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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. This has been addressed a number of times in this thread. Some possibilities include; Did you run the script to populate the table as in the directions? Do you have any PIREPS recorded in the database? Did you install the new mysql table in your database?
  2. Chances are it is an issue between Google's reCaptha server and your server, being on a free host could be part of it as if it is requesting an overly large amount of calls from that IP to the google server it may be blocked or throttled. It could be a lot of other things as well, it could be an issue with the level of connectivity your server has, it could be a network config issue where your server is hosted, it could be a network configuration issue anywhere between your server and the recaptcha server, it could be a bandwidth issue where your server is hosted, it could be a configuration issue on your server provider's side. Take a look at both the server error logs (if you can get to them) and also see what the phpVMS error log has in it, it will probably at least give you a starting point but I think you will find it boils down to the free host.
  3. By default the module makes the pilot with pilotid 1 in the database the admin. If you need it to be anything else you will need to edit it in the database directly to start.
  4. New package (3.1.2) uploaded to repair NOTAM bug.
  5. @MrBean - I have updated the module to accept an array of airline icao's to display multiple airlines. The original download has been updated. The only file changed is the core/modules/Vatsim/Vatsim.php file so you do not have to update any templates you have already created. @servtas - As dimitris shows in his post, the module does not have a full page display function, it is built similar to the native news feed module and is designed to be inbeded into an existing page or a page you create for it.
  6. Nice start but I think this from your Operations Handbook will deter many from joining; I have my own va yet am a member of a number of others, pilots need some variety.
  7. Ok, topic seems to have been solved by the original poster so I am going to go ahead and lock it but I see both sides. This is my opinion only and not a rule by any means (and not directed at this topic in particular) but there are ways to go about making a good post for help. Try to answer these three questions in your post; My biggest pet peave, which may be just that, a personal issue, but it drives me up the wall when folks are not willing to try and "learn it", "do it", or "fix it" themselves. I am much quicker to answer a post that has answered at least some of the questions above. I tend to stay away from posts that ask for everything to be done for them without at least an attempt from the poster, especially when I find the site on free hosting or subdomains. Why? Countless VA's come and go all the time that are hosted on these types of environments with these types of attitudes from the owner. If you are at least willing to invest some of your own time learning and trying things that goes a long way to me, but if you don't try and have everything on free hosting to boot, well, why should I invest in something that you are not willing to invest in? [/rant]
  8. I posted a small module to collect and parse the Vatsim text file here
  9. Vatsim Data Reader phpVMS module to display online pilot and atc data for a phpVMS based virtual airline. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License A visible link to http://www.simpilotgroup.com must be provided on any webpage utilizing this script for the license to be valid. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. core --modules ----Vatsim ------Vatsim.php --templates ----vatsim ------vatsim.tpl The module will download a text data file using cURL from one of four random Vatsim servers and place it in the root of your install. When the data is called the script will check to see if the data is over 5 minutes old, if so it will refresh the data with a new file. Usage: To show a list of Vatsim online pilot data: The last parameter is the id of the airline you are searching for and would like to display. If you want to show everyone online leave an empty set of single quotes - '' <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> If you want to show all online pilots of one airline use the icao (ex 'AAL') <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', 'AAL'); ?> If you want to show the online pilots of multiple airlines use an array <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', array('AAL', 'UAL', 'SWA')); ?> To show a count of Vatsim online pilots, the last parameter is used just as the function above <?php echo MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'count_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> To show a list of Vatsim online atc controllers: <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'ATC', ''); ?> To show a count of Vatsim online atc controllers <?php echo MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'count_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'ATC', ''); ?> The vatsim.tpl file simply shows all the available data to you in a list for each dataset available. You can display what info you would like and build it into a list, table, or anything else you would like for your site. Code Hosted On Github - Link In My Signature
  10. You just don't get it do you?
  11. The instructions on what to add to create a link for the ExamCenter Adminpanel is located here but as far as what file to add it to, it can be anywhere you would like to put it in your install although most will install it in their main navigation menu, which depending on the template you are building could be located anywhere, in the default template it would be core_navigation.tpl - The ExamCenter admin panel will not show up in the phpVMS admin panel, it is a stand alone panel.
  12. This has been addressed many times, http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-10/page__view__findpost__p__22515 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-10/page__view__findpost__p__29518
  13. Here is a quick tutorial on how to manage databases with phpmyadmin - http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin_database_management.htm
  14. Maybe this will help.
  15. It is one of the tables located in your mysql database. Depending on your hosting you should have a tool like phpMyAdmin to gain access to the database and make changes or if you have ssh access you can edit it from the command line.
  16. There are a bunch located here
  17. You will need to get rid of Error: (1364) - Field 'price' doesn't have a default value Make sure xACARS is reporting a price (I dont use xACARS so I can't help you with that) or Set a default value for the price column in the PIREPS data table - default it to 0.
  18. The error is telling you that the variable is empty coming back from the data model. Is there any landing rate data in your PIREPS table?
  19. I dont think that hollering at Mark IN CAPS is going to do anything for you. I will give you the key to the solution below, make an effort to figure it out. From app.config.php
  20. You are listed as VP at FSPremier Design Group, why aren't you using your own services?
  21. My first question would be what did you pay for? Then who did you pay it to? phpVMS and VACentral are open source projects and are thus free. There are folks who sell addon's, skins, and hosting services among other things to compliment phpVMS but if someone is selling you the core application we would all like to know about it. My Guess may be that you have gotten vaBase and phpVMS crossed up....
  22. You will have to dig around the core files to find the subject lines for emails. For example the subject line for the PIREP submitted email to the admin is in /core/common/PIREPData.class.php around line #814 $sub = "A PIREP has been submitted by {$pilotcode} ({$pirepdata['depicao']} - {$pirepdata['arricao']})";
  23. You could add some options to the flight type matrix, right now i think there is P - pax / C - cargo / H - charter
  24. No Problem - Glad I could be of help.
  25. @cor - Will look at that, looks like I did not add a link when i removed the body in that display to clean it up. @mattia - Did you update your AirMail tables in the database when you put in AirMail 3.x ?
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