpvms admin access) Is he pilot id #1 in the database? If not, has the pilot with id #1 in the database assigned him admin rights to the exam admin center? There are many more but this is a start. Try to answer these; What did you try? What did you get? What did you expect to get?
  2. What is the link for the website?
  3. Duplicate post - answered in original thread. Please stop opening multiple threads for everything you need.
  4. Is this an upgrade from airmail 2.x ? Have all the SQL tables been installed/updated ? Does your server allow the ise of the php now() function ?
  5. If you are in need of support of a module purchased from simpilotgroup please start a support ticket request here -> http://www.noticeablegroup.com The support ticket system is monitored and the ticket will be responded to in a reasonable amount of time. Any requests for support for a payware module here in this forum will not be answered and deleted to preserve the open source nature of the forum. Thank you for your consideration.
  6. That is all the vatsim template shows, the information that it is finding. You can build that into a foreach loop and build a table or list with the data that you choose.
  7. And this is why I have abandoned this module... It does not work for everyone, it is what it is. The module has been marked that it is no longer being activly developed.
  8. Yes, that is how it works in the real world, the pilot does not get a choice of where he flies next without changing aircraft, the aircraft has a predetermined route structure.
  9. I just noticed that you have the same airfield in your schedule twice, from the instructions ->
  10. The module was designed for each aircraft to have a looping schedule with only one flight from each destination. I am not aware of anyone that has modified it to accomplish multiple flight legs.
  11. The text file should be getting saved to the root of the site. If it does not exist then the module has not been able to download a new copy for some reason.
  12. The module is designed to only show the route available from the airfield that the aircraft is located at. So if the route is; 1001 ELLX-EDDT 1002 EDDT-ELLX 1003 ELLX-EDDW 1004 EDDW-ELLX and the aircraft is at EDDT, the only thing that will show is the route 1002 EDDT-ELLX
  13. Without an error log to look at, access to the server, or some type of error on the site page itself I do not know what else to tell you at this point. You can try to reinstall the core files, that could be the issue, it may even be the index.php file, I repaired a site last week that had the index.php file altered during a ftp hack.
  14. Files look ok, tough call at this point, have you gone through the server and phpvms error logs? Is this a new site that has never worked, or an old site that just started doing this? Is anything else on the server working? (ie forum, chat room, etc?)
  15. I just went to your site and just get a blank page - no server error. The view source shows the html head and body tags that are empty. I almost would say that it is a problem in an edited file, most likely the local.config.php file. Look at the very start of that file and see if there is any white space or characters before the opening php tag. Also check any other core files you have modified since the site issue started.
  16. Grab a copy of Gimp and play with the use of the gradient feature. I think you will find that they are easy to make.
  17. In your local.config.php file look for; Config::Set('PILOTID_OFFSET', 1000); # What # to start pilot ID's from Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4); # Length of the Pilot ID
  18. Try removing the .htaccess file from the root and see if the site will come up, mod re-write may not be enabled on the server.
  19. Is the vatsimdata.txt file being saved to your server and if so does it have anything in it?
  20. Is the file type an allowed type and is the pics folder writable?
  21. Looks like you have gotten the code a little mixed up; <php main controller:: run ('Vatsim', 'count_vatsim_data'? 'CLIENTS:'? 'PILOT', 'AAL')> should be <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', 'AAL'); ?>
  22. I just tried it on my site and had to change; explode('-', $line) to explode(' - ', $line) and it works.
  23. You should not have to re-run the sql insert if it all was installed correctly the first time. If you are getting the errors "xxxxx" module does not exist" then the files/folders have not been correctly placed in the application. I try to always structure the downloads so they match the application file tree structure. Follow the same pattern when you upload the new files and you should have no problems.
  24. There is already an event on the admin side when a pilot is approved in PilotAdmin.php on line 632; CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot); ' You just need to build the hook (listener) in your new module that is looking for the event, something like this in your module; public function __construct() { CodonEvent::addListener('MyNewModuleName', array('pilot_approved')); } public function EventListener($eventinfo) { if($eventinfo[0] == 'pilot_approved') { //do stuff } } Just remember that a module on the pilot side of the system will not catch an event from the admin side, and vice-versa.
  25. You could do some conditional statements, it would probably get a little lengthy in order to cover everything and every type of ACARS system but maybe something like this for the TOD event; [22:54] - TOD reached <?php # Simple, each line of the log ends with * # Just explode and loop. $log = explode('*', $pirep->log); foreach($log as $line) { $line_items = explode('-', $line); { if($line_items['1'] == 'TOD reached') {echo '<font color="#00FF00">'.$line.'</font><br />';} else { echo $line .'<br />';} } } ?>
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