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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Make sure all your files are updated properly, seems like a file didn't upload
  2. Hey there, Just set the files to 0777 permissions: /lib/js/jquery-front.js /lib/js/jquery-admin.js And you should be all set!
  3. Nabeel


    Did you try the release one? Download a fresh fsacars config file. How many bids do you have? Make sure the files are uploaded completely
  4. What are you unclear on? Walk through the tutorial, download the example skin and check it out. Gotta put in some effort, it's not gonna magically happen. No one is going to do it for free either.
  5. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    In Explorer, goto the Folder and Layout options, and in the View tab, uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"
  6. Nabeel


    I just released the latest version which is 1.2.628 I think They're all in the http://downloads.phpvms.net area.
  7. There's a new tut up, may help
  8. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    Yep, watch the skinning tutorial by Roger, also: www.phpvms.net/docs/skinning
  9. This is a good idea. I'll look into this. Yeah, there's some ideas of doing the tests to get to ranks and stuff. Will have to plan it though
  10. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    Just open them. I don't use VWD, but you can probably make a project or something. I'm not sure what editor Roger uses.
  11. Nabeel


    Please try the latest beta, replacing: core/modules/acars/fsacars.php core/common/schedulesdata.class.php
  12. Yup, that black one means they haven't selected a background image. I'll have a patch for that this weekend, along with a few other issues
  13. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    See if you're eligible for Dreamspark: https://www.dreamspark.com/default.aspx This is free: http://www.microsoft.com/express/vwd/ Expression Web 2 and the above are essentially the same
  14. Nabeel

    contact us

    No problem! If you look in the core/modules folder, the folder names are what you can put after the index.php
  15. It will remain free, though to participate there might be a small one-time fee, I haven't decided yet, and it depends really on the development process. I think donations are probably still the best way to go, but we'll see what server costs, etc amount to. The software will remain free though. It will remain web-based, basically there will be communication between the individual installs and the master server, it'll be transparent. Just the VA owner will have to register, and turn this functionality on with an API key which will be assigned to them on registration.
  16. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    I dunno, I do everything by hand. Microsoft's Expression Web Designer is free, you can download that
  17. Recently, the latest version of phpVMS was released. With this new version, there have been over 120 installs, bringing the total install base to over 250 VAs. While not all are active, most have deployment plans for the next 4-6 months. This all brings the future plans of phpVMS to a head. Now that there are financials, this beings the next stage - a virtual airline economy. Designs are underway, to link every phpVMS install to a central stage - bringing everyone's profits, finances, passengers, loads, all into account, to a central area for ranks and more, to build a virtual airline industry. This is has all begun in the planning stage, and details are being worked out, but, I envision everyone's ACARS flights will show on a map; pending departures and arrivals will be shown, depending on everyone's schedule's, etc, VA registrations, rankings, eventually leading to virtual stocks and market worth. phpVMS has been designed MVC from the ground up, allowing easy export of data, and easy collection of this massive amount of data. For those not using phpVMS, but some other system, don't worry. Everything is XML-SOAP format, so you can still participate in this economy, via an API which can link into your own custom VA system. Thanks for using and checking out phpVMS, which now truly is, the best virtual airline solution available!
  18. Nabeel


    Reinstall FSACARS first off, Then enabled logging, with a new log.txt per flight, and just attach 'em and I'll see if I can spot anything
  19. All your settings will be in core/local.config.php, or in app.config.php. If it's in app.config and not in local.config, copy it to local.config, since that file takes precedence and isn't overwritten in updates, whereas app.config is
  20. You should be able to, make sure hte SITE_URL is set to local host, and download the config file, it'll set that. That's how I test as well, on localhost. Make sure the google API key is correct for your localhost address
  21. Good to hear! The from line - in your settings, set an admin email, and that'll take care of that. Thanks!
  22. Hey, welcome aboard! When you say 'not working', what do you mean? There's one bug I know of which will be patched, but the way around it is for a pilot to select a background image. The rank image isn't as important, but also a good place to work. Also make sure there are backgrounds in the /signatures/background directory, the default one to use is called 'background.png'. The bug is that if they haven't selected a background image, it's supposed to default to that background image, but it doesn't.
  23. Same result with the beta version (downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip)? I use a different mailer method with that, so hmm, then that points to the mail client. What if you use a webmail email address? Does it show the same thing?
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