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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You need to break up your $pilots array with a foreach loop. You have $pilots in some places and $pilot in others. You really should have the datacall back in the controller as well, not in the template but if you are using the cms/page function I see why you are doing it this way. Try this, I just did a quick clean up but it should work, you will have to style it to exactly what you want. <h3>Thessaloniki Airport (LGTS)</h3> <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilotsByHub('LGTS'); ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter" width="800" border="0"> <tr> <th>Pilot</th> <th>Country</th> <th>Rank</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($pilots as $pilot) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); ?></td> <td><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location); ?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location); ?>" /></td> <td><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage ?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank; ?>" /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table>
  2. When you unzip the folder of a module, or at least one I put out, it is already structured as it should be for the application. So, if you unzip the folder and inside of it you have a core folder just like you have a core folder on your install of phpVMS, then everything in that core folder would be copied into your core folder of your install as it is structured in the download. If you are using an ftp client to load the files (which I recommend versus the the upload functions of some control panels) you can open the root of your site and you should at least have folders for core, lib, and admin. when you have a module folder open on the other side of your ftp client you should have the same folders, at least the ones that are needed. Then just drag the entire folders across just like you did when you uploaded the base application and allow it to merge the folders.
  3. simpilot


    The url of the image should not have an index.php in it..... If you mean this is the page it should be on, I can not see it as you have to be logged in. You need to compare the code from a page it is working on to the page you are having trouble with.
  4. simpilot


    Then you have the wrong code in the page or something, it is hard to tell without seeing the code or the page.
  5. simpilot


    I just went through a few of the public profile pages and none seem to have any awards at all. If you are seeing a box with what seems like a missing image than the path you have set in the admin center is probably wrong. Does the image show in the listing of awards in your admin center?
  6. It looks like it actually created the tables but then was unable to modify them to complete the install. It is hard to tell what it will do to the application. I almost want to say that there is a setting incorrect on the host side for the mysql server. Without phpmyadmin or some type of access to the database it will be hard to diagnose, If you are paying for the hosting I would push the issue of needing to have some type of access to the database, phpmyadmin is an opensource application so there is no cost to it for the host other than installing it. If they return with the comment of having to have a static IP ask if you can use a service like no-ip or the like. Most of those are free to non-profit users as well.
  7. simpilot


    Some more information would be helpful.... Is anything at all displaying? (blank image box, text, open code, etc..) Have you correctly set the path to the image in your admin center? Does the description or title for the award display?
  8. To collect the data you can use the existing PilotData class -> <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilotsByHub('EDDF'); ?> Then you will have the $pilots variable loaded with just the pilots from EDDF and you can use it to display them in a table or whatever you would like.
  9. simpilot


    The code I have to assume you are referring to is -> /* To show the image: <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> */ You have to un-comment the code for it to work (ie - remove the /* and */ comment strings) and place it within the html section of the foreach loop created just below it. And, Joeri is right, it has been addressed a number of times.
  10. If you do a search of "statistics" (with the quotes) here in the forum you will get a few pages of results - Threads with the answer to your question, as well as answers to most of your statistics requests are on the first page.
  11. Hmpfh.... I am not sure, maybe it has something to do with it being loaded out of the bootstrap, possibly before the site settings have been loaded.. I will look at it some more and see what the order is.
  12. There is no way to add an admin user without access to the application that I am aware of. Are you using the latest beat or the latest stable release? I would try the latest stable if you are not already trying that. You can find all the versions here -> http://downloads.phpvms.net/
  13. The no route passed error is a template error that usually refers to a javascript issue. There is no one specific solution, but you can find many threads about the issue in the support forum with the search function Here is a good thread to start with in your search for answers - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3697-no-route-passed/
  14. I am sorry that you find my script to be nonsense, I built it to try and accomplish what many at the time were wanting, a realistic aircraft placement module and this is what I came up with for that endeavor. If you show all the flights leaving an airfield then does that not defeat the purpose of aircraft placement? If you are looking for something to only allow pilots to fly from the airport they are at, you do not need this module, you only need to add some code to your schedules and bids forms to only show flights from the airfield that the pilot is at. You are also welcome to extend the code as you please to accomplish what you would like to do, just remember to follow the license requirements.
  15. Not exactly sure what you are asking but I think you are asking if the counts are made before or after the PIREP is accepted. The module currently counts all PIREPS that are pending or approved, the instructions and consequences are in the initial post of this thread.
  16. There are quite a few templates available in the releases section of this forum http://forum.phpvms.net/forum/24-releases/ There is also a lot of useful information on skinning within the forum you have posted in here.
  17. Can you create a new database the same way you created the first one and try it again using the new database or are you limited to one database? The other thing you could do is use the same database and try a new install using a different table prefix, it will be a little messy but with no access to the database using an app like phpmyadmin or ssh access there is not many options. It may also be helpful to try and run the install checker to see if there are corrupt files in the file tree. www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php
  18. Hi Mark, It is coming from line 31 of the language file. (en.lang.php) Mine reads 'email.pilot.retired.subject' => SITE_NAME.': You\'ve been marked as retired', and seems to work ok. Check and see what your says.
  19. Looking at your link there is some hard code showing right under the map. Somewhere along the way some part of the code has been deleted that was needed and the code above now displays as html text. I would start over with that template file and make sure you don't alter the map code itself.
  20. You will have to change the parameters of the sql call in the data class for realschedule, right now it only pulls the fist matching flight it comes to.
  21. Sorry about that, I meant to say put that on line 64 of Profile.php....
  22. You can try and use this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1152-how-to-do-dynamic-non-scheduled-routes/ It is similar to what you are trying to do.
  23. You can just delete the files you uploaded to your site from the package and then use phpmyadmin to delete the three tables in the database that you added (events, events_pilotranks, and events_signups). That will remove any trace of it unless you have skinned it into other templates. This module really has nothing to do with filing pireps though, I think you will find your problem in another spot.
  24. I have made an entry including the download of the guide in the documentation section of the forum here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?category=1 Thank You to Bluemax for this nice addition to the documentation of phpVMS.
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