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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Are your aircraft enabled and have schedules attached to them?
  2. The error is in the sql command for the database, replace it with: $sql = 'SELECT a.*, a.name AS aircraft, COUNT(p.pirepid) AS routesflown, SUM(p.distance) AS distance, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(p.flighttime*60*60)) AS totaltime, AVG(p.distance) AS averagedistance, AVG(p.flighttime) as averagetime FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a LEFT OUTER JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p ON (p.aircraft = a.id) WHERE enabled = 1 GROUP BY a.name'; That will only show enabled aircraft. Also, I am not sure how the current location in the template is relavent unless you only have one unit of each model in your fleet. The module combines all the like aircrtaft in one group, then displays a current location, but that would be just for the last ac in the list. Just pondering... the module runs slow on my local machine, but I have a lot of data in the database. Might benefit in speed to combine some of the data calls from the template into the model.
  3. You can use the PIREP Data class to get the last location of the pilot. Something like: $location = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1, ''); echo $location->arricao; Would output the icao of the arrival field of the last PIREP filed by the pilot. You can use Operationsdata to get the airfield name from there if you want more than the icao code.
  4. To get back to zero you will have to delete the PIREPS and then reset the hours, but I think if you change the PIREPS to being dis-approved the system will also skip them in the hour count for the VA as well.
  5. simpilot


    Did the sql tables load properly without errors when you installed them? Is there any data in the sql tables after you create an event? Also btw, the posts I made refering to other posts were answers to your questions that I had already posted in threads created by you asking the same question, in a total of four different threads. Also understand that when another question is asked to your question it is simply trying to get enough information to help you, a screenshot with the words "nothing, look at it" is not always enough to try and help find the solution to a problem.
  6. It should reset the VA total hours to what is the total flight time of all your approved PIREPS. Are you sure the number you are seeing is not correct? That function has been stable for quite some time.
  7. um... I am not sure what you mean, but if you have no aircraft in the system you can not set up any schedules, and with no schedules, there is nothing to search.
  8. You should be able to use the Reset Hours function, it will recount all the pirep hours and set it in the database. admin panel site & Settings -> maintenance options -> reset hours
  9. I am also surprised that Nick Tyson has allowed you to use the template you have......
  10. simpilot

    Pilot hours

    What are you trying to do? Adjust pilot hours in the database, admin panel, in a template?
  11. Now 4 topics..... Isn't this answered right here already -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3800-this-is-for-simpilot-or-any-other-who-have-eventbooking/page__view__findpost__p__25781 <- in the third topic you posted on this issue?
  12. The error is coming from the vacentral side. If you go directly to in your browser you will see the xmal hangs in the description of your site. I am guessing it may be the special characters that are used in your description (ie René ) that the xml module is having issue parseing. Try removing the special characters from your description at vacentral and see if it clears the error on your site.
  13. Cool - Just remember that it will get overwritten in an update. I keep all the core changes I make in a seperate list so I can remember what they were when I update.
  14. With the current method of returning data to the template for the ACARS map you would have to add the data request into the GetACARSData function in ACARSData.class.php file (line 367 through 394). Then it will be available in the template, use the examples on lines 75-94 of the acarsmap.tpl file to display the data in the template.
  15. There is a limit variable built into the function calling the data that is unused in the default install. On line 26 of Logs.php you will find $this->set('all_logs', LogData::findLogs($params)); If you look in LogsData.class.php on line 22 you will find public static function findLogs($params, $count = '', $start = '') the $count and $start variables are there to add pagination if you would like or you can use just the $count variable to limit the number of lines returned from the database. To achieve a limit of data returned you could add the $count variable to your data call in Logs.php line 26 like $this->set('all_logs', LogData::findLogs($params, '20'));
  16. The sql files would be loaded using phpmyadmin and the refresh command would be used in your browser address bar, but you say you already did this, right?
  17. I know you have multiple va's running, do you have the sql tables in the right database maybe? Are there any errors in the error log from phpvms? If the error is specific to the event admin module there will an error log in that folder as well.
  18. About the only thing you could do is go back to the latest release prior to the new beta and load that up. It will not overwrite any custom skins or modules.
  19. simb6.org/Events_admin is not a valid route. it needs to be simb6.org/admin/index.php/Events_admin
  20. Could be a number of things: Did you load the sql tables to your database? If so, did you run the "refresh_pilot_stats" command? Are there any contents in the db after running that? Also, if the va has no pireps the module will not work.
  21. Don't see an image but I am guessing you are referring to the css. It is addressed here - > http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-10/page__view__findpost__p__25249
  22. drop this in your local.config.php with the oher signature commands Config::Set('SIGNATURE_FONT_SIZE', '10');
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