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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Try the latest beta (updated now)
  2. Rev 689 - FuelData API XML parse bugfix23 April 2009, 12:00 pmRev 689 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)FuelData API XML parse bugfix~ /trunk/core/common/FuelData.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  3. Please try the latest beta, just updated it today
  4. Did you modify the registration for any of the a/c?
  5. Yep it's important to read the changelog, I note the templates which are changed there
  6. Rev 688 - Manual PIREP was blocked whether or not bid existed22 April 2009, 6:58 amRev 688 - nabeel (6 file(s) modified)Manual PIREP was blocked whether or not bid existed~ /trunk/admin/templates/reports_main.tpl~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/common/CentralData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/SchedulesData.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  7. For this you can "bump" a ticket price to include cargo into that cost. I may expand it to include both pax/cargo on one flight but it's a low priority.
  8. Is it named correctly? the default is background.png
  9. First question is - does it work with the default template?
  10. Fixed in latest beta, thanks
  11. Can you try the latest beta?
  12. You'll have to query the API for it, I don't remember which function off the top of my head though
  13. Also the pilot has to select what their background image will be, if you have multiple images
  14. Are you still getting this error? What's the airport? Also, try the latest beta, this error is fixed in that I'm sure
  15. Yep you can just link to it directly, I don't check if they're logged in or not
  16. I don't have a function which will do that, but will go in reverse? phpvms.net/docs/api There's a video tutorial on how to use the API
  17. Compare to your code and see what I fixed <?php class FrontBids extends CodonModule { public function Controller() { $lastbids = SchedulesData::GetLatestBids(); foreach($lastbids as $lastbid) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($lastbid); echo '</pre>'; } } } ?> [/code
  18. Try reinstalling completely (delete the folder too) Otherwise it's out of the scope for our support, you can try the SATA Virtual forum
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