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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Yep, thats been an issue from the beginning, its on the list for the net version, if and when I can get to it. Got my hands in a few too many things at the moment.
  2. They are the name of each template, I put it in every template to hopefully avoid the "which template do I edit" questions and speed up the skinning of the module to your template.
  3. simpilot

    ACARS Map

    I am not sure how to make it work in an iframe, I do not really mess with them. It looks like it is trying to work but I do not see the map itself. I noticed it looks like you must be running the server at home using a dynamic ip address, that may have something to do with it too. There is a va here running phpvms that uses iframes within a joomla install but the name escapes me at the moment, but I do remember that the pages include the entire skin and phpvms site within the iframe. To me a better option might be to build all the code into your page and include an instance of codon at the head and not use an iframe. If you have both your va and your fshost server running in the same place it should be fairly painless.
  4. simpilot

    ACARS Map

    Try action.php instead of index.php, that will make it drop the skin.
  5. I think the la92.com site became a liability to him, cut and run may have been the best option... Too bad, seemed like a talented guy.
  6. simpilot

    ACARS Map

    I dont do much with iframes but the acars map is contained in the acarsmap.tpl file as far as display. The guts of the data comes out of the ACARS.php file using the yoursite.com/index.php/acars function.
  7. Yep, we ran into this as well and running the application as administrator cleared everything up for us as well. This is what is posted in our forum for Win7 users. The path to the folder may be slightly different for different users but basically the same.
  8. I moved it from the skinning releases board, guess I should have put it in support.....
  9. Try downloading a good editor like netbeans or aptana. They are a lot more versatile and have a lot of code hinting built in. http://www.netbeans.org http://www.aptana.com/
  10. Looks like a corrupted file to me. Have you tried putting your install folder back and running - www.mysite.com/install/checkinstall.php ? This will show if you have a bad or missing file(s).
  11. I dont know much about the template you are using but you seemed to have solved it back on the 28th of October here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2225-toppilot-beta-10/page__view__findpost__p__26295 There is also some good css tutorials pointed out by other users eariler in this thread starting here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2225-toppilot-beta-10/page__view__findpost__p__14916
  12. Look around on your hosting panel for your free host, there should be a manual or set of instructions on how to access a MySQL database from the free server, they are usually hosted on another server and you will probably be severly limited on what you can do with it. Once you have a database setup you will have a database name and password as well as a URL to access it, these are the parameters needed for the initial install script for the phpVMS application. Once you have a database setup through your hosting panel, then use this guide that has been written by one of our newer users of the application -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=36 The downside of your situation, as stated by Ray already, is that a free host will cause your life to be shortened by a factor of years due to frustration. A decent paid host, like Nabeels fivedev here in the forum, will pay dividends in the long run not to mention the stigma that va pilots get when exploring a va hosted on a free site. Good luck with your endeavors.
  13. The module is designed for one aircraft - one loop From the readme
  14. The module would have to be changed to the core, I did not build it around routes, I instead built it around aircraft so the "disable on bid" function that is built into phpVMS is not much help.
  15. You should be able to add it right in the template. Try coping the one you want and pasting it where you want it in the RSL template. I dont have it open right now but I am pretty sure the variables are all there to make it work.
  16. You will need to add paginaton functions into the data class, controller and the template but it can be done. Look for a thread on pagination in the support forum, there is a good one that many have used to paginate schedules and other list type pages.
  17. As long as the user is logged in it would be fairly easy. Some psuedo code for it if($Auth::$userdata->code == $schedule->code) {"show the schedule"} and for pilots if($Auth::$userdata->code == $pilot->code) {"show the pilot info"} If the user is not logged in they will not see anything as the $userdata variable will be empty. You could add something like this so everything could be seen by visitors, but it would be seen by pilots not logged in as well. if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {show all the schedules} else {use the above ideas here}
  18. In local.config.php change # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); to # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false);
  19. Until we figure it out the easiest fix would be to just put your va name in place of SITE_NAME.
  20. Here is the data dump for my airports table for a charter system I have built if it will help. It has 41533 airfields, helipads, water strips, and private airfields in it, I think there are still some that I do not have in it but its a start. It is a big file so you may have to split it up to import it into your table, if you are on free hosting I would not even try. phpvms_airports.sql.zip
  21. In your local.config.php file change # Automatically calculate ranks? Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true); to # Automatically calculate ranks? Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', false); then you will be able to manually set ranks in the pilot profiles of the admin center.
  22. If I am following, I think you need to put the links back in the templates for the pilots to use to get to the file PIREP functions. They need to be there as well as the realschedule link.
  23. simpilot


    LOL - Thanks Joeri, wasn't sure why all your and my posts were showing negs, looks like someone has come through and counter acted them.
  24. The issue of the pilot not showing up anywhere if they have not ever flown a flight has been floating around since about 10 beta updates ago. I am not sure what has happened but if I ever extend the code I will find a workaround. It used to show the pilot at their hub to start. As far as pireps not showing up in the pilot center, I do not believe that the module has anything to do with that, unless maybe the template code was embedded into that template. Try deleteing the addon files and see if you still have the problem.
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