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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Revision 872: schedule import fix, route fixes3 February 2010, 2:56 pmschedule import fix, route fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  2. schedule import fix, route fixes View more details
  3. So re-add them in the airports dialog box in the admin panel
  4. Well, you have to add the airports, or else it won't show the proper coordinates for those airports. Do you have the airport's coordinates entered in decimal format?
  5. You can mod it, I won't get the chance for a few days, things are a bit hectic here at work, and after staring at code all day, it's nice to get a break from it when I go home. I probably won't get to anything until the weekend
  6. Aha, that would do it. I took a look last night and everything seemed ok. Yeah, that would make a difference for the cookies/sessions applying
  7. It seems like maybe in app.config.php or local.config.php, before the begining <?php tag you might have a space or something there, since I see this error: <b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /global/booking2_1/core/app.config.php:1) in <b>/global/booking2_1/core/modules/XML/XML.php</b> on line <b>67</b><br /> On line 1 of app.config.php
  8. I would just add the airport as a new one. It won't have military airports in the airport database on the API server, you'd have to manually add in the lat/lng in the dialog box
  9. Can you link to your site? Your host might be appending something to the php pages which is messing it up
  10. Then take your the data4 in your paths above if it's in public_html/lib/fsfk. Can you link to a pirep with missing images?
  11. Hey, You'll have to modify that code to suit your airline's ranks and aircraft. That was just an example of how to go about doing that
  12. That's odd. That points to a corrupted file - can you attach it? Also run /install/checkinstall.php and see what that comes up with
  13. Follow this guide for those dynamic routes: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1270.0
  14. That's generated at PIREP time though you could mod the page to show a load. As for having it loaded into FS itself, a program would have to be written to do that, I don't really have the time. But it could be added into the pilot's brief page
  15. I fixed a few things, but there were some underlying code changes - If you can check it when beta 872 is up, that'd be helpful. I don't see any problems with your import file. Sorry about that!
  16. You never posted the output of what happens when you goto that page. Does any debug text show up? If not then it's not reaching that code, and you have to see why
  17. Well, the system uses the actual aircraft that are used, not the ones that are scheduled. That's how the reports are tabulated right now. So they can use any aircraft, the one listen on the schedule is just that - for scheduling. If I indicate it's used on every route, then the stats would be very off
  18. Well, do realize that the aircraft listed on a route is only as reference? They can file a PIREP using any aircraft, or you can put in the notes for that schedule that any aircraft can be used. The easiest way to add/edit routes is the import file
  19. Sorry, I didn't see that. Let me take a look. I always do an export from Google Docs, a couple of times I've used Excel I had trouble, but I will take a look at this
  20. Few fixes in this, see the links above. Also, added "reset schedules/pireps" route details reset in maintenance, since route data is cached, though depending, I might not use any caching at all depending, I'll see how that goes
  21. Revision 871: fixed #184 fixed #185 fixed #187 fixed #188 refs #1821 February 2010, 7:13 pmfixed #184 fixed #185 fixed #187 fixed #188 refs #182Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
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