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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. If you can post that raw log then I can confirm that it's FSACARS, but that log that's posted on the PIREP page is just the raw log passed through from FSACARS anyway.
  2. Thanks, I see this: 05:45 Flight Duration: 00:00 05:45 Block to Block Duration: 00:00 Means FSACARS isn't reporting the time correctly, so it's not a phpVMS bug. Check that you have the latest version of FSUIPC, reinstall it and FSACARS. The only thing I could find on their forums was, but no solution, and seems a bit "out there" http://www.satavirtual.org/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=555&p=2123 The data conversion error most likely has something to do with it. Update your .NET framework (not sure if it uses .NET, but worth a shot), there's gotta be some common denominator. It's most likely written in Visual Basic, maybe updating the VB6 Runtime Library. What OS are you guys using? Try posting something on their forums too, maybe you'll get lucky
  3. I'm sure he's not gonna appreciate you copying him, and no one's gonna copy it for you, that's been a few months of hard work, it's not right or fair to belittle it with a copy job. I suggest going to oswd, finding a template you like, following the tutorials customize it
  4. Thanks, I just did a test flight and it went ok. Trying to debug but coming up short =
  5. You can, using XML feed into Flex, to generate the flash. But overly complicated for this, and not something everyone would use. You can interface to Yahoo Maps or some other flash-based API service though.
  6. For now they have to be in the schedule. Not a priority I don't have any data to base percentage on. FSACARS doesn't supply it. I could fudge it, it's a possibility Too complex. And there's no stoppage - you can conceivably have n number of classes for y number of aircraft, or x number of flights. I said average to indicate that across all classes, tickets will be an average across all classes. It's not a priority to drill down to that level of detail when across most VAs, it's not a requirement. Many VAs use FSPax to dictate seats and classes. You can also indicate these stats (since that's all they really are), on a page. In the end, the system will derive an average (as it does for many values). This doesn't diminish the perceieved realism (maybe just to you, but this isn't build just for you). Everyone I have asked has no problem with this (haven't heard otherwise from anyone else either) There's an EXE in that zip. I'm not going to open it. Don't post EXE files. Anyway, the tools are there to create a route map that's as sophisticated as you want. You can do it through the API rather easy (watch the tuts). I've seen someone create a route map, using flash, completely using the API, pulling the routes and airport data (I don't remember who did it now) Use existing forums Bid criterea are possible, but again, the complexity in creating a rules system, I don't have the time for that. Notes are also there for a reason, you can note MTHF flights, and instruct to bid only based on certain criterea. You have the ability to accept/reject pireps for those not following rules. Again, this doesn't diminish any perceieved realism, just tests the ability of your members to follow rules. Central control for fuel prices is coming, as well as the load factor. BTW, there are expenses, which you can add (monthly and per-flight, per flight can be all your landing and handling fees), and all other expenses can be drilled down (or up) to a monthly cost. If you read the docs, you can very realistically simulate real world expenses. Taxes are planned, along with equipment purchase costs, and depreciation of value on assets. This can still be done monthly. Features that MOST VAs won't use, I don't have the time to add. I'll check a few of those things out though. Thanks!
  7. I'm looking on the FSACARS forum, can't find anything there either. So it does pull a flight from VA? But the time is nulled. In the FSACARS log, what's the time it shows, and what's the time shown when you look at a PIREP?
  8. The default value is zero, I fixed a few bugs with that, but if you're not using it then that's obv not it..
  9. Are you guys using the PILOTID_OFFSET setting in the local.config.php?
  10. I like the awards and extra stats ideas. I've added them to the issue tracker
  11. I can't find anything on this error on their site even.. hmm Did you totally delete fsacars and your config file and go from scratch?
  12. Try the latest beta that's up, I haven't had time to narrow this down. Busy week at work, few deadlines
  13. Yeah, all that has to be worked out... lol
  14. Just upload it to somewhere on your server, and create a page, and just suck it into the page using the editor
  15. Hey, welcome to the site. Yep, as Jake said, use the Admin panel to do all those settings
  16. Hey, I'm trying to narrow this problem down
  17. What version? I wouldn't worry about it, do you have any PIREPs?
  18. Move all your files, and just change the SITE)URL and whatever database settings in the core/local.config.php. That's all you should need to do. Make sure paths in you skins are correct as well
  19. Nabeel

    Live Map

    Yeah, the Google Maps Key needs to be for the site you're testing on, if you registered for "localhost" but you test by going to your IP address, it's gonna complain
  20. Nabeel

    Skinning help

    You'll have to check the stylesheet (that .css file). There tutorials on how to use and manipulate CSS files, sitepoint.com is a good place
  21. Yes, in whatever template, just link to index.php/contact You have to add the parameter &redir= and the URL to where it should go, that'll change in your template
  22. Nabeel


    Ok, let me know when you're back, I'll send you a debug file
  23. Nabeel


    Install the entire thing, not just those two files, run the update.php Then redownload the fsacars config file Enter your full pilot number (code + number). Then click flight from VA
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