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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yes, but the new Google Maps version is more sensitive to improper syntax.
  2. Line 375 - http://pastebin.com/m4c5df48e Your page doesn't actually end. You need a </body> and </html>. Alot of Javascript depends on semantically correct HTML. And line 355? Random - html close tag there.
  3. Ok, that's a start at least, eliminating that problem. I'm looking into it
  4. Nevermind. Your source is completely messed up. All your javascript should go under that call in header.tpl. I paste-binned your site source: http://pastebin.com/m6e617560 Lines 1 to 71 are in the wrong place. They should go after where line 140 is now. And then, lines 75 to 115 should also go under lines 140. (basically, all that stuff after the Template::Show('core_htmlhead.tpl') call in header.tpl. Also delete lines 105 to 108. They're unnecessary and ruining the rest of your page, since they're calling an older version of jquery and the javascript includes. Not to mention, the paths are incorrect
  5. Do you see flights on the map? Look before in the thread there was one line to remove
  6. I think this route: GRA UT101 MDP UA310 CRR UM540 POR UA314 FLN UW21 ANISE Is out of date. What AIRAC cycle version was it made with?
  7. If you can install it on a dev site, and then open the firefox error console and report the errors to me which you're getting when you click the accept, that'd be a huge help
  8. Joeri had that problem too, until he cleared his cache and refreshed. There were changes to the Javascript, but the files were cached so it did not clear up until he did that.
  9. Crap, that was a debugging thing I did - I'll have that fixed in the next commit. I removed the time restriction so I can see all the flights, since I wasn't flying at the time. I think nav points problem might have to do with the way I'm calculating distance, so I'm working on that. http://dev.phpvms.net/routetest.php?depicao=SAWH&arricao=SBGR&route=GRA+UT101+MDP+UA310+CRR+UM540+POR+UA314+FLN+UW21+ANISE&submit=View+Route But in the case of JUICE, the coordinate which is further is actually the correct one, so I'm trying to find out what the proper way of calculating is.
  10. Ok, drop the airways and navdb table, and try reinstalling. 869 will be coming soon, but for now, lib/js/acarsmap.js Around line 76 is this: console.log(data[i]); Just remove that line, and acars map should work again
  11. I found the error with the acars map, my mistake, i left debugging text in the acarsmap.js file. I'll have a commit soon. I'll double-check and reexport that airways table too, making sure the name are correct. Gimme about 40 minutes
  12. That one's crazy. Can you send me the route for that one? What columns are in the airways table?
  13. The log looks ok, is that before 868? Can you run /install/checkdb.php?
  14. 868 is up now, so drop the airways table again, then update to 868 and then try. Empty the logs too before updating so we can see fresh what's happening
  15. Revision 868: fixed graphs/route map, fixed airways table (drop airways table first)27 January 2010, 10:44 amfixed graphs/route map, fixed airways table (drop airways table first)Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  16. Is it showing in the acarsdata table? Try control f5 there as well since the javascript changed, it might be cached. Also check the firefox error console if anything shows up there
  17. Ah crap. It should be "name", not "airway". Forgot to change it in update.sql/install.sql. Navdb I don't import by default, for the reason of some hosts might not be able to import it. But the file is left there if you want to import it yourself.
  18. If you can give me the airport pairs you're using, I'll see what I come up with
  19. Some tables use MyISAM, some use InnoDB. I guess you could convert the InnoDB ones by hand to myisam (in install.sql and then run the installer), but you would lose foreign keys. I've coded phpvms torely on those keys, and while you mi ght be ok in most cases, it could break in others. I can't support it in that case. So you're free to modify it yourself (the install.sql file)
  20. Maybe your host didn't like the airways table being updated manually, can you import the install/airways.sql file manually?
  21. Route map not working? Can you link me? The airways table being empty might be a cause. The navdb table can be empty, that's populated as navpoints are used. It seems this one is working: http://dev.flypatriotva.com/index.php/schedules/details/1 Schedules/pireps use the same route_map. But if you can link me to an example - I don't think I back-populated pireps, though That's odd the expenses aren't working. I will check that out too.
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