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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. If the file does not exisit yet, create it yourself with nothing in it and make sure the permissions are correct. If it already exsists check the permissions and make sure it is writable. You can check/change permissions using your ftp client easily.
  2. Returning to EDDN before the final leg that returns to EDDH will hang the aircraft up on that leg the way the script is written now. It looks for the last flight of the aircraft and places it at the destination so if there are two flights from EDDN it will not know which one to display.
  3. All the editing functions are in the exam admin panel, use "www.yoursite.com/index.php/exams_admin" as explained here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1397-examcenter-beta-10/page__view__findpost__p__8774 Also, there should only be two test exams included in the download, sounds like you may have some corrupted files or db tables.
  4. The templates need to be adapted to your skin. The files supplied with the download are just generic.
  5. simpilot

    e-mail setup

    Take your personal issues to email or another forum please.
  6. ACL= Website access control list The Zend setup and docs are here -> http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.acl.introduction.html Instead of having admin, user, etc.. You could have 737 pilot, 747 pilot, etc...
  7. You will have to write a module to accomplish that. Off the top of my head I would bet you could adapt an ACL system into a module and use that to give permissions to certain aircraft to certain pilots just as you would an admin, user, editor, etc.. of a web site. You could try to adapt the native permission set system or use an outside source like the acl module out of the Zend framework.
  8. It is already built in. You can limit an aircraft to a certain rank using the admin panel.
  9. The beta has been out for some time, version 2.0 is available in this forum.
  10. Looks like your cache folder is not writable - it needs to be.
  11. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1152-how-to-do-dynamic-non-scheduled-routes/page__hl__%22+non+scheduled%22
  12. I added the missing template and pilot function back to the latest download.
  13. Sorry, looks like I got overzealous when I was removing some of the functions used at virtalACA. Need to add -> public function get_pilots_newscreenshot($pilot_id) { $screenshot = ScreenshotsData::get_pilots_newscreenshot($pilot_id); $this->set('screenshot', $screenshot); $this->set('date', date('m/d/Y', $screenshot->date)); $this->show('Screenshots/screenshots_pilot.tpl'); } to screenshots.php And add -> public function get_pilots_newscreenshot($pilot_id) { $query = "SELECT id, file_name, file_description, pilot_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_uploaded) AS date FROM screenshots WHERE pilot_id='$pilot_id' AND file_approved='1' ORDER BY date_uploaded DESC LIMIT 1;"; return DB::get_row($query); } to ScreenshotsData.class.php You will also need to add the screenshots_pilot.tpl file from the original version back to the template structure.
  14. If you are looking for individual aircraft stats you can use -> StatsData::AircraftUsage() which will return an array of all the aircraft and their usage totals for routes flown, distance, average distance, average flight time, and all the aircraft info, ie - registration, type, name, etc... You can build a table around that data and include the information you want to display. You can also use -> StatsData::TopRoutes('airline_code') to return the top routes for an individual airline.
  15. Attached is a stripped down version of what I have running at virtualACA (no individual pilot screenshot center or functions and no contest functions). It has pagination built in and also sends an airmail for both approvals and rejections of new screenshots. You MUST have AIRMail installed and running without modification to the core files for the airmail functions to work within the screenshot center module. Templates are generic and must be skined/adjusted to your va. You can adjust the pagination, look around the module file for the parameters. Installation is the same as the original in the start of the thread. EDIT: Removed download - corrupted. Newest version with pagination later in the thread.
  16. lol - Rock On!
  17. Yep - Load the files up to your server in he same location they are in within the download.
  18. There are a couple of threads on inplementing the phpvms classes outside of the core install, but your "cannot send headers" error is usually an issue of having white space, sometimes not noticeable, right before or right after a opening or closing php tag. This thread may help some -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3394-external-pilot-centre/page__p__23466__hl__%22include%22__fromsearch__1#entry23466 From php.net IMO, it is much easier to include outside scripts and classes within phpvms then the other way around if phpvms is your base application. The vatsim generator script has been implemented within phpvms in the past with success, although I have found that there has to be a few modifications to it if your server is running php 5.3.x, unless the script has been updated recently.
  19. Looks like you put the css in your tpl file, it needs to be in your style sheet, then it won't print out as text.
  20. You say nothing else works on the server either... I would get a ticket going with you host.
  21. Post number 30 in this thread has the fix for your issue.
  22. What kind of host are you on? free, shared, vps, dedicated, etc... The cURL extension is not enabled on your server among other things I imagine. Try uploading a php info file and see what extensions are enabled. I have seen incorrect fastcgi settings in the past cause this same issue. Do any other apps work on the server? ie - a forum board I would contact your host.
  23. The app.config.php file in in root/core/ folder
  24. You can create a loop using only two airfields - kjfk - klax - kjfk
  25. You are looking for the local.config.php file which should be in - root/core/
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