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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. stupid gitignore file is insane View the full article
  2. add missing listener files View the full article
  3. project files View the full article
  4. don't run autoload dump View the full article
  5. fix on install for module View the full article
  6. fix composer stub View the full article
  7. sample event listener and scaffolding for a module view the full commit
  8. project files view the full commit
  9. move stub files view the full commit
  10. cleanup aircraft controller view the full commit
  11. remove invalid unsigned call from string column def view the full commit
  12. mysql in travis view the full commit
  13. run mysql seed in travis view the full commit
  14. fix symfony package versions view the full commit
  15. fix symfony package versions view the full commit
  16. fix symfony/event-dispatcher version view the full commit
  17. To be honest, I'm not sure. However, you can install phpcs (PHP code sniffer) and then the compat checker, and run it in the directory of that phpvms copy. Install commands: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/blob/php70/Makefile#L6 Command to run it: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/blob/php70/Makefile#L16
  18. I don't know version numbers but if it's the one that I updated (the v7 branch in the phpvms_v2 repo), then yes. 5.5.2 makes me think it's the simpilot version, I'm not sure about that
  19. It's time to say bye to PHP 5. cPanel is deprecating easyApache 3 this Jan, which include 5.3 and I believe 5.4. There are huge advantages to PHP 7+. If your host is running easyApache 4, you should be able to run/switch between 5.6/7+
  20. So you want two separate flights to be able to use the same flight number... but is there a leg designation, like Flight 331 Leg A, Flight 331 Leg B? And when you save/favorite the flight, does it book both legs? Or they both need to be done separately? The reason I ask is because if they both need to be booked together, that is fine, but just will require an additional lookup. I don't know how ACARS will handle it, though. But they should be able to just pass an additional leg option.
  21. Yep, it's on the list https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/master/app/Http/Controllers/Frontend/FlightController.php#L31 There's some built-in pagination stuff with Eloquent, it's just a matter of hooking it in. I'm trying to remember how exactly I had it all wired up. There search is done via AJAX, I have to see how that also plugs in. Might be something for the alpha, but what's nice is usually if I can find sample code, it's like 90% there. I'm probably going to elect not doing it through AJAX, it seems maybe to fragile for theming and stuff, based on how it was in the last version
  22. Thanks, it's a bit roundabout, that will be something to explore for sure
  23. A good landing is one you walk away from. I just moved this to the right forum
  24. The goal is going to be not requiring SSH. I'm going to have a packaged version that includes the /vendor directory already populated, so that should eliminate the need for running the composer install. In terms of needing to point to the phpvms/public directory... I've found that placing phpvms in the same directory as public_html, and then creating a subdomain (e.g, a www subdomain) and pointing it to the phpvms/public directory works. Then you can create a CNAME for the base domain to point to www. I think that should cover the install on a shared host. I'll be asking people to test this out in the alpha version. It is annoying, yes, but all modern frameworks are working this way now. The biggest advantage is security... especially with addons. With the code not being exposed, the chances for any attack are minimal. Luckily there haven't been any (except for a while ago due to a 3rd party library), but there are some that would definitely be vulnerable. If you have SSH access, you can create a symlink from public_html to phpvms/public, and then you don't need to worry about any CNAME stuff. One think I need to investigate is if you're able to do this from cPanel.
  25. Yep, the .tpl version update is mainly for the people who are running that copy.
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