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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. This was already addressed here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3603-installation-error-help-please/page__view__findpost__p__24677 You have some serious issues with your sql server, and your server in general. Have you heard back from your host? Are they able to configure the server correctly. If it were me after all the trouble you have had over the past week I would be looking for a new host.
  2. There are a few things going on there. It looks like you are decaring a table twice at the start, and also the header row has no <tr></tr> tags. I did it a little differently and posted it below. You will have to fit it into a div on your template or determine the width in the table declaration. As far as things not staying on the same row, when you limit the width of a cell, like is done in the code you posted, the browser will break up the data to fit into the cell. It will do the same thing if the table is restricted to a certain width. <?php echo '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th align="left">Country Location</th>'; echo '<th align="center">Pilots</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $country_info = DB::get_results('SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots GROUP BY location'); foreach($country_info as $country) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align= "left">'; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($country->location).'" /> '; echo Countries::getCountryName($country->location); echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="center">'; echo ' ('.$country->total.')'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>
  3. You can create a new background image of your liking, make sure it is saved in png format then load it up to your signatures folder. root/lib/signatures/background/yourbackground.png Then in your pilot center you can chose a new background using the edit profile function.
  4. Realschedule Lite does not have any filters for inactive flights as if there is an inactive flight in a looping schedule then the aircraft will get stranded at the arrival of the flight before the disabled schedule.
  5. Did you disable them just for the day of the week or did you make them inactive? If it is for the day of the week you need to check the code in schedule_results.tpl to see if it is correct to omit flights not for the current day f the week. If you are making the schedule inactive, check the database and see if the column is being changed from a1 to a 0. The sql call will only grab schedules with a 1 as active.
  6. Looks like you have all the costs set at 0. (price, fuel price, and expenses). What happens if you fill in values for those sections and save the PIREP? Does it then show total costs?
  7. That shows that your database tables were created correctly. Try running the check install again and see what errors are there. www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php The issue with your acars map really doesn't have anything to do with the database, it is a asp tag error.
  8. The $allairlines variable must be empty. How are you supplying the data to that in the module? Try a print_r($allairlines) at the start of your template to see if there is anything in the variable. If that is not printing anything out then start working your way back through the module and then the data class to see where the variable is being dropped.
  9. There is no record for total flight hours for an aircraft in the aircraft table, or anywhere else. You will need to create a sql call to the pireps table to get the total hours for an aircraft. Something like -> public function get_AircraftHours($id) { $query = 'SELECT SUM(flighttime) AS total FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE aircraft='$id'"; $result = DB::get_row($query); return $result->total; } The "$id" variable has to be the database id of the aircraft, not the registration as it is recorded that way in the pireps table.
  10. I think you have some things going on with that server, have you installed any other software on it with any success? I really would contact the host and tell them of the issues you are having and see if they will correct the config errors and reboot the server.
  11. Looks like asp tags are turned on on your server. Try running www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php for your site. It will tell you everything that phpVMS needs and if it is correctly configured on your server. There is more information available here in the forum on this issue using the search feature. A recent topic describing the same thing is -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3580-live-map-is-not-working-correctly/
  12. Add me on msn if you have it -> capecodcontroller<at>gmail<dot>com I am on most nights and can give you a hand, I have also been working on a video tutorial for skinning but have been busy with some real world stuff and have not had a chance to complete it.
  13. That foreach error in the registration template tells me it is not loading any airlines or countries from the database which goes back to a database issue. Is this a free host? Possibly mySQL is setup improperly on the server. Have you tried re-uploading all the files and starting fresh?
  14. Yep, what I have found is that they are looking to see a pilot on the network once a month to be considered active. Good Luck, it can be frustrating getting through the process but I have to say it was worth it. Hits on my site from new visitors increased dramatically after the Vatsim approval and listing in the partner va's link manager.
  15. Not quite sure what you mean but your pilots have to apply for a Vatsim ID through the Vatsim website and then they can fly online on the Vatsim network. Their system tracks pilot activity so when it is time they will look at your pilots and see what there is for activity on the network.
  16. Have the folder permissions gotten changed? The folder and all the files in it need to be writable. Try regenerating using firefox and see if any errors show up in the error console.
  17. There are a number of requirements, the two big ones are; The VA must be in existance for at least 3 months, and the va must have at least 10 active pilots registered with and using Vatsim regualarly. I just got my va recoginized as a partner va and I will say they do check for all the requirements. A complete list of requirements and the procedure for VA partner status at Vatsim can be found here -> http://linksmanager.com/vatsimvas/add_link.html The individual divisions are not allowed to have a partner va until the va is recognized as a Vatsim partner.
  18. Hi, In the module file Profile.php located in root/core/modules/profile/ you can remove or comment out line 94 -> $this->render('pireps_viewall.tpl'); If you are not going to display the pireps you can also remove or comment out line 89 that calls the data for the pireps table -> $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetAllReportsForPilot($pilotid)); It will speed up the function a little to just skip it. Hope this helps.
  19. Nice work Vangelis! +1
  20. Way to be guys, neg posts trying to help. Gotta love it.
  21. I was not implying that any of you would fail if you tried, I merely was pointing out that many have tried in the past and it has not worked out. NOVA and NVAA are two that jump to the front of my mind, but they were based on multiple va's with seperate owners. If you intent is to own all of the va's and build an alliance with them then you have no one to make happy within the alliance but yourself.
  22. This has been tried a number of times but has seemed to fail in the long run, not really sure why. It seems like a good idea but whomever does it needs to come up with some features to make va's want to join or it will fail again.
  23. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3252-user-selectable-skins/page__p__21942__fromsearch__1#entry21942
  24. Replace the contents of mail.php in the module folder with this, I just tested it and it does not duplicate the table when sending a NOTAM. Pastebin -> http://pastebin.com/nF6dtZcS
  25. On shared hosting, you and a bunch of other people are all on the same server using the same core systems, including the php install. Hosts offering this type of service do not allow access to the root of the server as any changes affect everyone on the server. One option would be to install a custom php.ini file in your account root but most shared server hosts frown on this practice, it would be best to check with them first.
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