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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You should be following the instructions here http://docs.phpvms.net/skinning#skin_elements
  2. Are you sure it's not repeat routes it's not showing? How many does it show, and what's your total?
  3. You have to sort out your source code. You have now a random head and meta tags within the body. They're screwing the javascript up
  4. I can help you out with the admin panel piece sometime
  5. Revision 797: Fixed #48 PIREPs not submitting20 November 2009, 5:24 pmFixed #48 PIREPs not submittingSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  6. You have code outside the <html> tags. ALso <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/jsjquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/js/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/jsjquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.min.js"></script> Should be right under the <head> tag. And looks like the back to lib/js/jquery is wrong. And you don't need to include jquery-1.3.2 since it's already included in jquery.js
  7. You still have code outside of your <html> tags
  8. Yes, open a separate bug for that in the tracker. Repeat routes aren't shown (to same airports/in reverse), only completely unique ones. As for the other error, doesn't seem FSPAX is hitting the URL. There's no other error it throws? I will try testing it tomorrow... have to install it.
  9. Sorry!! It is fixed now. The build should have failed when that PIREP file test didn't pass. Found a bug in my build system =
  10. Fixed, I didn't notice the test for it failed. The build is up right now, the log is a little slow. Sorry guys!
  11. Try this, a: <div style="clear: both;"></div> Right before that footer div
  12. Nothing in the log? Hmm... Are just you having the problem? Can you try posting against the dev site?
  13. I did not include the front-page code, just the admin panel.
  14. How would it know what data to populate with, aside from reversing the airports?
  15. It will just pull the flight level when a flight is requested
  16. Can you turn DEBUG_MODE on, also ACARS_DEBUG, post whatevers in the logs (clear those out first)
  17. You'd have to talk to your host about it, seems like PHP isn't associated properly with a mime type. But I'm not sure. Do you have any more information?
  18. Revision 796: fixed #39 landing stats, fixed #46, fixed #43, fixed #45, refs #8 20 November 2009, 10:32 am fixed #39 landing stats, fixed #46, fixed #43, fixed #45, refs #8 See if the FSACARS landing rate also works, it will pick up from fresh PIREP'd flights. PIREPs not deleting Aircraft usage charts Registration email Also a few finances fixes (mainly with loads) Source: Revisions of / Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  19. I found a few errors with calculating the load properly and the price off of that. Not sure of the impact, but it should be OK now. The pilot pay I think should be fixed now as well
  20. I'm sure there can be an option to make them free or cost $0.00
  21. Fixed a few financials things in this next build, hopefully there will be no problems
  22. Try a clear:both? And yes, IE blows haha
  23. Haha, small changes are ok, it's a pain to keep track, I know
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