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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Not seemingly, def does I'll be looking into SSL stuff. I haven't transferred anything over, yet. Still figuring out what to do with the forum. I'm actually thinking of closing/archiving this one, and starting fresh with Flarum.
  2. For shared hosting, I was thinking that, or better, would be a symlink to the public directory. In cpanel, at least, public_html is already a symlink, so modifying that should be trivial.
  3. I've not had good experiences with it, and was plagued with security issues. There is a version for PHP5.6+, the 2.0 version, that needs some testing for the upgrade path
  4. Long time no see! Just been super busy, finding little pockets of time here and there to play with Laravel and it's fun. Hope you're doing well!
  5. I'm in the process of taking it back over, with keeping the forum running. I'm trying to figure out what exactly to do about the forum, moving to either Discourse or Flarum. As for the next phpVMS version, no timeline, really. I'm working on it slowly, though the admin area is maybe 80% complete or so. Biggest area is the front-end and though that won't be as much work as the admin panel. If you want to help and are handy with Laravel, there are plenty of tasks to accomplish
  6. There are a few options for shared hosting, none of them ideal, but I'm kinda debating on whether to fully support that or not. I'll be testing a few work-arounds. Mainly the symlink from whatever the public_html folder is to the laravel public folder. Later cpanel versions support composer as well. I'm leaving to figure that out sometime later
  7. I'm aiming for 7.x, since 5.x is deprecated. And yeah, there eventually will be a converter. I like it. I've been doing mostly Python and Go for the last few years, so coming back to PHP has been a bit trippy
  8. Is there a release date? No. What features? We'll see. Building it on Laravel. What's up with v3? I'm not sure. What's up with v2? Super old codebase. I just finished upgrading it to be compatible with PHP 5.6. A lot of saying "wtf what I thinking". As a few of you might know, I'm working as a software engineer on flight ops software at GE Aviation, so I've got some ideas for making the entire thing a lot more realistic. I'm thinking this will be a neat way to get this project re-kicked. @servetas is kindly assisting!
  9. Maybe, I haven't tested it. I'm trying to do minimal changes (except in a few places) so the diffs are easy to follow
  10. This looks like some files are missing? I'm not sure... what OS is your NAS? The only testing I've done is clean installs. This thread was more for help with that testing and stuff. Trying to make it backwards compatible with PHP 5.3 as well
  11. Awesome. Do you have a PHP 5.3 server? Can you test on that?
  12. I'll look at the first error, but the 2nd one, you need to the curl extension to be enabled (same as GD)
  13. The extension: http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php
  14. Sorry, I edited my message. Is GD installed/enabled?
  15. Do you have GD installed and enabled?
  16. Hi guys... PHP 5.x series has been deprecated as we all know, and with cPanel now dropping support as of Jan 2018, that is going to put a lot into a bind. So I've been working on bringing up that compatibility level. First step is making sure that everything is backwards compatible, so it would be great if people can test and report back issues. I recommend creating a duplicate of your site, and applying updates. I'm trying to make as few changes as possible for now to make diffs easier. The branch is here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/tree/php70 It'll be easier to just keep updates and notes to this thread here. Thanks!
  17. But when accepting or denying? I'm looking at massive cpu/memory usage during the accept in the admin
  18. Nothing in your spam folder? Can you PM me your email address, please?
  19. Changed Files: Merge pull request #126 from PierreLvx/master FirePHP update View complete changes Download from here
  20. Changed Files: Merge pull request #125 from SilentT-FR/patch-1 Create fr.lang.php View complete changes Download from here
  21. Changed Files: Merge pull request #128 from sergioag/master Fix 2 more strict warnings View complete changes Download from here
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