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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Use the same code from the section you are referring to.
  2. The script needs to be built into the header of your template, depending on what version your are using of phpVMS it would either be header.tpl or layout.tpl. I would check with the source of the script as to if it should be in the <head> section or the <body> section of the page, although I would think it would be within the <head> section of the page.
  3. Did you modify a file just prior to the error. A "headers already sent" error is almost always a white space issue within a core php file. Look for any recently modified core php module or class files and see if there is any white space prior to the opening tag, or there is any white space after the closing tag. I generally just leave the closing tag off of a core file, that helps to eliminate any end of file white space errors.
  4. You are missing the last } to complete the first if statement. } ?>
  5. If you are creating a welcome page that does not have any dynamic information from phpvms your easiest solution would be to build a index.html page. Most servers will serve the index.html prior to the index.php so visitors to your url would see that first. If you are trying to use data from the vms system you will need to do it through a module, or an existing module. If it is the home page you can modify the Frontpage/index function to redirect to a new function within the module, say Frontpage/homepage. An example modification of your Frontpage.php file would be: public function index() { header('Location:'.SITE_URL.'/action.php/Frontpage/homepage'); } And then add something like this under it public function homepage() { //set your data for the template here $this->show('homepage.tpl'); } Then create a homepage.tpl file in your skin folder in which you put the complete html for the page you are building. The homepage.tpl file will be sent to the browser with none of the native phpVMS skin included.
  6. You can extend the code however you would like to fit your VA. I do not believe I will extend it any futher myself, there are too many option requests, of which many conflict with other requests to bring this to a fruitful end for everyone's enjoyment.
  7. At this time my Tour Module will remain an exclusive to vACA.
  8. action.php will skip the skin completely. You will have to build a complete page with html header and such. You can build a module for it or edit the default module to redirect to a link using action.php www.mysite.com/action.php/mynewmodule
  9. Did you rename the folder or move it in the file tree when you moved it to the live site?
  10. If it showing up in the admin panel then it is not an issue with the path, it has to be something in the template then, which one are you working in? pilot_public_profile.tpl I imagine. make sure your image code looks something like this -> <img src="<?php echo $award->image; ?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip; ?>" /> You can also do a <?php print_r($allawards); ?> to make sure the [image] field is filled.
  11. It looks like you still have the css links pointing to the test site from your main site <link href="http://www.flyirelandva.com/lib/skins/testsite/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="http://www.flyirelandva.com/lib/skins/testsite/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> The other site <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Did you rename the folder or is it one more step down in the tree?
  12. Can you see the image if you use its url directly in your browser? Can you see it in the admin panel?
  13. Your best and easiest bet in my opinion is to add custom fields in your registration section. Goto admin -> Site & Settings -> Profile fields Add a profile field you would like - ie Vatsim, and it will be available in all pilot profiles and the registration form. There is no need to edit any core files with this method. You can go into individual pilot profiles and edit the field for those that were in the system prior to adding it.
  14. In the award images field when you set the award up try using the absolute path to the image. Something like -> http://www.yoursite.com/yourimagefolder/yourawardimage.jpg Using relative links in the control panel will not always work in all parts of the system depending on how your file tree is structured.
  15. Here is an example that may help you out: MyairportsData.class.php in root/core/common/ <?php class MyairportsData extends CodonData { function getmyairports() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'airports'; return DB::get_results($query); } } Myairports.php in root/core/modules/Myairports/ <?php class Myairports extends CodonModule { public function index() { $this->set('myairports', MyairportsData::getmyairports()); $this->show('myairports.tpl'); } } myairports.tpl in root/core/templates/ or your skin folder <?php foreach ($myairports as $myairport) { echo $myairport->icao.' - '.$myairport->name.' - '.$myairport->country.' - '.$myairport->lat.' - '.$myairport->lng.'<br />'; } ?> That should display all the airports in your database when you goto -> www.yoursite.com/index.php/Myairports
  16. Name your image the same as your hub icao would be easiest. <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/path to your images/<?php echo $pilot->hub; ?>.jpg" alt="hub" /> So if a pilot is a member of the KJFK hub it will display the image named KJFK.jpg
  17. I think this one has gone down the slope far enough. Thread Locked. 2 VA threads in a week, must be a new record.
  18. There is also a TS3 PHP framework under development here -> http://www.planetteamspeak.com/component/option,com_docman/task,doc_details/Itemid,69/gid,105/ It looks promising, I have had some success integrating some of the functions into phpvms, still working on it though.
  19. I have not put anything together, it is a bug that is created from FSPax not submitting a aircraft id number that corresponds with the id from the database.
  20. Sorry I said error. You must be running at least PHP 5.2 for phpVMS to function correctly.
  21. I just installed the latest beta here - beta test and can't reproduce the error. Do any other applications install cleanly and function? A forum or cms maybe?
  22. Will it allow you to login now? The error of "Could not find/open font in path" makes me think that the file got dropped or corrupted by the ftp client or it is a folder permission error. Is this the beta version or the last stable version you are trying to install?
  23. Hmmm... From your about us page, "Values, Morals and Ethics", in saying that you might want to at least remove the name of the airline that you are copying and pasting from...... Nice use of my background image as well....
  24. Ah, if you saved your forum right into the same directory I bet the forum index.php file has replaced the phpvms index.php file.
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